Forum Feature Changes: Ignore and Trust Level Groups

Well, well, well…

I was supplying some advice on the EU Demon Hunter forum this morning and when attempting to make a post which included links to d3planner it informed me that I wasn’t allowed to post links…

Checked my EU forum summary…
…and, sure enough, my Trust Level is now member, i.e. Trust Level 2.

I think my most recent EU post that included links / embedded pictures was this one six days ago…

I have never had a post flagged on the EU forums, I have visited the EU forums on every day since they went live, I have read 100% of the topics there have ever been on the EU forums, I have read 100% of the posts there have ever been on the EU forums, I have given more than the required likes, I have received more than the required likes, and I’ve created plenty of threads, and my posts account for roughly 10% of the EU forum activity.

So, tell me, how did I lose TL3 on EU? I’ve never had a forum action on my account on EU, had no system notifications on EU and have 100% activity.

I wrote you in the thread months ago that your case is 100% bug/penalty. With this info now we can exclude the bug. This pretty much seems like a manual action against you from some moderator.

When I had a post flagged on the US forums, I received a System Notification message on the forums to go with it but no subsequent action was taken, so I assumed the flags had not been upheld. I’ve never had a system notification on the EU forums so I can only presume I’ve never been flagged there.

Oh, well.

that is only true for the ones that accept outside programming tricks;

i posted a request for an ingame ignore function years ago;
-i was downvoted to hell in my 500-post thread, and sanctioned for bashing the 200+ off-topic haters;

now, ignoring ingame is promoted and seen as a big improvement…;
-people, me included, still want a perma ingame ignore function, not just 4 months.
-so, that ‘adblocker solution’ from a very smart poster won’t do.

It seems not. I submitted a ticket and an EU GM responded that the issue was with the number of likes given and suggested that I issue more likes. This is odd, as our stickied guide to the forums says this…

That indicates that as long as you’ve given 30 likes (ever, i.e. it’s a boolean true / false thing) that criteria should be satisfied. However, the GM’s response indicates that perhaps the likes given / received may be on the same 100 day rolling nature as reading topics / posts are on.

So, to test this, I went ahead and threw some likes at my fellow Technical Support posters over on EU and I’m now back up to Regular (Trust Level 3) there. I’ve updated my ticket asking if the GM’s willing to clarify what the actual likes given / received criteria are, i.e. whether it’s in a 100 rolling days and how many are required in such a time period, so that the guide can be updated. Still awaiting reply on that but if they answer, I’ll update the guide thread.

If this is the case, I wish it was A, clearly stated, and B, something we could check (from our own forum profiles, perhaps?)

If the ability to create clickable links (even if only to a broader range of Blizzard approved sites, like their own armoury for example!) I know there would be no need for me, at least, to be jumping through these ridiculous hoops to maintain TL3. I just want to be able to keep my stupid WD compendium updated, not feel obligated to like posts or make posts of my own, whether or not I’ve got anything of value to say :woman_shrugging:

We know this is the case with the likes since December last year - check last posts in thread you quoted.

The question about your US forum status however remains - what’s the problem there?

No, it doesn’t. The original loss, I have no idea. Subsequently (a couple of months later) apparently I made a pun that upset people so it’s moot. I won’t be regaining it on US.

Yeah, that’s why I’m hoping I’ll actually get clarification in the ticket I still have open on EU, so that I can ask the owner of the stickied thread to update the relevant criteria. Of course, this just means it’s even harder for people to actually ascertain which, if any, of the criteria they’re failing to meet. Whilst our forum summary shows how many likes we’ve given / received in total, there’s absolutely no way to determine how many of those were in the last 100 days.

It’d be nice to get clarification on the topics / threads read too. Not only is the figure for these in the stickied guide wrong, they’re also completely different for EU compared to US. The sticky says 500 topics / 20,000 posts in a rolling 100 days. Since the new forums went live 271 days ago, in total there have only been 1400 topics and 8400 posts on the EU forums, i.e. if the figures in the sticky were actually correct, it would be impossible for any non-manually-added people to obtain / maintain TL3.

Why? How do you know it’s because of the pun? You can’t lose your TL3 because of 1 warning. They need to be 5 for different posts.

How many flags does it take to get a system notification on a post? If it is more than 5, then you cam imagine meeting the 5 flags on a post and not knowing it.


You receive a notification, so you can’t miss these.

And there is auto notification when a lot of plebs flag you (20+ maybe), but this doesn’t mean it counts as a warning. It only counts as such when a moderator approves it. I am for sure one of the most flagged posters and I only have 1 warning until now.

He is mostly Tech Support MVP for Overwatch and rarely here. Poke me when you get an answer you want incorporated into the thread. I can pester WyomingMist on Discord.


You’d think people would have better things to care about these days.

I guess not…

Will do but as I haven’t had a response today, I presume I’m unlikely to get anything until at least Monday.

How do people interpret this? I have my read on it but think that it seems that it could be ambiguous. Is it 5 separate posts or could it be 1 post?

The word unique means separate in this case. It means one person can’t report 5 of your posts and get you in trouble. It has to be unique (different) people reporting. It has to be 5 separate posts - not one post that gets heavily reported. It also has to be confirmed by the mods - not just the automated system that hides/greys out posts due to report volume.

Tell the dude to update his OP with 30 rolling likes over 100 days.

that should read:
-‘when a mod judges the flagged post’,
-not ‘when a mod follows the weaponised flagging count’…

the community can be corrupt;
-let’s hope the mods cannot.

And I am very glad about that… was feeling kinda lonely to tell you frankly :slight_smile:
Welcome back Meteorblade !!

Good luck with that… For all I know, the criteria for EU English are different than those for EU French, and most definitely different than those for US English. (just for the heck of it, compare The Ultimate Forum Guide (Codes, Trust Levels, FAQ) - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums to Guide du nouveau forum - Syntaxe et fonctionnalités - Discussion Générale - World of Warcraft Forums… note the criteria for likes given and received).

Pretty sure that is true. I think the adjusted the criteria based on forum activity and participation. I think the goal is that the top X% end up with TL3. For that to happen on a quiet forum they had to reduce the requirements - you can’t read a million posts if there are not a million posts even made!