Does elemental damage type matter in weapon?

All backgrounds look the same to me on my Switch.

I filed a Console bug report…

I remember having to look up what runes for skills did what elemental damage on consoles as it did not show. This was Xbox one, not sure if it differs on others.

Edit: I do think there was some that would say in the runes description “turns to x elemental damage”

Are you sure it doesn’t look like these?
From top to bottom: Fire, Physical, lightning, cold, poison, arcane, holy.

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I also can’t find this information in the Diablo Game Guide list of skills. For instance:

I think those descriptions are the source for the descriptions for both PC and Console, but PCs obviously go a step further to indicate the damage type in the popups outside of those descriptions.

That looks nothing like the skills presentation menu on Console. (Also, there are no “popups” or “tooltips” as there is no mouse.)

Here is an example:

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Wow, that is quite different from the PC. Unfortunate. I wonder if that is the same across all consoles? Maybe they had limited resolution to work with.

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They do have to worry about screen real estate in general, but there is plenty of room on that page for indicating the damage type. And the descriptions are scrollable if they get too long so they could always add another line of text to the description if need be. But I really think there is room there for a line stating the damage type.

They could put it beside the name of the skill, but that would probably bring a tear to a graphic designer’s eye somewhere.

Just because the Cold and Magic Damage on D2’s Azurewrath or the Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage on D2’ Barana’s Star were quite low compared to other items in D2, do not mean that it has to be like that in D4 (or D3).

Not if enemies have (different) resistances (not necessarily immunities).
Then this matters to a not insignificant amount.

That would also lead to much, much more interesting itemization with affixes like '"Pierce through xx% of enemies [Single Elemental] Resistance and various was on how to specialize your build.

That is primarily true for the Competitive Players, but they are not the only kind of players that play Diablo like games.

If you only cater to them, then the game will be a lot less popular overall.

For reference:

I sorta hated that part of D2, to be frank.

Also, the problem is items like Baranar’s Star dealt elemental damage which was not affected by other modifiers. Therefore, it did not scale with weapon damage increases on skills.

And if it would have? Would you then liked it or liked it more?

Or what if the flat elemental damage would have been so high that it could stand on its own (so to speak)?

Or was it Immunities you did not like?
I also do not like Immunities, but I very much would like to have High Resistances on enemies instead.

Agreed, it was the immunities.

I like the idea of stacking buffs rather than a boring huge flat damage bonus that does not interact with other buffs.

Dang, such a poorly designed game
in d2 when you’d pick up a ruby and throw it in an os while leveling for making do with what you found instead of googling a guide, flames would visually go on, and fire damage would be dealt. If that monster you hit was fire enchanted, it would do less damage than if that monster was not fire enchantees.

I know.
If that monster was phys immune the fire damage would carry over.

Diablo 3 doesnt have any of this its just nitro skip nitro skip, decide, ok fine combat, dont matter what immunities or res the monster has, i just spam my skill my bonus, and skip to the next enjoyable comp.

Really bad combat in d3 its nothing like d2’s as far as quality.
Theres like 4ish d2 experienced folk on these forums these days this is the hub for pro-d3 so not expecting any sort of understanding or care, bc, different ages different exp levels, diff knowledge.

So if enemies actually had High Resistances instead of Immunities and Elemental Damage would be competitive with other affixes, I think you would like it more, right?

Especially if Elemental Damage had Secondary Effects like the ones I mentioned above.

You could for example build Legendaries around flat Elemental Damage, e.g.

  • gain xx% of your Lightning Resistance as additional Lightning Damage
  • each stack of Ignite/Burn (the Secondary Effect from Fire Damage which deals ~25% of the overall damage of the Total Fire Damage) that an enemy has on him also reduces his healing / or reduces his fire resistance, etc.
  • you now no longer take damag from Ignite, but it heals you instead
  • 35% of your Single Flat Elemental Damage now converts into Flat Elemental Damage (which means that that when you have 100 Fire Damage, this now turns 35 of that Fire Damage into 35 Frost Damage, 35 Lightning Damage and 35 Fire Damage, and the same thing for other Flat Single Elemental Damages)
  • being Chilled no longer slows you, but rather increases your movement and attack speed
  • etc

I would think that stuff like this is really exiting and it also isn’t mutually exclusive with buffs and procs. In fact, you can kinda combine them so that they complement each other.

Some of the examples that kinda go in such a direction that I have in my Concept Art Folder:

I am not so big a fan. You are saying that you want flat damage bonuses, but then adding that some effects will play off of those flat bonuses…meaning you are stacking them, just in a different way.

I prefer the current system. XXX% bonus from set or LoD, XX% from each of 3-4 legendary powers, and then general buffs from skill-agnostic gear like CoE and TP/CR or F/R.

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If you want. You don’t have to. It is just one out of many ways to customize your character.

Then you are very much in a minority with that opinion in the community.
This is not an attack or a critique, just a statement of fact.

I think these massive Multipliers to specific Skills on sets and legendaries in D3 are disliked by most of the community for very good reasons, since they massively lower build diversity and also item diversity.

They basically don’t leave you a choce in what items you wanna use and funnel you into very specific builds and thereby rob you of any other viable options and choices.

For example, as a Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian I would rather want to have the choice between weapons like these, than between The Gavel of Judgement, the Bul Katho Swords and Fury of the Vanished Peak:

But I admit that in the end it all boils down to personal preference.

Except I don’t like having 6 sockets in a legendary/unique item unless it’s a particular one which is made for that many sockets. Specially in a weapon.

I disagree. First, in D2, those “% chance to proc a level 19 Lightning Bolt” was useless. It did no damage because D2 also engaged in min-maxing. You just did it via skill points and synergies.

The weapons you produced are a mess of random and hard-to-trace affixes. It creates pointless text disguised as complexity and depth.

The truth is that D2, which did not have huge but specific stacking bonuses, had less diversity of itemization. Almost all right-click builds used BotD, Grief, or Last Wish, all expensive rune words. Almost all characters wore Enigma. Most casters used HotO. In D3, every build (of which there are about 5 per class) uses a different weapon (except for DHs, which mostly use Dawn in some capacity). D3 has far more diversity, weird as that sounds. The weapons you provided are just D2-styled junk.

Take off the nostalgia glasses. Ignore 17% of physical resistance? 14% pylon duration? This is a hodge-podge that belongs where it came from: 2002.

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Weapon elemental bonus damage makes no difference.

I didn’t want to believe it. I fought against the idea. Aside from a few obscure posts about it from years ago, which offered no proof, everything I read about it says it should make a difference.

But testing shows that it does not. I actually made this post 5 years ago, but I thought this would be an opportune moment to repost it.

Any skill that uses a rune will convert all weapon damage, regardless of element type, to the element of the rune, even in the absence of element type on the weapon (a “Black Damage” weapon).

You can use a crossbow with Arcane damage (Arcane Barb, anyone?) on a Demon Hunter Fire build, or Daibo with Fire damage on a Cold Monk.

It just doesn’t matter.

I find that very aggravating and liberating at the same time.

Here is the link to the video of the testing:

Here is a link to the Excel spreadsheet with the numeric data from the testing:

Note that there are some weapons that include an actual elemental skill damage bonus, such as the Balefire Caster, which has a Fire damage bonus. There is also the Etrayu, with Cold damage, and the Uskang, with Lightning damage. There are no doubt similar weapons for other classes. But we are talking about the element type of the bonus weapon damage, not any dedicated elemental damage that appears on the weapon.

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Why? I always felt as if was a bad system in D2 to not give uniques the maximum amount of sockets and that you only got the 1 from Larzuk), because to me that felt like missing out on customization.

In the example only the 2h weapons that have 6 sockets. The 1h weapons and off-hands have 3.

Maybe both the 1h and 2h weapons and off-hands can have 3 or 4 sockets, but the 2h weapons have the feature that the power of the gems and runes you put into them is increased by 100%, so that remains at the same power level.

Yes, but that does not mean that it has to remain like that in D3 or in D4.
Think about Shard of Hatred being overpowered in D3 for a while.

You can balance it in a way that these affixes are competitive with other affixes.

Well, I wouldn’t call it like that. The affixes are chosen based on the theme of the item.

And Diablo 2 did it very similar.

These OP runewords were added in 1.10 and uniques were never updated since at approximately this time Blizzard North started to work on their version of D3.

Imo they should have nerfed some top end RW’s and buffed many uniques, so that there is more of choice of items in the endgame.

The worst offender in the game in regards to balance.
The Teleport from this RW should have a cooldown.

D3 has more viable builds, but it has less choices you can make in regards to items. Also, in D2 there are a few very, very, OP builds like the Hammerdin, Lightning Sorc, Javazon, etc, but you also have very OP builds in D3.

D2’s problem was balance, not the underlying design philosophy.
If things were balanced better, you would have a lot more choices.

D3 on the other hand has both balance issues, as well as the underlying design philosophy being terrible (which was acknowledged by the D4 devs as well).

In D3 there is no choice, even if things were better balanced. When you play a Multishot Demon Hunter, then you have to take Yangs and DML.

If you play a WW Barbarian → choose WW buffing items
If you play a Meteor Sorc → choose Meteor buffing items
If you play a Rapid Fire DH → choose Rapid Fire items

In D2, assuming balance would be better, you would have a choice between Windforce, Ice RW, Faith RW, Lycander’s Aim, maybe even Goldstrike Arch, and others if you play a Multishot build for example.

Well, if you prefer to replace Crushing Blow, Pierce through Resistances, +x-y Elemental Damage, Death Blow (Culling Strike), Increased Damage against Elites,
Pierce through Armor, etc with ATTACK, as they have done in D4, than that is fine, but from what I have seen, the majority of the Diablo community wants more item and affix diversity and has huge issues with both D3’s and D4’s current itemization, so most of us seem to have this “nostalgia” on this issue in one way or another.

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