It is nice that you started your post with “False.”
With participation argument we go back to beginning:
Yes it is I am arguing against option which is superior to any other option.
Never wrote anything like that, however if you go through all the ploot threads you will find plenty explanations.
So basically it removes “multi” from multiplayer.
This have no reference whatsoever to the quoted part. Anyway yes I did. Ploot toggle creates game mode which have same exp as currently best exp mode, but with guaranteed drops. Next time when you ask the same question I will just ask you to read all the posts again.
If my argument has no sense then what you stating is correct then ploot have no purpose in the game.
No we dont, we have discussion about implementing a change or not. The option you mentioning is not in the equation right now. Your statement would be only correct if Blizzard implemented ploot option and I asked them to remove it.
It is actually irrelevant, if you want the change then reasons why you want it,
dont change the fact that you want it in any way.
You clearly have no idea what my argument was.
This is literally what every argument for ploot is.
I explained many times why you cant completely opt out, at least once in direct reply to you, on top of that you dont have any authority to tell me what I should care, or not care about.
It has no relevance - gold is gold, doesnt matter which pile you pickup, however it does matter what items you pick up.
So now you are the one wanting actually remove option from players?
You are incorrect - since every roll is separate, you can as well get all the items in ploot.
If someone manage to grab all the items in FFA game, odds are he is not the leecher.
And for leecher it would be better to join ploot game with no gear whatsoever and empty inventory and just stay safe behind his teammates, while picking loot that game assigned to him, without ever getting in danger. Contrary to FFA where same leecher would have to be next to mob at the moment of his death. So one thing we agree on is this:
Your argument fails.