So from what I gather, if you get chat silenced in any game you are not going to be able to play diablo 3 due to some BUG?
How in the WORLD can a chat ban that still allows me to play the game I originally got the ban in keep me from playing Diablo 3? A completely separate game? If it is a BUG I need to know how to fix it.
I payed for the dang game I should be able to play it. I dont even use chat in diablo and rarely play multiplayer.
Error 315000 - Chat Silence - Only available to party leader
There are two scenarios for this.
It’s a temporary bug which can usually be resolved by switching to another hero and then back to the one you wanted to play on, changing which pet the hero has selected, and so on. Alternatively, closing and re-starting the client should resolve it.
If you’ve received an in-game chat silence penalty from any Blizzard game.
There is a long outstanding bug (since October 2019) whereby if you receive a chat silence from any Blizzard game, you will be unable to start or join a Diablo III game session. This will last until the silence period is over.
If you have received a chat silence, you will have been sent an email to your registered address with an explanation of why the silence was issued, and how long the penalty period will last. For a first offence, it’s 24 hours. For subsequent offences, the penalty period doubles each time, i.e.
While it is theoretically possible for us to unmute players which might work around this, we’re not in the practice of reversing these kinds of account actions for this sort of reason. Regardless of this unexpected behavior, the accounts which have been muted were muted for a reason. If you have an extended duration suspension, a user of your account must have broken our terms of use several times. As such, the account actions will stand until they expire.
My point is its a freaking bug. I already read all this. Why is there a bug that COMPLETELY prevents me from PLAYING A GAME that there has been no negative action in? Especially when it is only a CHAT ban.
I dont need a link to appeal the bann. I want to be able to play the game that I paid for. Regardless of what the EULA says BLIZZARD cannot unilaterally prevent access to a game after a consumer has paid for it for LITERALLY no reason. That is the definition of FRAUD regardless if it is a “bug” or not.
This “bug” has been around for over a year and they wont fix it why? Because people just sit down and take it. Its ILLEGAL what they are doing…
They haven’t prevented you accessing a game for no reason.
The reason is whatever you said that caused you to get a chat silence.
I would imagine that it’s because they deem the bug to be very low priority as it only affects people that have already shown themselves to be willing to breach the EULA, it doesn’t affect large numbers of players and, as most people aren’t silenced for extended periods, doesn’t affect them for long.
No. Not even close. You agreed to an EULA which includes terms about the sort of things you can / cannot say in the in-game chat and has provisions for what Blizzard can do to penalise you if you breach those terms.
1.just banned, you can’t enter the game in any way! ban issued
to chat, but the whole game is not available!
2.I guess that the message “we know about this error” was all the help, and no one fixes it because no one knows how to fix it, it’s hard to believe, but it looks like this is the case and the number of players does not matter at all!
3.the license agreement states that the company undertakes to provide access to the game. but no access! yes they can punish, but there is still no access! it turns out their punishment violates their own rules!
First of all just because you sign a contract doesn’t mean that the person holding the contract is exempt from the law. Lets I signed a contract that said you would lend me 5 dollars and if I dont pay you that 5 dollars back by Monday you could take my heart as payment. You think the courts going to be like “Oh its ok. the EULA said he could take his heart. Now its not murder”
SECOND, I didnt breach any contract on this game. Eitherway its still illegal.
Indeed. So, please tell us how Blizzard saying that if you want to play their games you’re not allowed to say offensive stuff in chat is illegal.
The EULA is for your entire Blizzard account, not for individual games associated with it (although individual games may confer additional privileges / restrictions) which means that if the EULA says you’re not allowed to say bad stuff in chat, that means in the chat of any Blizzard game, not just the one you’re currently playing. Trying to argue that a company telling you not to say bad stuff in chat is like auctioning off your heart as a result of a contract that would allow murder is asinine.
This is essentially no different than a pub where the landlord reserves the right to throw you out of the pub if you start yelling offensive stuff at the other patrons. It’s their pub, it’s their rules, so if you want to be able to yell at people, you need to go drink in another pub.
When you decide to consult with a lawyer, please make sure to explain to them that the reason you were suspended from playing a game for a couple of days was because you breached the terms of a perfectly valid legal contract that you had freely and voluntarily entered into.
Then tell us how much of the first hour’s $100 retainer was taken up by them laughing in your face and telling you get out of their office for wasting their time.
“Incitement to hatred and discrimination are unacceptable, as is any obscene and profanity. Threats or insults are not allowed under any circumstances, regardless of the vocabulary used. Violation of any of these rules will result in restrictive action on your account. More serious or repeated violations will lead to more serious action.” excerpt from graft behavior
So, find me in this text the words - account ban or ban the whole game ?! give lawyers just a reason to think the company does not need to explain such truths!