Don't nerf WW, don't nerf Chantodo, reverse akhan leniency nerf, reverse inna nerf

And you will have 4 classes who can do 140s ( even though reversing innas nerf from 3 ptrs ago would probably not make it 140 viable)

Instead of nerfing blizz needs to just bring everything up to same level.

Nerfing a ptr build is dumb because after a few seasons, they will buff other builds to new heights and forget about the older sets they nerfed (just like inna and blessed shield).

So leave ww alone, leave chantodo alone…


For the monk there are more suggestions here:

and with some numbers but worse formatted here

The upcoming patches are going to boost the other class just be wait that your turn comes
Next patch up :
wd … power-up
necro power-up …
Monk … power-up
crusad power-up …

the power up for change meta …to diversify the meta

If everyone is crying nerf, the current meta will not change and you’ll always be kicked by that you do not play the meta class in public

weeping at the nerve, are the culprits than diablo and so boring to push the GR …only one meta

I’m french …Sorry for my bad english :frowning: