Diablo players wants two different servers

I don’t want a separate server because of FFA loot, but I do think If they make skill and item changes, a separate realm would be good.

You just want the hardcore playerbase to do the work for you. Not going to happen. Not to mention Blizz dont even confirmed ploot.

Yes we do need. You dont have any negative effect from 2 different realms.

You want to force ploot on us what never was part of d2 but also wants to force us to fuel the amateurs economy. I see.

You’re not hardcore if you don’t play on hardcore mode. Stop saying that. How will they be doing the work for me if they continue to play in FFA games while I’m playing in Ploot games mostly. Please try to make sense. You also don’t get a negative effect if they do not split the servers based on loot systems. I love how you act like allowing for a ploot option somehow forces it on you. Don’t play on that game mode. It’s really that simple.

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Incorrect. I don’t want to force you to do anything. If you want FFA loot I want you to be able to play that way for the next 40 years.


what majority you talking about?

Nah no two servers, that splits the player base in half, not going to happen and you’d be dumb to ask or think so. :smiley:

Yes i want to play FFA if i can then 40 years long. On a seperate realm without amatuers.

There was us/eu/asia servers. Now everyone plays on the same realm. And as i have seen you are the majority anyway so dont worry for us. Oh btw Blizz didnt even confirmed ploot system.

Well you’re sure lucky to be paid to play D2. Good for you not being an amateur.

There are very good players who will play FFA, personal, and both, if given the opportunity.

I don’t think we know yet where the most skilled players would play, let’s try not to predict the future with faulty reasoning.

Doesn’t WoW have like a million servers? Aren’t we trying to WoW this remaster?

On a serious note. Lets stop bumping this topic. No one wants 2 servers.

I would use lovely “noob” but for some snowflake that was too offensive.

Where are they?

If you are skilled then you can get everything what you want. Then you have no problem with FFA anyway. And there are the other side where the player could not get what he wanted. Rly simple.

I’m pretty knowledgeable about this game and I’d play personal loot if pickit makes a return.

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Yes i have seen this from the other ploot supporters: “i mostly played solo” “without bots you cant find anything” “we need mounts” " immunities are stupid".

You can play together with the other knowledgeable amateurs together on your “sandbox” server IF blizz ever brings ploot whatwe dont know yet.

Don’t call fracture a snowflake I thought he made a good point.


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There’s no need to insult other users, aren’t you the one that didn’t understand drop rates in the other thread?

Yes, considering you didn’t know some of the core basics of the game, I’d have to wonder if you’re the right person to be passing judgement on others’ game knowledge.

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If you look at the reddit poll you can see the majority of people want more QoL changes, its only the loot question that is highly controversial. In terms of different servers, they could simply customize the loot per game (choose FFA or Instanced loot when you make a game).

This would probably be the best option. The purists will be annoyed they catered to the people who want changes, but they could run their own FFA Baal runs and never have to mix with the instanced-looters, so it would not change the core game for them.

Its possible that if mismanaged it could disrupt the economy by overproducing loot, but I trust the devs to put in systems in place so that it will not have too big an effect.

I also wish they would start supporting D2 with new ladders again. This would make a lot of the purists happy. So that would be two servers.

Nope I’ll admit when I’m wrong, was a different user in same thread, apologies.

Either way though, calling everyone noob and amateur does make me question your game knowledge. It’s something teenagers do.

Jani you noob calm down :rofl:

Dont need to apologize. 1000’s post you cant remember all of them.

Never called everyone noob. But as example. I am terrible with FPS games.But when i play them with my friends and they SCREAM with me that how big noob i am or when chat say this. You know what i answer? Well its true. And westart to laugh.