Expanded Cube Instead of Charm Inv. (Plus Auto Store Loot)

The developers should make the cube 4x4 instead of 3x4 and they need to add an option to let you toggle it so that items will automatically go into your cube when you loot them. They could also have the cube show its contents to the left of your inventory when you open your inventory screen, if the option is toggled. (In the modern gfx, as there is room on the screen)

This way, you would still use the same amount of charms as you normally do, but you will actually be able to pick up a few larger items that drop also. This will feel so much better for controller/console play too.

So, how would everyone like this idea? I feel it is a good compromise between the purists and the people that want the 4x10 charm inventory that has been proposed. Leave your thoughts below and feel free to upvote this post if you like the idea.


I’ve very much against a charm inventory but this is an idea I can get behind.
I still don’t like it. I’d rather people be punished for having full inventory and no room to pick up.


Eh, I’d rather people not get punished that much. They’d still lose out on 2 gcs in order to hold the cube in their inventory and it would make the game feel a lot better on console for sure. I plan to play D2R on both PC and Xbox, but glad you could get behind this idea.

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I think this is a much more reasonable request for a change than an entire extra 4x10 inv space. BliVVard, take note!


I like the idea of a small bump to cube size over charm inventory. Count me in for these suggestions instead.

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It is reasonable because of consoles. I am perfectly fine with the auto pickup into cube.

What I am not okay with is the 4x4 space. This would affect cube recipes, and be balance altering for finding certain BiS items.

Which cube recipes in particular do you feel this will alter?

I have to admit this the best “golden mean” between 4x10 and no charm inventory. As someone like me against all major(big) changes i admit this make some sense.


It will alter 6pskull recipe, which as of now is only able to be used on 2x3 items. This would allow 4x2 items, changing the dynamic of Lld
And other gearing.

You guys are lazy af… I wont say anything agains that cube expansion, but, omg some of you seem to just want to right click and that is all.

Yes, bigger cube is much better idea than charm inventory.

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Normally I might agree with you, I’m pretty purist in a lot of ways, but as this is being released on console, I think that changes things.

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I just saw this. They could mitigate it possibly, by recoding the recipe? That seems to be the only recipe that would be effected.

Come on, it wont change anything:

6 Perfect Skulls + 1 Rare Item = 1 Random Low Quality Rare Item of the same type

Low quality…

Nobody is using that recipe anyway.

I would be fine as long as recipes aren’t affected. If the cube was too big, I would argue against it, but a little bigger should still be annoying enough people wouldn’t prebuff out of the cube often.

If cube was 6x6, for example, it may be a problem.

Main point is I think the auto pick to cube toggle is a great addition for consoles.


You realize that some of the best items in the game were made with that recipe right?

Low quality doesn’t mean bad. Go look at the affix levels possible with that recipe. I’ll wait.

Yeah it is low quality, so it won’t be that major imo, but I’d be fine if they just limited the recipe so that it only allows what is possible as of now.

Could probably effect classic items a lot.

That recipe is so good that my first 6 months is going to be trying to find as many Pskulls as I can possibly trade for.

You guys are greatly underestimating that recipe.

I’ve never used that one to be honest, but I could see it being op in classic most likely. They should just rewrite the recipe so that it is only allowed to be used on items with the same cube slots as it is now then.

As long as no bigger than 4x4 I be down for that idea.

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