From a Veteran Diablo 2 player, played 16 years

Nope. My quote show otherwise.

There is another example. Grammatically things is plural and like means an example and not an exhaustive list.

Lena told us that the door is open for things like balance changes to help keep the game vibrant for a modern community – if, indeed, players indicate that they actually want that to happen.

Door is open dosent mean they allow anything trough. You just live in a dreamworld.

Is this an old video or? Could you link me? Just interested to see what they’ve said about it so far.

Maybe. Maybe not. We will see.

There is no maybe. There is currently only “staying so close to the original as possible”. Everything else is unicorns in fairy tales.

What do you want in particular? Links to old videos/twitter quotes are here:

Comment in Favor of Instancing loot and Removing Stamina Bar - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

The D2R quote on loot is here

I talked with the creator of Diablo 2! - David Brevik AMA - YouTube

It starts @ 1:33:00 or so (about in the youtube video ~80% of the way through)

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I love how you try to tell people how personal loot doesnt affect the mecanics of a game based on getting loot…

You’re basically saying… loot isnt a game mecanic

The ironic thing if you watch the linked video listed here

Comment in Favor of Instancing loot and Removing Stamina Bar - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

David Brevik says instanced loot would not fundamentally alter D2.

Do you know who David Brevik is? I assume you do given your passion for D2.

I just do not know how to respond.

Considering your argument is D2 is a masterpiece, I think that the opinion of President of Blizzard North and the D2 & D2:LoD game director/creator might carry some weight, especially since you consider the game perfect.

I rly love some films and what i truly think that these films are masterpices. And yet cant say a name who made those films. Your logic is nonexsistent.

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A screen dimension of 4:3 is also a mechanic of the game because of how aggroing monsters work. Changing to support 32:9, 21:9 and 16:9 also changes game mechanics.

However replacing FFA loot with instanced loot would not fundamentally change the game. This has limited relevance to my argument since I am not saying to replace so even if you thought it did, it does not matter since I want it as an option.

I am arguing for both FFA or instanced loot as game options. In this case, if you want FFA loot, you pick that and there is no change whatsoever to your game (unless you you play on a modern monitor). Players who choose otherwise can have their option.

It is not a black and white world.

Let me ask a simply question:

Does supporting non 4:3 screen dimension change a game mechanics (specifically how monster are aggroed)?

This is a game about fighting monsters where a game mechanic has been changed where monster now behave differently on modern monitors.

The purpose of the game is to kill monsters to get loot. You need to do the former to get the latter.

Nein nein nein… the issues with ultrawide targetting have already been well-documented and reported. The number of people who would choose 4:3 instead of 16:9 would be gastronomically (=P) less than those who would choose one loot mechanic over the other. Loot system and screen ratio are simply incomparable.

It does not change the fact that you still kill the same monsters with the same characters in the same areas using the same skills and items that you always have. Nothing has changed in that regard.

Also, for single player, nothing at all changes whether loot is personal or FFA. Some posters have even gone so far as saying if you want personal loot play in single player games. Using that logic, personal loot is already in D2.

Also, in a conversation, you can not keep asking questions and not answer mine.

Now, my question:

Killing monsters isnt the purpose of the game. Getting loot trough monster killing is the purpose. And with ploot how we get these items is chaning. Currently we get loot on a way that who can click faster after monster kill. You want just free items.

This only applies to multiplayer games and then only if another player is close by. Also, FFA games can be scavenged so again this is not core even in multiplayer games. You do not need to kill anything or even be in close proximity to a monster kill to get loot in a FFA multiplayer game in contrast to instanced loot…

In single player games, this does not apply at all so it is not a core game mechanic.

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In multiplayer games, players can clear different regions.

Since I primarily played D2 solo to avoid multiplayer toxicity and did not trade, I can fairly say I play the hard mode. In contrast, multiplayer D3 even at launch with low drop rates were far more enjoyable since you did not have to deal with as much toxicity/cheating from other players.

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And? Who cares if im doing baal run and somebody is doing something else?

Should i be surprised?

Yes yes. Together with hero editor.

It was enjoyable cus you could freely leech in any game. Maybe ask blizz to make 1.0 d3 remaster.

I have never cheated in any diablo game. Try again.

Maybe for you. For me, I played D3 (split my time more equally single/multiplayer) and did not leech. Since I have kids of my own, the advantage of single player games is no one else is reliant on you and you can pause as needed to help the kids with their homework.

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