Do you really believe

anything you state here is also 100% subjective and biased. We are in a forum with differing opinions, what do you expect? Purists are as smart as a rock…

Funny, I think the D2 interface is much better than many modern Arpgs.

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I thought that was what aggravated you mate. It might happen in a future patch who knows.

In the mean time you could join us heretics on LoD maybe.

There is nobody left on this company who has any positive vibes or feelings for Diablo 2. Everybody from the original bought team (North) is long gone. All this company did after, (especially with Jay Wilson and his clowns) was spitting on the heir of the greatest ARPG ever created (yes that is my subjective oppinion).

If you really believe they would dare to create their own competition to a 20-year old title (created from people which are gone for decades), you are out of your mind.

That’s because your mentality is stuck in 2000 as well. You are playing classic ffs. That alone explains a lot about you. “D2 interface much better” LOL ok dude. You are wearing some heavy nostalgia lens.

im going to stick it to mcdonalds… ganna buy the hamburger instead of the cheeseburger… that’ll show them…

that’s the “competition"your talking about” they don’t freaking care which one u buy"
if you like one… your more likely to come back for more… and possibly try the other.

i don’t know what world you live in that you think they are competing against each other… the same people get paid no matter which one u buy…


I’m not sure how you can argue against a game (interface included), that is on the plan, played by thousands, for 20 years without any content updates?

Without continued updates, Diablo3 would be dead for years… well… it is pretty much dead nonetheless, but nvm.

Same goes for PoE. All those games only keep a player base because of new content and updates.

What are you guys even talking about and in which world do you live.

Diablo II will certainly not compete with Diablo IV! In fact it won’t even affect it.

Diablo IV will crush Diablo II in terms of copies sold by more than we can think of! That is expected since there are more people out there that play video games.

Not at all.

I play both Classic and Xpac, for varying reasons. I don’t think what version, or even which games I play is overly explanatory about me at all, though no doubt there’s not a game on the planet you could beat me at.

You got me there. A game which is primarily sold on nostalgia, has me nostalgic. You win.

You think they are aiming at the old people who played D2 with D4? I think D2R is for us old guys and D4 is aimed more at new people. Like D3 was…

You’re seeing things, which are not there mate.
After the biggest betrayal in gaming history (Diablo 3), Diablo 4 will certainly not sell in auto-mode. That trick only worked once, because of D1 and D2/LoD.

If that was in a strict remaster realm, Blizzard would be keeping their promise.

In addition, Blizzard could add a separate realm with more optional changes.

Promises kept. Win-win. You select the strict remaster realm with FFA only loot. Other can pick something else.


Then again… Diablo II has no effect on the sales of Diablo IV. Doesn’t matter if you p*** off a community or not…

Yes but it’s being made in 2021. Not in 1999. Which means some modernization and changes are in order. But you are letting your heavy nostalgia block you from seeing that this game needs changes badly. It needed changes back in the 2000s when game was still popular. It needs it even more now.

Define “changes”?

QoL… Yes
Game mechanic breaking stuff, which nobody can predict… No.

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That’s up for community debate on which changes they want. But Geezer and the other purists are adamant they don’t want ANY changes. which is hilariously ridiculous.

You should really look up the definition of QoL, You can’t just cherry pick stuff you want.

QoL = nice to have but not necessary

That’s my definition at least for the work i do.

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No disagreements, here.

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Was this meant for me or Micro? you quoted me but replied to him. Either way, please explain further to illustrate your point, thanks.