Expanded Cube Instead of Charm Inv. (Plus Auto Store Loot)

I feel 4x4 is the perfect size so that you can grab two large items if they drop or else a combo of a large item +a few gcs etc.

Go for it, prove your point and show me epic items you make with it. Feel free to use hero editor to give you as many pskulls as you want.

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but we want neither of them

Its not WE, its you.


Nvm, dont bother:

This formula will not work on items larger than 3x2.

So you can have as bigger cube as you want because recipe doesnt work on bigger items. Even if it just mean that it can be done because of how big cube is, recipe can be changed in files to not be working on 2x3 items.

I mean for me itā€™s not about being lazy. I just know I will be playing on Xbox quite a bit and the inventory management is going to be terrible if they donā€™t implement these changes. Iā€™ve played PoE etc. on console and the inventory management can be quite tedious. So, knowing how it would feel using the cube without loot automatically going to the cube on pickup is going to make gameplay feel like a major pain. (Sorry if thatā€™s a bit jumbled, Iā€™m on mobile atm)

You realize best in slot items are rune words for 2x3/4 items, so this would have no value for bigger items, only for items like helm/gloves/boots ectā€¦

Yeah, thatā€™s the idea. They could just change the recipe to make sure that it is limited to how it is now. This is the only recipe that could possible be effected from what I see.

That recipe will never be better than low lvl pvp items anyway, socketed with jewels, uniques or sets.

I am not sure if the coding currently prevents larger items, is what Iā€™m saying. Provided VV changes it, Iā€™m all for a 4x4 cube, I couldnā€™t care less. I agree with you here, Iā€™m just a stickler for the details.

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This recipe happens to be capable of spawning some of the best pvp sorc/paladin/necro/ etc. equipment in the game. People prefer a good Diadem made this way to CoA, Shako, and many other helms. you can make good lld items with it, yes, but thatā€™s not the primary use. Youā€™re incorrect here.

(nearly) Bis charger items can be 2x4 for LLD, and some really good lvl30 WW items are 2X4

Edit: added ā€˜nearlyā€™. Eth weapons will always be better, but theyre super hard to find without imbues.

I just checked the files. Its any rare, recipe use one line, there is easy fix. You can just type multiple rows instead of one with different types of items so it wont work with bigger ones. Its not hard change at all.


Not needed and is a balance change because it adds horadric cube recipes that were previously impossible due to space.

There is only one recipe with 6 skull we talk about. And it can be changed to not work with bigger items, so its not obstacle.

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We already addressed fixing the one cube recipe that could be effected.

even if recipe is fixed, I am opposed. Stop begging for more inventory space. Stash is bigger, there is a shared tab, this is more than enough. If you hate charm space in pvm use less, you donā€™t need an inv to clear hell. Itā€™s also a balance change because people use cube to carry precast in pvp.

I do think this is reasonable as well. I personally donā€™t care, but more inventory space is an issue a lot of players have.

Out of curiosity, Turlok, are you opposed to the autopicking of items to cube, or do you see that as okay Re: consoles. I can see it being a real pain to play with cube on consoles.

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Depends, if there is ā€˜cross progressionā€™ but no ā€˜cross playā€™ then if it helps console players; whatever. I think itā€™s an odd option. PC users, nah. Cube juggling >. Seems like just another edge case where some exploit will be overlooked honestly. You can store items in your cube ā€¦ without owning a cube! Already.

Iā€™d prefer a charm inventory, but this is still so much better than nothing at all.

If we arenā€™t getting a ā€œNo changeā€ mode and a ā€œQoLā€ mode, then this is probably the closest thing to a good compromise that we can get :woman_shrugging: