Disappointing Primal Kanai cube recipe

I think it’s best I stop interacting with you, I’m not interested in playing this debate game with somebody that refuses to grasp nuance, and continues to respond to self-made strawmen in such a kneejerk willfully blind way, out of misplaced irrational fears that do not apply. The irony is you even prove my point with that response without realizing it. Good day.

I don’t think I’ve ever read a more incorrect sentence in all of gaming.

What’s the lottery payout at these days, anyway?

I was thinking they could add a new functionality of Ramaldi’s Gift by allowing you to instead use it to pick a stat to replace a gem slot on a ring or amulet while still allowing you to reroll one stat at the Mystic. This would effectively allow you to change 2 stats on rings and amulets. Even if you had to spend 50-100 primal essences to upgrade a Ramaldi at the cube it would be worth it as you could upgrade an amulet with 2 required stats instead of farming for a decent ancient with 3 near perfect stats which isn’t always possible in a season depending on your luck. Seeing as how gem slots are mandatory in jewelry it would greatly help with the monotony of bounty rolling a useful amulet and rings where most either eventually give up and settle for what they have or get lucky.

I would absolutely love something like that. If they made it so that using Ramaladni was possible on your rings and amulets (while removing the socket roll option from the mystic as well to reduce the stat choice pollution), that would be amazing.

I’d also love to separate primary and secondary stats, so you could roll those independently of each other at the mystic instead of being forced to pick one. Some secondary stats are really cool but you pretty much never get to use them because you’re nearly always forced to reroll important primary stats. Also making all res and single res not mutually exclusive would be great, it’s such a pointless limitation.

Another thing I’d love to see separated and rerollable independently of primary and secondary stat is your weapon’s damage element. There are a few builds and skills (like Elemental Exposure) that benefit from specific elements on weapons and you end up throwing away perfectly good weapons because the element is not right, it’s a damn shame and not something that should ever deserve to eat up the mystic reroll.

Finally, I wish they’d help followers a bit more. I’d be cool if we could also use a Ramaladni on relics (and socket legendary gems in it) and if they’d get both armor and all resist (currently only Templar relic has armor but no all res, and both Scoundrel and Enchantress only get all res), and also add secondaries like reduced ranged and melee damage reduction while removing that useless useless + raw XP stat (from relic at least, but ideally from every item in the game heh).

It would also rock if Aquila Cuirass, Stone Gauntlets (without requiring them to use Ice Climbers to mitigate its penalty), Molten Wildebeest Gizzard and Enforcer (or just its pet damage reduction part) worked on them to help them survive more. Making Warzechian Armguards and Pauldrons of the Skeleton King emanate would also be amazing. Making Promise of Glory work on them (and buffing it substantially) could allow them to spawn globes for you with Sultan of Blinding Sand and Cord of the Sherma. Adding some extra pieces to the Sage’s Set and Cain’s Set could also help a lot with itemizing them. And finally, allow us to equip them with the cube recipe Primal item next season, unlike current Sanctified items not being equipable by them (why is this the case Blizz?!).

Maybe they could also change Blackthorn’s set to be a craftable-only set that would buff followers in some way (maybe make them do damage!!!). It would stop polluting loot pools and you’d have a specific follower set you could gear them out with! And maybe make Captain Crimson’s and Asheara’s also work on them!

And this last suggestion is the most out there. Bring back the 4th cube slot, but only enable it when your follower is with you and you’re playing solo. It would be absolutely incredible for solo players! And maybe a 5th “emanate-only” cube slot so they could equip Nemesis bracers while also emanating Promise of Glory or some other fun combination!

I think the Primal recipe should have two differents cost and allows us to reforge far more:

  • One for the Reroll based on Primal destroy at smith (Give us more ash, not infinite).
  • One based on other material salvage at smith… (Please let us try to get correct gear).


Well do you remember the current S27 season with sanctified weapons?

  • Did you try to get difficult items perfect with sanctified items?
  • Did you try 457 times to reforged your primal weapon to get those sucking primary skills perfect + 1 one secondary skill like Freeze enemies % chance on hit or Knock back % chance on hit ? Because the effect on the build sky rocket your ability to fight.
  • Well seriously 400 times? You reforge and don’t get the good sanctifried power but you finally have good stats…

OK; There was the additional factor of the correct sanctified power to get but still it was a multiplicative factor of 3 only.

  • A little bit of Math:
    – Let’s take 400 sanctified items dust:
    – To get that it took roughly 1500 GR at around 3-4 minutes a GR because i just counldn’t keep up like a robot and even if i did some at 2m, 2m30s, well you know you need to breath, to drink to watch around you and all. OK it took me around 100 hours of play, in fact far more but well…
    – I accept that generally a perfect Primal items could probably be done in less than 50 rolls, but difficult one would take far more like 200 or 400.
    – With the new recipe: You need to get 2 garbages primals to try to create or reforge one primal you want. 2 primals? Yeah i speak about getting 2 very rare primal that drop randomly every 400 legendary items you get? Did you know ?
    – Well every 30-35 GR you get one useless primal = 35*4 (min over the long time whole season) = 140min (1 Primal).
    – Well ok you got it to get those 400 primal reforge you need between 900 and 1000 hours of play?
    – I really hope you have time to lose and that you will drop it naturally or get a better ancient by that time because it took you a full season.
    – Blizzard, divide that time by half or 10 please.

Finally the argument about Primal perfect and ancient items seen above:

  • I agree that going from normal to ancient to primal change things but not so much some times. Still it does some good. But it is gear dependent.
  • If you can’t get a correct rings, amulet, Primal drop on those allows us a chance to get 2 stats at good level where Ancient just don’t. Those very rare items are skyrocketing your damage, buffs giving +5-15% on your damage without considering the passive: (The possible to get Conclave of element with dmg bonus, CC + CD maxed + passive at 200% not 150% is hard to get and it is not the most difficult one…)
  • If you consider gear with large rng variables on passive powers, it can be a nightmare to get a perfect piece of items and it matters a lot on your power level. Think to stuff like “Shield of Fury”, “Hell amulet”, “The quiver of cirri”, “The Sorcerer Meteor Shoes… Passive from 600% to 900%”…
  • If you get a perfect ancient items with a stupidelly useless passive bonus, well this items is not usefull.
  • In those case Primal assure you that the RNG will be far lower by a huge marging so please Blizzard let us get better gear faster like it was said earlier, the only thing you will win is player will have fun at leveling more different builds and that would mean we would play more even if we are faster.
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The recipe is awesome, first craft primal weapon… when you find a really good ancient/primal weapon craft something else… rince and repeat.


I really like the idea, current cube recipes not keeping item ancient or primal status and rerolling them together with stats was one of the worst decisions ever. Splitting rerolling for status and rerolling for stats into two separate recipes or some other method would be amazing.

But of course, I’d like this on top of splitting weapon element/primary/secondary stats into independently rerollable categories at the mystic.