Ethereal weapons in S32 may retain old S24 stats

Does that mean you got one while leveling up? In that case it should be useful even after you hit lvl 70?
Else keep slogging along at a torment level that is fitting and you can handle without too much trouble. It’s a slow grind in the beginning until you get some gear, mats and other stuff.

Wait… you can reforge ethereals? :laughing:
Time to blow up some fissures!

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Ok I’ll grind some more and see if any ethereal drop at a higher torment level thanks

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I got an ethereal scythe at level 17 with the Death Nova proc on it with about 200 damage. I’m now level 70 and haven’t seen one since the level 17 one but can’t drop it as I need the Death Nova proc or I can’t kill anything. Don’t have any useful cube scythe powers as yet. Slow going at the minute.

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It was the wording “since I reached 70 I haven’t seen one” that made me wonder if AlienSpace had gotten one before that.
I got a Wizardspike ethereal at around lvl 30 or 40 (from a goblin pack in a vision) and used it until I got a Mang Song after starting to gain paragon points. Still running an LoD build…

I can’t see them fixing that before this Season end. It’s not a major issue either. Only some of the legendary powers are not updated and some are still as strong as their past version. You just need to find a weapon legendary power that is related to your build but not the old non-updated ones, while tossing the non-updated variant of the Legendary into the Cube. That only creates a pitfall or two for each class and I think it’s not game breaking.

If anyone need to fix things immediately it’s the online guides out there cobbling information together without even looking or checking twice. For example maxroll and icy-veins both, showing or describing builds using non-updated legendaries as their Ethereal powers. In example; both sites suggest Remorseless as the Grandfather power and they can not even bother to check if Gavel of Judgment is a better option or not.
Guide writers can’t even imagine replacing it with another legendary power since they thought it’s the same old stuff as S24, but I hope players are smarter than that and can use some deductions to eliminate bad choices. Else we will have another trend of circulating forum threads of how someone’s favorite build felt very weak last season and demands a buff non-stop.


Yeah, I got a well rolled Ethereal with legacy Shukrani Triumph power, kinda useless (you stay in Spirit Walk until you come within 30 yards of an enemy…)

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I have never seen an ethereal while levelling up to 70 not a single one and they claimed you can get one at lower levels which I did not find one at all I am still slowly grinding to higher torment and I am finding Ancient Gear but still no Ethereals so the drop rate is pretty stupid for me right but oh well I’ll continue to grind

The drop rate should be somewhere between ancients and primals. I remember I did some statistics in s24. But can’t remember the numbers. Maybe it’s around 1:100 or even lower, statistically speaking.
Maybe try and do a variety of things; bounties (for the items needed later on), visions - a great source of useful stuff, some rifts and lots of greater rifts.


I’ve had precisely one this season. Thought about salvaging it but might see what Recipe 11 can do on it once I have some spare ashes.

For science!

Edit: My third one dropped with the “legacy” affix for Iron Rose! Boo! (Trag’s and its legendaries were buffed in 2.7.4. Ethereals were 2.7.1.

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took a few rolls but i got a buriza with 65 vengeance and hot pursuit. speed rift dreamin


Someone talked about that you might get it with more power than the most recent version where there is a limit of 10. But that doesn’t seem to be the case?

Sadly it isn’t a bug, they simply reused old code. Seems neither the Classic nor D4 teams know how to do a proper code merge (D4 gets the same regressions every single season, indicating the devs are reusing launch data as the base code for their seasonal themes).

It’s an issue in that most players won’t know about this and will have gimped builds as a result.

This is part of why I said what I just said. Having properly updated items eliminates a good chunk of this on the player side. As for guide writers, D3 is effectively in recycle mode now so there isn’t really much incentive to deep dive into making updates to guides anymore.


Ethereal are they myth
what is the drop rate. i am level 70 paragon 64 and have not seen one. So I figure that i am not getting any this season lol. Lower drop rate than in D4.

I’ve had two drop during my leveling.

And that include a Mang’s that rolled with the Grand Vizier leg affix and Evocation passive… both useful. It’s still more dps than a lvl70 2H despite being a lvl50 weapon!


I wrote further up that the rate is around 1:100 or even lower.
What I actually meant is even higher (and therefore a lower number than 100) like 1:80 or something. But like other things this is on average and statistically speaking.

I am level 70 paragon 123 and I have yet to find a single ethereal but I am getting a lot Ancient Legendary. Blizzard claimed Ethereal is going to be between Ancient Legendary and Primal

There is no real answer. Some will advocate constant grinding at an adequate level, like not too low and not too high. If possible T6 is better than T3 and T10 or higher is even better - but not if you die all the time. Others will advocate taking breaks from time to time leaving (or exiting) the game and restarting.
Visions are a great source of drops (I’m sure you already know). As they get harder and harder in the lower floors it could be a good idea to find them at a suitable torment level.

I checked your profile. It may not be updated yet but it seems to me that you could use some jewelry with sockets for legendary gems. And while you level up these gems there is a good chance of drops (as you know of course).

Most of the Ethereals I have found have dropped in Visions. I did get one off the Butcher, but repeating him doesn’t provide any additional chance that I have noticed. I have also gotten at least one from a GR. Primarily tho they have all been from Visions. And those being higher visions like in the 8+ levels range.

That’s gotta be because of the insane drop rate of legendaries in the lower levels. :+1:

(Got my first while leveling up from a goblin pack in a vision)