Drop rate issue

I was curious if there’s anyway you guys can look into the drop rate for my character?
today came across a blue goblin and nothing spawned or dropped. I also notice that the bounties I’m completing are only getting 4 legendaries, four gems and one rare, one uncommon on the highest difficultly possible.

Number 4 in the Player List of Known Issues stickied at the top of the forum…

A quick check of https://d3resource.com/difficulties/index.php shows that at Torment 16 there are two guaranteed legendaries, with an 80% chance at a third one. There’s no difficulty where you get 4 legendaries per Bounty cache.

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If you’re getting 4 Legendary items from every Bounty Cache you should consider yourself very lucky.

As Meteorblade stated, on T16 you get 2 guaranteed Bounty-specific items and an 80% chance for a 3rd Bounty-specific item. The 4th Legendary item you’re receiving is a random Legendary (not Bounty-specific) drop.

I’m guessing this is seasonal bounties, where you get double caches, so it appears that you get 4 legendaries.

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