Expanded Cube Instead of Charm Inv. (Plus Auto Store Loot)

Fair enough, I figure the most annoying part of the cube is emptying it anyways, so I’m fine with the auto-fill cube…i always open inv pretty quick before a boss kill anyways, lol.

Yeah I think this one can definitely be argued as being on par with VV idea of making the game smoother without breaking balance, and especially with the addition of console play, I could see the auto fill cube becoming a thing, for sure.

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Yeah that’s how I feel. I’m willing to accept this as a compromise if they are just doing one realm.

being able to pick up stuff and have it go directly to cube and sell stuff from cube and use stash with cube, yeah that would be a massive QOL buff… it wont be the same as a “full” charm inventory but it is effectively the same i would fully support this.

but that’s because its basically the same thing as charm inventory, just smaller. people can argue semantics all they want, its the same. if they find this acceptable then they should find charm inventory fine as well.

all the “issues” they had with “charm inventory” dont go away…

you would be able to prebuff from cube

granted i think calling that an “issue” is laughable… i freaking dueled and use another cd key to give my HLD’s lvl 56 enchant for attack rating boost.
there are rules for “no sorb” no prebuff, no alternate car prebuff, no CTA, max levels for lld vlld mld…
people make rules, this will be no different


im honestly not against this idea or even a separate smaller charm inventory. as long as the space is limited we at least have to choose WHICH charms we want in it and can’t stack 20 of them. But after the recent korean interview where he literally said, “we aren’t trying to fix or change diablo 2, we have other games if you want that”, i don’t have much hope for any additional QoL

That interview honestly made me concerned they won’t even be fixing all the “bad” bugs like the Amazon’s fend or Druids Fury despite them saying “we are looking at all bugs” in the D2R Deep Dive on YT. :confused:

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the only size a “charm inventory can possibly be ix 4x10” becuase thats the current inventory size.
you can add and small amount of that cant be used for charms, but u cant “shrink” our already 4x10 charm space… as that would be a massive shift in balance

i know people use the term “charm inventory”
but in reality what we mean is we are adding more space in the inventory that cant be used for charms because charms wont work in it

the entire point was to have no change in the amount of power any character will have without needlessly restricting inventory space

if u say “just added more inventory space” all that would do would be make u hold even more charms, and ruin balance on top of it… by adding new inventory space buyt preventing charms from working it it, you allow players to at least be able to pick up a certain amount of items as the game was intended before the expansion released.

the people who think “oh you are choosing between balance and power”
again thats a bs argument not to mention it you can already use a that charm section to store normal items as well… if u wanted a 8x10 space rather than a 4x10 space and have the bottom 4x10 space have charms then you can STILL choose your “space over power”

all we are asking for is a larger inventory, but ti make it that charms dont work in it. as to not affect balance

Ahh they better be fixing Amazon Fend bug w/ dodge etc and the Fury bug for sure.

Hopefully they become open to more changes once they get more feedback also. I’d like more inventory space (where charms can’t be used) or else this cube option as a compromise.

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I believe someone said that fend is fixed? also leap attack also looked fixed.

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I am actually asking for something slightly different it. A charm bag that would a place where you can only put charms, and they would only work there. It would be a easily visible button in the inventory screen and the tool tips on charms would tell you to put in them in there to gain their benefits, no were else.

The size of said space isn’t as much of concern for me. It could be less or the same size as the regular inv. It could require some unlocking to get to the maximum size. I’m not a fan of cope out solutions like this cube solution, its not very new player friendly and it doesn’t really solve the issue, and only makes new ones.

They better look into fixing bugs like fend, it nerfs that build so bad.

I would prefer a charm bag also, but just offering this as a compromise if they’re not willing to implement a charm bag/extra inventory section. This change is really minimal and would only result in 4 more slots. They would have to fix one cube recipe though.

I want gem and rune bags :smiley: better than stacking.

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I get that, but its compromise that lacks many of the benefits I like the most about a charm bag. Game design wise a charm bag is way more intuitive, adding cube space would allow MF bots to collect more loot before dropping loot off. I know it wouldn’t add that much more but it has many of the same issues people against charm inventory argue. So no one will be happy, I much more into the separate realm thing for a charm bag + further balance changes.

Yeah, it’s worth a try though. Some of the people that don’t want changes, such as Jani and Geezer, said they wouldn’t really have an issue with this. I’d like to see two separate realms if possible though.

That would be nice. Or some kind of stash tab where they stack inside!

well the most important thing is you can never have more (or less) than 4x10 active charm space

if u have a 4x10 inventory and u “add” a 4x4 charm “bag” then u need to prevent charms from working in a 4x4 section of your inventory… or else u would suddenly have a “14x10 charm space” and that would just be a flat buff and change nothing people would then just run four MORE charms
changing the amount of charms a person can carry with an effect would affect balance and i am 100% against that.

the amount of charms a person can use has to REMAIN 4x10, regardless of how u use them or set them up, any more is a buff any less is a nerf.

all we want is to be able to pick up items without having to open inventory and cube and to rearrange them and then have to deal with trying to sell stuff from cube or put it in the stash… its just a pain.

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Well I did say items could get auto placed into cube and then you can easily sell them from the cube if the cube space is able to be seen on screen, to the left of your inventory.

I would want a separate inventory for just charms or items ideally, but I’d be happy if they implemented something like this at least.

Great suggestion. Every other talk of this topic, I just halt the conversation because of balance issues. This could be something I can get behind. I didn’t try playing controller when I was playing around on ALPHA, but I imagine it’ll be much smoother than you anticipate. I can’t wait to see!



Crazy how many ideas the people have. :slight_smile:

But what I notice is that the more I read about changes in this forum, the more I get the impression that players want to do less and less when they play.
But I am not like that. That’s why I don’t like this idea.
i dont have a Problem with limited stash or the small Inventory.^^ (my biggest Problem was this “drag and drop lots of small items like charms and gems from the chest to the inventory and back” :P)
Why does there have to be a compromise at all if this is a remaster ?
never mind.
We will see what will become of the game. I am curious.


Mainly because they are putting it on console and it is not nearly as quick to move things with a controller as it is with the mouse.

the developers have provided an explanation for exactly this.
First, they had worked with lists in Menues and the Inventory so that console players could better cope. But it didn’t feel like Diablo2. So they made it similar to the mouse.
That’s all. And it’s intentional. :wink:

I can’t remember exactly where they said that. Either in the Deep Dive video or in the interview a few days ago. They said at the beginning that they wanted to stay as close to the original as possible.