A very Interesting Update, but I want to hear more about items, talents, crafting, and Endgame. Item affixes need more love and I would like to see a range on the attack, so for let’s say 40 - 90 attack.
But also you can find items with affixes that boost your attack on that item with an affix that is something like this:
“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Fire Damage].”
“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Cold Damage].”
“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Lightning Damage].”
“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Physical Damage].”
“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Poison Damage].”
“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Storm Damage].”
“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Earth Damage].”
So an item could have a physical attack, Fire attack, lightning attack, cold attack, poison attack, Storm attack, Earth attack. This gives the itemization more of a loot hunt, which is a core part of any ARPG. So you could use a physical attack weapon but it is not optimal for a cold spell. So I would like to see more flat affixes rather than percentages so a variety of affixes is always good in an APRG.
Also, spell Damage is also a way to convey power, so, for example, a Wand could get 100 spell attack or (spell damage). So let’s say that you are using a cold skill and you find a wand that has 100 spell attack and Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Cold Damage]. this could also boost your cold spells. so you have 100 spell attack, and 10 cold attack.
Also, I would like to see different armor and weapon types, so an axe could be separated into different sub axes, so let’s say a tomahawk, battle axe, hatchet, etc. And for armor give them different bases, so let’s say that a chest armor could have dodge defense or armor defense or energy defense, and maybe 2 of these defenses. And also these defenses give you some specific power. Where these sub-weapon types have fixed extra affixes such as a tomahawk could have a more bleed chance.
Also, give legendaries some fixed affixes that can only roll on that legendary apart from the legendary power, because that gives you that decision, do I want to use this legendary because of the legendary power and the specific legendary affix or do I want to convert this legendary power on my rare item with the consumable that you talked about in the system and design part 2.
I like that you are going to touch on talent trees later on because I feel that they are underwhelming at the moment. give them more branching so you have a lot more choices to choose from.
Also, you can also introduce ascendencies that you can unlock later on in the game where you can specify your character into some specific spec, which also has an ascendency tree where you make important choices.
I was thinking of an attribute system where you can spend points in when you level, just like in D2, but in this attribute system, you can choose angelic, demonic, and ancestral power. So you don’t need to get this power just from gear, because that becomes just like sets in away.
let’s just end by saying I am looking forward to the next D4 Quarterly Update.