Diablo Mobile vs PC

Words have meaning. Learn to use the correct ones. Regardless, you can still play a game on your phone through a monitor using kb/m interface today. I could set up my phone to play on my 32 inch monitor right now. My point was, it’s only a matter of time, especially with cloud gaming that all you would need would be a phone, a monitor, and a kb/m and replicate the PC experience.

Please pull that stick out of the nether regions.

You have three legs.


That would make 4. But seriously how donyou expect to communicate well when using words improperly?

PC / Console gaming will be more in trouble when you can use the phone to replace the bulky box of the console or desktop itself and still produce equal or better quality/experience. Connectivity with monitors/tv/keyboard/mice/VR etc will also be a big factor. If you can plop your phone down and connect to the same external items you use to run your current games through the bigger boxes… that will be a no brainier. Same essence with cameras/VCR recorders. When is the last time you ever held a regular stand alone camera? Why would you want / need to? Now for those that are professionals and want to shell out big bucks for that extra plateau of quality that is not the normal price point for the general investor… that’s where PC’s future lies in all probability, maybe will rigs designed that only have upgrades to what the phone currently cant do where you plug the phone into the rig as the CPU.

I can envision a time where all you do is simply choose your gaming app, title and setup you desire and you’re good to go be it on your desk/chair/monitor/keyboard setup or on your couch/tv/controller one in the family room, or just on the phone itself.

The technology of what phones can produce still hasn’t shown any plateau… and the chips/processors inside them in relation to gaming and the broadening compatibility / connectivity is where the future seems to be heading.

The other huge play will be in relating how often you need to upgrade your gear/console/ phone. Both have high price points to upgrade and only having to do one, I’m sure, is why more people will choose (if not already are) phones over the other options in the future.

It’s a safer bet than the metaverse. It’s likely to be possible within 10 years.

If people ask me nicely, I’ll start posting poems.
The MeteorVerse™ will beat Metaverse.
Change my mind.


The comet falls, stabs –
Computing delivery,

Hell, I bet we will reach Skelos’s timeline before the metaverse becomes a big deal.

Because there quality is a lot better. Phones are for the most part still just toys when it comes to taking pictures. Always will be.

Physics still matter. A phone will never be able to keep up with a desktop or laptop PC. The PC killer, if such a thing exists, is streaming more than it is phones.
But then, that wouldn’t really kill PCs, just move the PC to an external site.
Seems likely all the different platforms are just becoming more similar, to the point where it stops mattering, and we just have games, that can be played wherever (well, except on iOS I guess, due to their walled garden).
The moment you connect a phone to a monitor, mouse and keyboard, it essentially functions as a PC, even if it isn’t one. A Raspberry Pi is a PC, even if it fits just fine in my pocket. At some point, the differences become irrelevant.

If any platforms are going away it will be consoles. Since they only narrowly fulfil one purpose; gaming (well, and media boxes, but basically anything can fulfill that purpose these days). Both PCs and phones have purposes outside of gaming that means plenty of people will have access to them, with or without gaming. And as long as the devices are out there, someone will make games for them. Heck, people make games for calculators.

Bet it will be the only factor in the long run.
Some games will only work with one or some of these, even when they might work across all kinds of platforms.
You might have a game that only works with mouse and keybard for example. You could theoretically run it on your phone while at the bus, but you wouldn’t be able to control it through the touch screen.
Another game might require VR. Sure, it could technically run on your PC, but without VR connected it wouldn’t be playable. Controls ending up more important than the hardware that runs the game.

Pretty sure his timeline is in the past. Reads like early 1900s sci-fi novels.

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Creating proper games is a true art form and PC will always be the best platform for it. The modern consoles are turning more and more into PCs and the difference between them is really just the hardware these days (and exclusives I suppose). Plug your PC to a controller and a screen and the experience is identical almost. I guess there’s still the advantage of just putting in the cd and immediately start the game with a console. The mobile junk however will never compare when it comes to the whole experience, but that’s not to say that it doesn’t have its allure. After all, it’s perfectly designed to fit the needs of lazy adhd ridden gamers that crave constant access to dopamine kicks while traveling. Hell I bet they even take the cellphones with them to play while going to the bathroom. Personally I’m not looking for more reasons to spend time on my cellphone than I already do, but I suppose people are basically obsessed with theirs these days. I’m sure they’ll enjoy the extra cheap thrills that the games provide.

As someone who actually has diagnosed ADHD, I’d appreciate if you didn’t insult the condition like that. It has absolutely nothing to do with what you’re talking about.