Ethereal Recollection Completed - Transmogs Unavailable

The blog for Patch 2.7.1 says…

  • Collecting all 21 Ethereals during Season 24 will reward players with the Feat of Strength, Ethereal Recollection. Players who accomplish this will have all Ethereal transmogrify options available for future seasonal and non-seasonal play.

I completed the Feat of Strength Ethereal Recollection today…

However, when I went to the Mystic with a one-handed sword in order to apply the transmog for the Ethereal Doombringer it’s not available. Indeed, none of the Ethereal appearances seem to be available.

So, as I’ve completed the Feat of Strength, why aren’t the transmogs available? Is this bugged or is the blog article’s wording being obtuse about future play, i.e. will they only become available after the season ends?


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Well, it seems that the transmogs are available after re-starting the client.
I suspect this is going to come up a lot this season.


Nice to see it fixed upon restart Meteorblade. But grats on getting all of them. I’m up to I think about 14 now.