Error 395002 Unable to play this morning

Based on the previous thread, it seems our characters are not on the same servers than and the ISP providing internet to these servers might be down.


Ahoy… yes while on a fishing expedition for a solo PB I went to menu at 9:58PM here in Australia, thought I would see what would happen after 10:00.
Error 395002 is what happened

I had this 3 days ago, never had it before, looked up a fix on you tube and it worked, so I did the same thing, twice, NOTHING

Same here. Tried everything.

Using American servers. When I switched to European Servers I was able to load into D3. Tried logging into WOW and had no problems.


It’s on Blizzards end, logged into the Asia region with no problem.

also unable in Cleveland

It’s the US server region only…

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Me too. I have not been able to log in with this Error 395002…I tried to log in and out more than 10 times though… still I cannot log in…

Hmmm, interesting… Perhaps, this has something to do with blizzard employees’ unrest for having low wages LOL! Remember what Rhykker mentioned on you tube with this link : Revolt At Blizzard: Workers Upset Over Salaries, Leak - YouTube

America Server
Multiple tries
No luck
Same error.

It is for sure them and not our PCs. I just don’t understand why has there not been an official update on why America is down?

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because its 6:13 am on the west coast… they are all still asleep

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même maudit problème :frowning: j’espère que ca va être vite régler

Same here, tried all the fixing solutions and not working

Same issues here - error loading the hero 395002

Same issue here. I’ve tried all of the troubleshooting steps on my end.

In that case it is normal :smiley:

This blows I have the day off. Come on Blizzard

Same. Should have checked here before trying all the steps!

I have the same problem, i’m sure they will get their server back on as soon as they can.

Same here, I tried every single solution to this error to no avail.