Etched Sigil Proc Mechanics (AS & ICD)

This is a reference for Etched Sigil Attack Speed breakpoints. It is reformatted from the original 2.6.1 posting.


While Etched Sigil (ES) has a fixed minimum Internal Cooldown (ICD) at favorable attack speed breakpoints (AS BPs),

Unfavorable AS BPs can result in higher ICD values, meaning:

  • There will be more wait time between ES procs at unfavorable AS BPs.

You could be activating less Etched Sigil procs over time than is possible.

Check your AS BP when composing your Etched Sigil related build!

Favorable AS BPs will also vary depending on the speed coefficient of the skill used, so be sure to reference the correct Table.

Quick Reference (Most common AS BPs)

The most often used breakpoints to optimize for Etched Sigil related builds:

Tick/Speed Coefficient 3 (Arcane Torrent, Disintegrate):

Min APS Max APS Tick/s Frames/t fSigil
1.538462538 1.666666667 5 12 60
1.818182818 2 6 10 60

Tick/Speed Coefficient 2 (Ray of Frost):

Min APS Max APS Tick/s Frames/t fSigil
1.428572429 1.5 3 20 60

Quick Reference (Recommended Gearing)

These breakpoints have historically been more accommodating because Swords and Wands (1.4 AS base weapons) are commonly worn on Wizard.

Optimizing for speed coefficient = 3 (approximate allowance):

  • 1.4 AS weapon and 10% AS paragon, at a minimum.
  • 1.4 AS weapon and 10% AS paragon and a 7% affix on weapon (or armor), at a maximum.

Optimizing for speed coefficient = 2:

  • 1.4 AS weapon and 3.0%-6.6% AS paragon.

The 2.6.1 PTR Fix

A 2.6.1 PTR bug with Etched Sigil’s ICD was uncovered and fixed:

Testing Post Fix

After the bug fix, our good Wizard Dolynick tested:


Dolynick confirmed the following formula:

same as:


Breakpoint Table: Tick/Speed Coefficient 3 (Arcane Torrent, Disintegrate)
Breakpoint Table: Tick/Speed Coefficient 2 (Ray of Frost)

Thanks to Dolynick for the additional testing, BDF and sVr for advice.


Nice job. Did you port this over from the old forums? It occurred to me this week we probably lost some useful stuff over there.

I was also thinking they could maybe just remove the ICD and the cast rate scale with attack speed. Might get a bit laggy at high APS, so maybe it’s a no-go, but man would it ever be fun to machine-gun out Meteor Showers at high APS.

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Totally agree, that would make it nice fun to itemize AS. Scaling the cast rate from Etched Sigil could make it as interesting as the non-channel builds are… I just don’t know how i’d fit in all the items!.. Guess that’s a good thing to have in some degree though.

EDIT: Perhaps they could make it scale with AS or CDR. Some ES builds use CDR, others AS. Fitting in both might not be worthwhile for most builds, and perhaps the decision to prioritize those affixes vs others would be okay. I know ES already scales somewhat with CDR, but the breakpoints are so large because of the 60 frame ES proc interval.

EDIT2: The CDR breakpoints might actually be a good addition to this post, not that it’s that hard to calculate with EB and BH. The only difficult part is backing out one tick of the channeled attack.

Yes, it’s a port from the old forums. I’ve saved a few posts that are kind of good to have, even now, since the mechanics haven’t changed.

I’ve been thinking of reformatting a few more old ones, it could take me awhile to do though - not as much motivation any more. Plus, having a clean slate does have it’s upsides, even if a lot of good information was lost. I’d feel bad to ruin that.

Oh, and thanks! if you need your Vyr6 ICD Breakpoint Mechanics - Beam Stack Rate Snapshotting post, i have that one on hand.

Hey, could this be stickied?

Nice job ty for the effort. :slight_smile: