{Don't you want money?} Why are you not selling character slots & stash tabs?

Just did that myself 30 minutes ago. Only thing I didn’t save and put in my inventories are about 8 bovine bardiches to transfer in mail Probably won’t even bother retrieving them, anyways. In about 1/2 hour when season ends, compare stuff I did keep with existing stuff already had and whittle down even more.

Unless DH gets shafted, this will be 5 builds also.

Databases have “operational limits” that far out exceed 40M accounts × 10000 items.
I doubt the problem is wiyh the storage, but the in-game usage. THAT algorithm needs to be fixed.

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HC is a luxury I can’t afford without extra character slots.

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I would gladly pay real money for the stashes and character slot.


i can not understand why they dont make more money with d3 selling stuffs like poe and then put more ppl to work on this so make this game really worth to play


I’ve been complaining about competent stash space for years, they tried to fix it once by giving us 5 free tabs but it wasn’t successful. I’m just playing PoE at this point, till Diablo 4. I’ll probably abandon the Diablo franchise if Diablo 4 has the same stash issue and item balance problems in Diablo 3.

Competent Stash Space!

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As for hoarding, it depends on your game style and how often you play. Affects especially those playing both hardcore and softcore. I could use more (character slots and stash). Those calling others hoarders most likely don’t play an assortment of builds nor have mastered all the set dungeons or gotten 100% achievements. We play what is fun for us not you. Quit trying to impress on somebody else your game style.

Be nice if Blizzard increased rebirths (3 max). Was restricted because might be used as additional stash storage (mailbox) in spite of 30 days then poof. Perhaps rebirths at 3+ hardcore plus 3+ softcore.

Was D3 forum and social media outrage against Blizzard profiting off microtransactions.

wow so did they listen haters??? sad, and i bet then they complain about nobody worked on this, and think d3 is dead

yes, they’ve listened and made immortal :wink:

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GGG also made PoE Mobile.

And now they issue new sets. Nowhere to put them.
No storage to play seasons.
Need more stash! Been asking for years.


It was that and they said it also negatively impacts server performance. They tried giving us more stash tabs a few seasons ago, but they stated it caused a lot of issues

I don’t know if that’s just an excuse and they don’t care or if it’s an actual problem. It’s on us to believe them or not I guess

But I thought China could buy stash tabs and character slots?

So I am not 100% sure I buy their reasoning if the above is true.


IIRC - China starts off with 1 Stash Tab and 2 Char slots.

I don’t know the real numbers, but I believe they have to pay for what we get free, like the barbarian and Act 3.

I really do not care, the bottom line is if their servers handle extra inventory and character slots, no reason ours would not as well!

There is a max they can buy up to. The only thing they have extra is the shop for cosmetics. They can buy a lot of different wings and such

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As Kindran said, they have the same max we do. They just have to buy them separately where as ours some with the game/seasons.

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From what they said, when you enter a game all your tabs are loaded into memory along with the tabs from whoever else enters the game. With 4 players in a game, potentially 52 full tabs can be loaded into memory. While nothing happens with 52 full tabs loaded into memory, 56 tabs would cause the game to crash, the internet to catch fire, and the ruination of all mankind, so they won’t give us anymore tabs.

A good solution would be to have 8 general tabs available to all your characters and 5 class specific tabs. This would give a potential total of 43 tabs, but only 13 would be loaded when enter the game, since the Barb class specific tabs would be tied to your Barbarians, Dh class specific tabs would be tied to your DH, so on and so forth.

Ok I get it, the “stash tab issue” has a can’t do, won’t do, not worth it attitude…

What about character slots? Why can’t I have another 7+ seasonal and maybe bunch of hardcore ones if I do feel like it?


I’m thankful for my system that I put together. I usually have 3 empty tabs available, and maybe up to 5 if I condense things.

Most of the class respective gear is stored on the class character its for. If I want to play a specific character, I load it up, dump their stored gear into one of my empty tabs and play. I only have one full set of the best version for each potion, and only one set of high leveled legendary gems. I slot those gems and a potion whenever I pick a character and remove them when done. Same with follower gear. I have a top set for each follower with their optional choices and swap that gear when I load a character, etc.

That way I don’t have multiple legendary gems taking up space, multiple potions, or multiple anything else.

I don’t keep any non-class specific gear unless its GG or Ancient or better, any rings that don’t have a socket, can’t be rolled to work, or non-ancient or no legendary power, etc.

I would say if I had multiples of anything, it would be of a few amulets, a few belts, few rings, etc, that can be useful for different classes. Things I have the most of are goblin rings and cow pikes. I have a character inventory full and nearly a stash tab full. (I need to use those in the stash up one of these days)

But overall, I don’t keep anything that isn’t good to either be already ancient, usable by any class, or doesn’t have a power or stat that helps a build. Other than one character that has a bunch of legacy pre-RoS gear that you cannot find anymore. More for nostalgia than anything else though.

But honestly, its about how you manage your gear. Those that have issues with this, or don’t know what they should or shouldn’t keep are going to have space issues.

Game on.

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