Diablo players wants two different servers

If you say. You have anyway such big credibilty. :wink:

see look how nice that was :smiley:

Yeah what is this, civility? I’m out of here lol.

lol he was getting nasty in another thread so ive been following him about for a bit :stuck_out_tongue:

Cya in three days maybe i dunno lol

You follow me? Ahh pls i dont care your personal life.

You don’t understand, I’ve nothing else to do and I have nowhere else to go,
I like you jani, I’m gonna be around you a lot
Days nights weekends holidays I’m going to hang out with you until the end of time

Look they just became best friends!

:smiley: Do you feel the love lets all join hands

Should i surprise?

Thats cool. I always wanted a pet. Good boy.