Fix the 315000 "bug"

Your ridiculously “bugged” system for global “chat” banning players regardless of where and why they were banned has gone on for long enough. Indefinitely banning players because the fragile egos of the “communities” they happen to frequent is beyond anything that should be acceptable.

In case people don’t understand, Blizzard won’t allow people who are chat banned to played Diablo 3 at all. Supposedly a bug that’s been here for nearly 2 years so it isn’t a bug.

You need to learn how to ban people from individual chat rooms if you are going to allow them in your game.

It’s been on for longer than 2 years :rofl:

Incorrect. Very incorrect. The bug started in October 2019. It will be 2 years in October 2021.

A couple points here.

  • It has nothing to do with “fragile egos”. It is that some people agree to rules and policies they refuse to follow. They think that they can run their mouth without consequences. You can say what you want, but you have to be aware that there are repercussions.
  • A chat Silence starts at 24 hours. It doubles each time you get a Silence. A suspension is NOT indefinite unless you have managed to get so many that your Silence is now measured in years.
  • A GM applies the silence based off the text in the reported chat logs. It does not matter if someone is mad at you and reports you, if you don’t break the rules you don’t get a Silence.
  • If you were somehow Silenced in error, you can appeal and have a GM review that chat logs.

The amount of people who have Silences long enough to be measured in months or years tends to be small. They also earned those. Blizzard is not in any hurry to fix the bug it seems.


So, this happened to me yesterday. I was not muted, nor have ever been. I did just log off then back on and was able to play. Wonder what happened.

That is a separate bug Beefhammer. It is usually resolved by changing chars or logging. They have the same error code which makes it confusing.

Meteorblade has a copy paste post that covers both reasons for the error code. Let me go find it.

Here you go

Read that post. It explains everything as we currently know it.

:+1: gotcha. Just reading the quick info it seemed as if it was only a silenced issue.

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Who cares, it’s still very funny.

I do or I would not have corrected you. I see no humor in posting false information. It just makes you look like you don’t know what is going on.

If Blizz wanted to fix it I am sure they could. Pretty sure at this point it is at the very bottom of the priority list.


This pretty much covers everything that needs to be said in this thread.


I’m talking about the bug being funny, not the information…

I’ve encountered my fair share of smartmouths in the chat that deserve more than just a time-out.

So, report them then. When the GMs review the report, if they agree that what the reported player said breaks the rules, the GMs will issue them with a chat silence penalty.

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