Falcon wings - Lost to me now?

I’ve been playing Diablo 3 for a few months on Xbox and didn’t realize the falcon wings were a thing. I’m quite sure I found a “mysterious chest” in Act IV and opened it but didn’t actually pick anything up or add anything to inventory because the items were a plain yellow. Whatever the items actually were they were too easy to overlook. Are the falcon wings lost to me forever now? That would suck. I don’t want to grind forever for nothing.

I don’t know because I have never found mysterious chest. It could be that getiing wings is impossible in season 28 because pets salvage everything.

Pets do not salvage legendary items nor cosmetics.

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When you pick up cosmetics like wings and pets, their plan goes into the inventory of the character you were playing at the time. You then have to open that character’s inventory, select the bag from the wheel, move down to “items,” move down to the cosmetic plan, and use it to learn it. It’s the same process and location for when you find new blacksmith or jeweler plans if that helps.

If the Falcon Wings plan isn’t still there, perhaps you already learned the plan so it’s in your cosmetics area of your inventory and didn’t notice. Cosmetics aren’t stored alphabetically so take a close look. :slight_smile: Assuming you already did this, check the inventories of all your softcore and hardcore characters as well as bag area of your softcore and hardcore stashes. Don’t forget about non-season characters and staches if you think you found the wings last season.

I hope you didn’t have the plan on a character you deleted (or rebirthed). That would mean farming up the wings again.

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Why I can’t find chest then? Either it doesn’t exist or pets salvage it.

Thank you Pugs for taking the time to reply to this. On Xbox if one does find the “mysterious chest” with the falcon wings, if you open it will the wings land on the ground with a bright legendary color beam or plain yellow like a rare? Checked all my characters inventories. If the item is just a plain yellow I may have overlooked picking it up. If the mysterious chest can spawn without the wings, and if they have a bright legendary color when they land on the ground after opening the chest, then there is hope of me still finding the wings. Thank you for the help. I don’t want to give up too soon.

Again, pets do not salvage legendaries nor cosmetics.

Chest containing the wings is very rare, just be patient. It can spawn even if you already have the wings - it just won’t drop you a duplicate (but whoever is in your party and does not already have them, will get the wings from it).

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It doesn’t exist. I have never found one. Over 5000 runs through area.

You haven’t found the chest, therefore it does not exist. Sure.

Bad RNG doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I mainly play on PC. Not only do I have the Falcon Wings on PlayStation but I also have them on the NA, EU, and AS servers. Go outside and touch some grass for a bit to relax then come back in and farm for the Falcon Wings again, Sephrax.

It’s been awhile since I’ve found wings on console, but I found Cosmic Wings last season on the AS server on PC. They displayed the legendary beam when they dropped on PC so I assume wings do the same on console.

If somehow you didn’t pick up the plan, sold it to a vendor, dropped it on the ground, or deleted a character that had it its inventory, you’ll have to find the chest again. The plan will drop again when you open the chest next time. Good luck and happy hunting. :slight_smile:

I have played since release, no wings. That’s not “just bad rng”.

I’ve played Diablo 3 on PC since its release on May 15, 2012 and since late 2018 on PlayStation according to my trophies list. Spend more time playing Diablo and less time complaining the Falcon Wings don’t exist in the forums and you may find them.

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What part of…
1-2 hours per day.
Only confirmed spots.
I only find chests and weapon racks. And yes, I do open them because I want at least something from this useless grind.
… you do not understand?

Yeah, first google “falcon wings spawn point”. Figure out where it is, launch game in that Act, go straight to that location on your fastest build. If there’s no chest, close game, relaunch and do it again…and again and again, until you find it. It’s not that complicated.

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when I found them long ago, I don’t remember a beam. It was like finding a scroll.

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That’s exactly what I was afraid of. I do remember finding a “mysterious chest” in that area but when I opened it everything was just plain yellow like a rare so I didn’t pick anything up. Oh well. It’s just a game.

RNG. I have long had the falcon wings, so don’t go looking for the chest these days. I’d be happy to try farming the level for the mysterious chest spawn if you want. It’s usually an easy find.

Statistically impossible.

As someone who has played this game an awful lot and found every pet and xmog other than cosmic wings and rainbow portrait, I’m calling BS. 5000 runs is statistically impossible.

Yes, that is my recollection too. Same for wings and pets. And the xmogs and blue xmogs. The ONLY things that drop with the beam are the ramaladni gift, petrified screams and gibbering gemstone AFAIK.

Have you checked the wings section on your character to see if you already have the wings?

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Yep. I’ve checked everything. Pretty sure I didn’t pick it up because I thought it was just a rare item. My inventory was quite full. Hopefully it doesn’t only spawn once. Oh well.

Well, it should spawn again. It should keep spawning until you open the scroll to get the wings.

I’m doing some test runs now on my SC seasonal character. Have only just started, so data set is very tiny, but I am noticing some oddness with chest spawning on the level now. It will probably even out over a longer run.