Etherael Recollection Achievement didn't unlock

Hi Gamers and Blizzard Team,

After collecting all the Etherael’s for some reason the achievement didn’t unlock for me. I have all the items in my chest and it’s account bound so I’m not sure why this is the case. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this so hopefully it is not many. Please look into resolving or let me know how I can solve this.


Are all the check boxes checked?

I don’t see any check boxes so I’m not sure what you mean?

Look under “Achievements”, then “Feats of Strength”.


ok I see it all checked off

What is not unlocked? The ability to use all the xmogs on NS?

I have heard that you need to log off, and back on in order to begin using them on NS.

Well normally when you get an achievement it notifies you but for some reason I didn’t see the pop up for unlocking but I see the achievement on my account from the achievement window so all is good.

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You’ll need to close and re-start the client before the transmogs become available…

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Did the popup happen when as soon as you picked it up, but you missed it in the heat of battle?

I seem to recall the set achievements working like this. I get the notice as soon as I pick up the last set item and before I identify it, so it kind of spoils the surprise and can get lost in the heat of battle.

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No, the items in the Feat of Strength only get ticked off when the items are identified, not when they’re picked up. The toast for the Feat occurs when the 21st ethereal is identified, which means you’re most likely stood in town when this happens, not in battle.

This was not the case for me. I have gotten it in both the Americas and EU servers, and never Identified any of the items for 6 of the 7 classes.

I got the toast when picking up the last item in the rift both times, and the boxes were checking off as I picked up the items.