Ethereal achievement not loading

Would also like to know when this bug is going to be resolved. Any news? Almost a month now.


Same here, no achievement visible and no ethereal transmogs available even though I completed it in S24.


Can we get an ETA on when this bug is going to be fixed?


I know they said they were investigating but that was like two months ago and this is still bugged. Considering how much effort this Feat took, I feel like it at least deserves some kind of update. It’s starting to feel like they are just hoping we forget about it.


It is now three months later and we still haven’t received any updates concerning this issue.


It’s been three months. Is the fix for this going to be included in 2.7.3 on live?


I lost the Feats of Strength too, but I still have the transmogs.

(hidden free bump)

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Patch 2.7.3 has no mention of a fix for this…after 1 complete season and they still have not fix it.

Does look like they are hoping it will just go away…


It is not as if there is something anyone can do about it…

If they never fix it, what will you do? Keep reminding them till the end of time? Refuse to buy any more Blizzard products? Take them to court?

Where is Blizzard’s motivation to spend any money on fixing this issue? I expect they ARE hoping most players will just forget about it.

Dear Diablo 3 Blizzard Team.

Could we have an update on this? One whole season has passed and we have had no update on this issue.

Thank you!


Unfortunately, it appears this was not fixed in today’s patch.

Got a Blizzard response in another thread…


I just want to add that I’m having this same problem. Completed the achievement on 9/10/21 and can’t see it in my “Feats of Strength” and don’t have the skins available as transmogs. Glad I spent all that time grinding!

No luck here either, i know i did it and got the achievement but its gone now and no weapons from the mystic. Rip :frowning:

It’s been two seasons now, would have been nice to have this issue resolved by now.


December 2021…

April 2022…

Five and a half months later, and still nothing. Disappointing.


So its June now… Can we please get any update on this?

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Issue still not resolved… very disappointing.

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Incredibly disappointing that this still isn’t resolved. If you’re not capable of identifying which accounts actually completed it or not, just give the appearances to everyone and get it over with.


Hello Diablo 3 developers! It would be great if you resolved this issue.

This was said in the patch notes from the Etheral season (nr 24):
“Collecting all 21 Ethereals during Season 24 will reward players with the Feat of Strength, Ethereal Recollection. Players who accomplish this will have all Ethereal transmogrify options available for future seasonal and non-seasonal play.”

If you promised a reward for our dedication, then please make sure to live up to your word!