Ethereals Transmog

There must be an opportunity for Ethereals Transmogs who has no chance to join or skipped Season 23. Also there is still no place to find Quinquennial_Sword and Second_Quinquennial_Sword transmogs on game (silence mode - activated -)

There have been plenty of seasonal cosmetics that has so far been unobtainable if you missed that particular season.


YES! My high heels arrived!

I mean ankle supporters!


Yeah, wait for season 46.


OP you’ll likely going to have to wait for whenever they recycle the Ethereal season theme and collect all classes ethereals.


Who’s fault is that, you snooze you lose.


I love high heels!
I do.

Oh i know lol. Me too. Extra padding.

Unfortunately due to an old work injury because of incompetent jealous workers (which i did work harder than) i am unable to wear them now so need my trusty firm ankle support shoes. Much better than pumps people are trying to make everyone wear.

Blizzard knows nothing but time based/gated rewards anymore. I quit WoW after 15 years because that is literally all that game has at this point. It’s horrendous game design.

Gated content has been a core aspect of WoW since the beginning.

Not even remotely to the extent it is now.

Haven’t played for years, but back then the opening of Ahn’qiraj required basically the whole realm to cooperate, Naxxramas, Onyxia, Molten Core and Blackwing Lair required attunements, Molten Core had an additional timesink since it required at least some people to rep farm with Hydraxian Waterlords to be able to reach Majordomo and Ragnaros.

Not to mention the travel to High Warlord, requiring you to consistently be at the very top of honor gained every week for 3+ months. (On a busy realm that was at minimum 12 hours of constant PvP every day)

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AQ was a one time thing, and though I’m not sure, I believe that it has been changed to a season thing on WoW Classic. The rest of that was not time gated. In fact, attunements have been removed completely. And PVP season titles are only for people that care about PVP, and reset every season. And all/vast majority of the old PVP gear transmogs are still obtainable through normal PVP. I’m talking things like Tyreal’s charger, and the Mage Tower. WoW isn’t really worth playing at this point if you don’t want a second job.

My point, it never was. It always required an absurd amount of time investment to get the high end rewards.

But that’s different then time gating, and making rewards limited-time is what I was talking about. They always have something going that will disappear completely if you miss it, like ethereals transmogs here, and I was just over it. I get that they need people to be subbed all the time, but that isn’t the way to do it.

Ahh, that has been a thing since the start as well though, not in a large capacity but it has been there. Mount/title from the opening of Ahn’qiraj is probably one of the “biggest”, but there have been stuff like that in many expansions.

And sure, I don’t particular agree with that either, even though I personally got many of those things when they where relevant, I don’t care if someone else can get them with less effort 3 expansions later. Removal of content is rarely if ever a good idea.

This is exactly why I don’t play WoW and probably won’t again. It’s a shame because their art team kills it, and as far as I’m concerned the gameplay gets better every expansion. At this point the only thing that would bring me back is Gladiator stance being added back in.

At the time of writing, the devs have not repeated any seasonal theme as the main theme of a season. Only double bounties and double gobs have been repeated as mid season themes.

Likewise, no Guardian tier cosmetic has been repeated either.

So we will see if they get repeated in the future. I suspect the devs will continue to create new substantial D3 themes until D4 has been released and the D3 player base has decreased and then they’ll set up the D3 seasonal themes to repeat on a cycle. Themes such as double gobs, double bounties, followers upgrade, and echoing nightmares are kinda write offs (the first two are better as mid season buffs and the latter two are permanent additions) so I suspect we’ll see the following repeated:

  • RORG buff
  • LON buff
  • Triune buff
  • Killstreak buff
  • Unrestricted cube powers
  • Tempest buff
  • Shadow clone and 4th cube power buff
  • Ethereals
  • Soul Shards

In all honesty, I’d personally cull the RORG and LON buff from repeating as the RORG buff can be experienced via the 4th cube slot which opens up more options anyway. The LON buff is also quite obsolete with the LoD gem available all the time though would be good to couple the RORG and LON theme with some of the other weaker themes… say the Killstreak and Tempest buffs. The RORG buff would have been great this season!

But as it stands, there are 9 themes that they may recycle. I’d say we need to see another 3 substantial seasonal themes before they recycle any… more likely another 5 substantial themes as RORG and LON can’t really carry a season for long. My 2c anyway.


Did it occur to you that the person may have only purchased the game in s24 or later? Not everyone has own D3 for ages you know…

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That seems to be the most likely. And even if you just take the last 6 themes, same theme every two years isn’t bad. Combine Triune, LoN and RorG into one and move shadow clone from 4th cube into that and you have 7 themes.

Also things can still be tweaked to keep it fresh and then every now and then when an idea pops up we get a new theme.