title. I really want necro’s sets to be good again and not totally eclipsed by lod.
I already made a suggestion for how to fix trag’oul. Permanent simulacrum; allows them to buff it without buffing blood lancer too much. Even with permanent simulacrum, the set probably still needs a bump in power.
I think pestilence should be the best lancer set. It fits the theme so well and is just awesome seeing corpse lances flying everywhere. Empowered bone spear will need an extreme damage buff (like 12,000%), either that or just get rid of the bone spear and leave that to trag’oul. Maybe add some curse synergy for “pestilence” gameplay. Corpse lance + explosion should probably go to like 5000% bonus.
Rathma has big issues. First of all, at least double its damage bonuses for 6 piece, and maybe reowork it to have more synergy with revive minions as well. At that point, i would also both drastically increase base army of the dead damage, and make the 2 piece give an army of the dead damage bonus.
Inarius just needs a more clear direction (and probably more survivability boost from bone armor). Personally, I would like if it was made into a grim scythe focused spec, instead of shoehorning it into these awkward poison specs that just spam 4-5 poison abilities to build stacks.
I’ve read through his suggestions a couple times a while ago and I agree with most of it.
However, I think he is wrong when it comes to having blood lance being too OP if they buff the 6pc dmg modifier of Trag’s. I guess it really depends how much said buff would be. Because at any rate, cold Pestilance and LoD cold lance are superior.
If they do not give Trag’s decent 6pc modifier buff then necro really needs other support items to buff up the dmg of weak blood runes. A lot of people, including myself, love bone spear and the only way to make blood spear viable with Trag’s is to have near perma simulacrum. I’ve almost achieved this with insane CDR + Zodiac ring but it was still extremely weak past GR90-ish.
Anyways, yes, we all know necro needs insane buffs to their sets.
First, I apologize if I am also a lowbie Necro player, also (not too bad this season, though, Rank #158 at GR106 13:52 without yet any augments, or primals, with a Grim Scythe setup), but my thought is that the main problem with LoD being the only viable build, is it can diminishe variety.
If Rathma gets buffed, then maybe Army of the Dead can get some playtime. If Trag’ Oul gets buffed then maybe some Blood spells can get some use. Maybe Pestilence could be buffed in a way that Bone Spear could make an appearance. Inarius? Hmmm… That’s a tough one as to how it could be buffed in a way to make it add variety since it is very similar to LOD, just buffing overall damage.
With LOD being the only viable option for high level GR, the class just seems pretty limited as to what can be played.
Sure, we can wait for the new Necro set to come out, but who knows which Season that will be. Maybe a re-work of the current sets can tide over the Necro players until the next set comes out?
But, as a sidenote, I found it strange that a few Seasons ago, it seemed like the sets for other classes got buffed pretty well, but the Necro got shafted with only a buff to Inarius, and a tiny buff to Trag’ Ouls. I thought future buffs would come for the Necro sets, but they never did.