… that THIS company, that was overrun by money vultures and shareholders, would allow to re-create the biggest competition for an upcoming title (Diablo IV)?
If so: LOL.
It all makes sense. Create a good, decent re-master. Sell it as such. Good marketing, all the promises, good graphics. Money, income, shareholders happy.
But then, when already a shtton of money was made, start adding changes. Start slow, end big, pss everybody off, ruin the game.
I’m sorry to disappoint any romantics here, but they are about so release Diablo 4. Of course they have to sabotage the greatest ARPG to not kill your own future cash cow. Come one…, nobody can be that blindfolded.
All the changes they already made has nothing to do with a re-master. Any further changes (especially stuff like personal loot) are particularly designed to sabotage fundamental game mechanics.
Even Blizzard South is unable to create the amount of incompetence and hubris, to pull all these things on “accident”.
oh yea great conspiracy theory, much like that human race never touched the moon , that the earth is flat and the government try to hide it to us , that the 9/11 was a conspiracy , that the anti covid vaccine add 4g chip made by bill gates in our blood to track us , that there is reptilian people controlling us and so on.
joking aside i’am wondering if it’s a troll post or not.
changes = sabotage? man you guys are funny. Changes = positive improvements which will enhance the game. But keep living under a rock with that tunnel vision.
really close-minded. You guys are against all changes, even for positive ones. How does that make sense? If community feedback is required for changes to take place, and a positive change does occur, how does it make the game worse? Or is that nostalgia talking from your behind?
That’s your opinion that it’s terrible. I’m of the opinion that those two things would greatly enhance the game, especially since melee is so disadvantaged right now and so are unique items against runewords.
You got the wrong impression then, because they clearly said that they would be subject to changes if community approved. Besides, a pre-order is not the same thing as an order. You assume the risk by pre-ordering anything. And pre-orders can still be cancelled without a problem.
They said they are open to changes, so that’s their intention. How you want to interpret that is up to you but it seems clear to me.
D2 was flawed and had clunky interface even at its prime days, what makes you think it wouldn’t be also decades later?
You’re being incredibly illogical grasping onto an outdated system / unbalanced gameplay. D2 doesn’t even have an in-game trading platform, and people have to spam their trade messages and hope someone catches their selling message within 0.3 seconds while other messages quickly send it out of the window, how is that even remotely acceptable in 2021?
You clearly must be out of your mind.
Anything you state here is a) 100% subjective and b) biased.
Your talk would maybe (and that is a big ‘maybe’) make sense in a newly created game like D4, not for a RE-MASTER of a 20 year old, highly successful title.
hey you’re the one making far fetched conspiracy theory not me so i think you might be the one watching it too much
no company would sabotage their own game to make it sale less on purpose xD
one company’s decision can be arguable if it seems bad to you, but it’s still decisions to make more sells in the end be it to add , remove , change anything or on the contrary not change something , all are decisions to make more sells in THEIR opinion , not to make less sales.
whether they do it correctly or not they are seeking more sales.
Last word was they weren’t giving classic a shared stash…some stereotypical nonsense that people who play Classic don’t want any changes, but then still giving auto gold, etc.
Hard not to be negative when the dev team seems to struggle with the most simple of things.