One of the things I loved most about Diablo 2 was the ability to specialise in a certain weapon type or element within the skill tree.
For example, if you wanted to be a Javelin or a Bow Amazon, you had completely different skills which you would take for both. Within that you could also specialise in certain skill and ability types.
I loved getting an amazing drop that was perfect for a certain specialisation or build and building up that character.
From what I can see in D4, there is limited skill choice and there is a small talent tree that looks like 1/4 of the skill tree which Diablo 2 included for each class. There are also no weapon-specific abilities. This was one of the best things about Diablo 2, you had lightning abilities that only worked for javelin, or split arrow abilities that only worked with a bow.
From what I remember in D3 ANY ability worked with ANY weapon. Which took away from the “omfg im going to make a cold orb sorc” when you got that +100% cold elemental damage drop or the “omg ima bake a bowzon” when you got that awesome bow drop. Every weapon type could pretty much do everything and magic wasnt split into elements so very little specialisation and differentiation from an item which kicked a** for a cold orb sorc and a fireball sorc in that sense.
I’m not looking for an exact copy or paste, but I loved that in Diablo 2 you had close to 100 skill points, 3 distinct skill trees for each class and a bunch of choices to make.
I really feel like Diablo 3’s skill system was boring and simple. And Diablo 4’s system looks pretty similar. I don’t know if the D3 system has changed since launch but I’d be curious to know others thoughts.
From what I saw in the demo, the sorc used all 3 elements intermixed, there was absolutely no specialisation or distinction between a cold/fire and light sorc. Ideally I’d like there to be a cold/fire/light sorc and an option to be a hybrid (usually in d2 you would go all into an element and put a few points in fireball or another tree to handle any elemental immunes).
The 3 distinctive skill trees were a huge factor in what I liked about D2 character customisation, and I would love a similar system in D4. Open to suggestions
I like the idea of: If Im going to have a great fireball, Im not also going to have a killer frozen orb, or lightning. My choices are synergistic and bound to certain paths, there are certain specialisations in each class and its not simply a one-in-four choice of which skill do I want to fill each slot. Its way too simple as is.