Does elemental damage type matter in weapon?

I have never seen someone with such skill!..

Of being able to use so many words to say absolutely nothing of consequence.


Generally for those skills, if an element is not mentioned it does the same elemental damage of the baseline skill - In this case, Physical.

Every single skill and rune will deal all of it’s damage in a single element, no exceptions.

It would be nice if the base skill mentioned “as Physical” then so we don’t have to guess.

It states its damage type in the title of the skill. It is physical.

Durning D3’s development the skills did not convert 100% of all damage into a single element (at least the melee skills and physical ranged skills with arrows), as you can see in the D3 Gameplay Announcement Trailer I posted earlier, but they have removed that feature.

What is even worse is that this seems to not make a return in D4 either, since I have not seen flat Elemental Damage on weapons yet.

In this case D3 was actually better than D4, even if in D3 100% of the damage was converted into a single element.


I very much would have enjoyed it if physical melee skills and physical ranged skills (Arrow Skills) would not convert damage into a specific element, so that they both deal the base physical damage from the weapon and potential elemental damage on top of that.

It would be even better if - like in D2 - there would be weapons with two or three additional elemental damage types (Azurewrath - cold and magic damage, or Baranar’s Star - fire, cold and lightning damage), so that your physical attacks could deal three or four different types of damage at once.

They also could have done some very neat stuff with skills that by their own inherent nature have dual elemental types, or with skills that partially convert physical damage into elemental damage:

You kid, are just toxic and sad.


Do you bad players not understand that Vanilla D3 and RoS are 2 different games and the latter is leeching code from the former? Code that isnt easily manipulated? Things like weapon element damage is locked into the code and taking it out would cause an insurmountable amount of bugs so it’s better to just understand that Element damage will convert 100% upon rune choice, yet there are certain situations when using a weapon that element type will proc certain things, and this isnt just for “flavor”, it just simply isnt coded out yet due to restraints on time and bugs.

git gud plz, i dont like typing so much and i’d appreciate it if you guys would learn something on your own for once so you dont haave to be babysat by daddy D3 mechanics anymore.

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I don’t play Seasonal except for tab…

You are a uniquely unlikable person. Like 14 year old virgin unlikable.


They do show the element type. Every base skill and their runes show exactly which element damage they do. No guessing necessary.

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Not to mention that the ‘‘good player’’ giving lessons is only paragon 1146 in non-seasonal and 752 in seasonal :rofl:


Really??? Dude is pathetic.

Those D2 weapons stunk. They did deceptively little damages. This is not a tinkering worth doing.

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And he’s wearing skull grasp on Rend build.

I’m so glad you have a sense of humor :smiling_face:

it does not matter…only elemental % matters…what’s on your weapon is just the type of element associated with the damage not the percentage. Even if you had no element on it it would still not matter

But if this would have been done in D3, would the state of D2’s items have prevented them from increasing the elemental damage to such a degree that they would have been useful in D3?

Same for D4.

I do not follow. More importantly, mixed damage is both confusing and unnecessary. There are so many other ways to add diversity to dps. Diablo games will always favor min max and dealing damage with one weapon type, damage type, or even one skill.

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So many people were saying this when I know for a fact that they do not. Whuuu?

Actually, we’re both right…

PC states damage type for all skills and runes when you look at the popup.

Console DOES NOT state damage type in any formal way and it can only be inferred if the descriptive text includes “as [element]” or “This turns the skill’s damage type into [element].”

So, another thing they botched with the console ports.

Haven’t played console, but is there an option called “Advanced tool tips”? If so, make sure it is enabled. Without it, on the PC it won’t show the element type.

Also, it indicates damage type by the background in the skill description.

Yep, that’s checked. As well as any other checkbox that could possibly apply. Still no damage types in the Skills menus…