Ethereals Transmog

If that’s the case, why would they expect to get transmogs from a time-limited event that occurred before they’d even bought the game? Some things you have to be there at the time, or you miss out on them.


Yep, I was doing the maths earlier. If they break up the shadow clones and the 4th cube slot, that’s 10 seasonal “buffs” they could mix and match.

If they paired themes up, and if my high school maths is right, that’s 45 combinations right there… they could go for a decade and not repeat the same combination!

Of course, some combinations would be pretty lame so a carefully curated set of combinations would be better.

Best comment today, common sense is not a possession of all people.

Why is Blizzard repeating the xmogs/pets etc for each season then…kind of hypocritical, no?

You assume an awful lot.

They are repeating the Chapter IV cosmetics, every 12 seasons.
They are not repeating any of the Guardian cosmetics, i.e. if you missed those, you missed them forever.

I did not ask to repeat any seasonal theme in game. I just asked only about transmogs of weapons. It could be in some part of game like set dungeons cosmetics. No need to be in season. Why did some people react like they are angry? People can have some problems in their real life and they can missed some season. In my opinion, all kind of cosmetics must be reachable for any person who has license, in the game. This is just a game. Not a meaning of life.

The ethereal transmogs are tied to the theme. Making them available by any other means devalues the reward and especially devalues the effort people put in to acquire them.

I’m sorry if it offends you but if you snooze, you lose. If you want something that has a limited time offering, then acquire when it’s available. Moaning about it later is pointless. Hopefully at some point the theme is repeated, the assets and such are still within the game, that’s your only hope to acquire them.

I’ve personally missed some limited time offerings but I don’t complaint about it all over the forums. I’ve come to terms with the loss of opportunity.

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It was interesting to see that some people want the 5 season stash tabs to be given to people for free.
After many of us had to work very hard over many seasons to get them. What next cosmic wings for everyone?

You snooze, you looze. You didn’t play the season = you don’t get the ethereals. Wait for season 46 when they repeat it then.


No. None of us had to work “very hard”. True, it’s time gated to an extreme, but it was never hard, not in season 5 and certainly not nowadays.

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rather inconsistent, no?

To be honest I am not complaining. I just asked those transmogs may be available with some challanges or with some hard quests. For example cosmic wings and rainbow portrait. It is extremely hard to find but there is a chance. Very small chance but there is. Meteorblade explained about Guardian Cosmetics. If you loose you will loose forever. This is non-sense for me. If there is a transmog or cosmetics, people must reach in some way. Could be extremely hard way but there must be a chance what i am saying. Also while game kind of boring nowadays these kind of challanges will be nice for players. I am repeating: I am not complaining. This is forum. People can write their opinion about game here. It is selectable to read or not.