Ethereal weapons in S32 may retain old S24 stats

No. But the team has handed us a nice gift this season. Unintended perhaps but much appreciated. There will still be lots of loot hunting and grinding, but one part of it has been eased up quite a bit.
Sadly, it won’t benefit you if you only wanna play Shadow impale.

Not much good to me no. I did get a nice ethereal around clvl 60 during levelling up which helped.

Blizzard could have added the impale legendary text to 1 of the barb ethereal melee weapons…an easy fix. Every other character class has an ethereal melee weapon except for DH…as I keep saying, BAD game design.

I read this page just now:

and I find it amusing that the drop rate for ethereals at clvl 70 is 1% but drop rate during levelling is much higher. That again is bad game design. That maxroll suggests snapshotting, which is really a hack (I’m using the correct meaning for hack, not the Hollywood derived BS), as an alternative solution to help farm ethereals just confirms how bad the game design is for this theme.

I’m sure that the usual Blizzard apologists will ‘call me out’ on my comments LOL. Like I care. I call it as it is.

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Great game design, speeds up the levelling process (which everyone wants to get through ASAP), gives players a chance to experiment with the themed weapons before reaching higher levels AND provides a way to quickly get the FoS achievement for the completionists who want the cosmetics. And it’s a popular theme, one that the remaining playerbase was keen to see again.

"bUt tHeY diDn’t BuFf thAT oNe bUild…’ Yeah, like an Ethereal that only worked for ONE BUILD would qualify as “great game design”, and just imagine for one second maining a Barb, and ethereal drops annnnddd…, it has Impale buff on it. Genius idea dude, genius.

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Outside of the occasional non-smart loot ethereal drop, they do adhere to smart loot rules, meaning they would only have a legendary affix and passive from the class being played at the time. That means that if a melee weapon were given the impale treatment, only a DH would ever get that roll on it while a barbarian would get the other rolls. Granted, that would mean that the melee ethereal would need to be that much rarer as a natural drop for the DH, but it would solve the lack of impale being on a melee weapon (it’s useless on ranged weapons).

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sure, if your build benefits from it and you don’t give a damn about all builds being treated equally by a theme…

:laughing: :sleeping: :sleeping:

It’s a shame they didn’t open up reforging melée ethereals to have affixes from the class doing the reforging.

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Yeah, I don’t give a damn about all builds being treated equally by a theme. All classes is just fine.

“Equally” has never once been a thing in this game. When, in the entire history of D3, were all builds (hell, all classes!) treated fairly by the devs? Never, right? So why would all seasonal themes benefit all builds equally? How many favorite builds got buffed by last season’s theme? Not many.

But the thing is, the game has more than one class and much more than one build. I liked the Heavens’ Fury ‘machine gun’ back in the day, was kinda sad when it got nerfed (again, and again, and again…) but the utility and power of FoH was pretty sweet, just not the same feels as those holy beams firing out from my 'Sader…sigh. And now, for a short period, HF is back, while FoH, now my favorite Sader build, misses out this time. Farming up and unlocking the Altar on my DH, then it’s a trip down memory lane. Variety, it’s the spice of life don’t cha know?

and it would have been easy to do too…

Well, I do.

For you perhaps. For me, I like routine. I should be able to play the game how I want to play it, not how others want me to play it.

Well excuse me but can’t you do that? You may not get as high up the leaderboard but there’s no content that can’t be done with pretty much any build

You can. You do. And because you essentially only ever play Shadow/Impale DH, how you play it isn’t how almost every single other player plays it, i.e. they’re willing/happy to play other classes and/or builds. Blizzard are catering to the 99.9999999% of players that aren’t you.

This argument was lost during the PTR for the original ethereal season where multiple people pointed out the lack of an equivalent of Karlei’s Poing to Blizzard, which they promptly ignored. Two and a half years later, with development on D3 ended, this argument is moot.

Yeah sure and i should be able to enjoy the seasonal theme content and play the build that I enjoy…

So, Blizzard is discriminating. Gotcha.

That’s called crap customer service.

No. It’s cos 99% of players have now abandoned this game because it is evidently clear that Blizzard are inept, have crap customer service and don’t listen to its customers.

We’re not “customers” in the ordinary sense of the word (i.e. regularly spending money for goods or services). So they have no obligations towards us. They could terminate the game tomorrow and we couldn’t do anything about it.
I was “forced” to play necromancer and Death Nova in season 31 in order to get max benefit of the theme, a class that I rarely play.

I understand you predicament and have lots of sympathy for you of course :+1:

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You know the saying speak with your wallet, yet you have bought d2r as well as d4. Stop supporting them and you wont be annoyed in all those games as well.

All businesses discriminate in favour of 99.99999% of their customers rather than the other 0.00001% because that’s how they make a profit.


Dude’s throwing around the word “discrimination” indiscriminately like it applies here.

Go find out what real discrimination is like. Get a grip.

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In this case it isn’t discrimination, it’s indifference with regard to things like Karlei’s Point affix being on a bow and not a melee weapon. Unfortunately, it is what it is.

we certainly are customers. If you don’t believe that, then you have been sadly brainwashed.

Thank you.

I enjoy D2R (didn’t think I would). I really only bought it for the xmogs. Yes, it’s not perfect, but it’s better than D3. I’d really love D3 to be re-worked (not redone from ground up, no thank you) as much as possible and re-released for consoles. You’d never see me playing any other Diablo game then. D4 is utter crap. I wanted a refund, Sony refused.

That is probably true. It doesn’t stop it from being discrimination though, does it?

I’m well aware of what real discrimination is thank you.

Same smell. You get my drift.

You are deluding yourself. Being brainwashed has nothing to do with it. I’m stating facts. You, and the rest of us, bought the game as it was at the time and accepted the terms of the license, which meant there was no guarantee that it would always be of your liking. As a once off pay, and buy, you and we were customers at that time, and Blizzard’s obligation to you as a customer doesn’t go beyond what you bought and paid for in that moment.
Looks like you’ve brainwashed yourself. At least you’re way off.

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