Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q2 June 2020


A very Interesting Update, but I want to hear more about items, talents, crafting, and Endgame. Item affixes need more love and I would like to see a range on the attack, so for let’s say 40 - 90 attack.

But also you can find items with affixes that boost your attack on that item with an affix that is something like this:

“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Fire Damage].”
“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Cold Damage].”
“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Lightning Damage].”
“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Physical Damage].”
“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Poison Damage].”
“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Storm Damage].”
“*Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Earth Damage].”

So an item could have a physical attack, Fire attack, lightning attack, cold attack, poison attack, Storm attack, Earth attack. This gives the itemization more of a loot hunt, which is a core part of any ARPG. So you could use a physical attack weapon but it is not optimal for a cold spell. So I would like to see more flat affixes rather than percentages so a variety of affixes is always good in an APRG.

Also, spell Damage is also a way to convey power, so, for example, a Wand could get 100 spell attack or (spell damage). So let’s say that you are using a cold skill and you find a wand that has 100 spell attack and Adds (3-4) to (5-8) [Cold Damage]. this could also boost your cold spells. so you have 100 spell attack, and 10 cold attack.

Also, I would like to see different armor and weapon types, so an axe could be separated into different sub axes, so let’s say a tomahawk, battle axe, hatchet, etc. And for armor give them different bases, so let’s say that a chest armor could have dodge defense or armor defense or energy defense, and maybe 2 of these defenses. And also these defenses give you some specific power. Where these sub-weapon types have fixed extra affixes such as a tomahawk could have a more bleed chance.

Also, give legendaries some fixed affixes that can only roll on that legendary apart from the legendary power, because that gives you that decision, do I want to use this legendary because of the legendary power and the specific legendary affix or do I want to convert this legendary power on my rare item with the consumable that you talked about in the system and design part 2.

I like that you are going to touch on talent trees later on because I feel that they are underwhelming at the moment. give them more branching so you have a lot more choices to choose from.

Also, you can also introduce ascendencies that you can unlock later on in the game where you can specify your character into some specific spec, which also has an ascendency tree where you make important choices.

I was thinking of an attribute system where you can spend points in when you level, just like in D2, but in this attribute system, you can choose angelic, demonic, and ancestral power. So you don’t need to get this power just from gear, because that becomes just like sets in away.

let’s just end by saying I am looking forward to the next D4 Quarterly Update.

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Ooh, this is an intriguing idea that could be an option for endgame progression. I could see it working where as you have an item equipped and you’re clearing content the item gains an xp of sorts, and when it “levels up” you get a point you can use to re-roll an affix. That would be more satisfying than grinding mats for rerolls.


What about party size? I have more than 3 friends I would like to play with. 6-8 would be much more ideal for most groups of friends.


Still, the direction is promising.
I can see why it gives them the feeling of the game still in their thoughts after play.

Looking forward to how this progresses!

I agree with this. Too many percentages, item art is bland, items should have different sizes.


My feedback is that I love you are asking for feedback. A big take away I see from this is there seems to be a good class identity in your play test. I love that. Very interested to see new classes and how they fit in with the world.

Info about Itemization direction should be clearer. End game will it be like D3: everyone running around in full legendarys? Will rare or other type items have a place in builds like in D2 and PoE? Crafted items have a significant role?

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How did you determine that? From this update? I don’t know, if all the heroes have some big AoE that kills the monsters in roughly the same way with different graphics then there isn’t really any difference between heroes. I like how D2 had things like Oak Sage, Teleport, Battle Orders, Auras, find item, and curses that clearly differentiated classes in a powerful manner.


Yep, free us of the skill bar! Let Batman hotkey werewolf ability to whichever key and stop removing the option cause he only has 6 skills.


I agree with the comments about the legendary powers feeling bland from a thematic standpoint, but I really like that the effects they give can be used in creative ways.

A legendary that directly modifies a specific skill can feel really flavorful, but the examples they’ve shown here have WAY more potential for build flexibility and that’s what I want to see. I’m already salivating thinking of ways to combine legendary abilities like this to create unique combo moves!

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Yeah the item art could use a little work to make it look impactful. It seems to look too generic. Maybe the art is not finalized and is just a placeholder.


I’ve seen ‘Find Item’ referenced as a skill that contributes to the class identity for a barbarian multiple times in the last couple of days. I don’t understand why people think ‘Find Item’ defines the barbarian, at all.

Can you explain that?

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Sure. Barbarians in D2 aren’t as good at AoE as other classes really and instead they have a lot of utility. When monsters die (that aren’t bosses) barbarians can use find item to hork the corpse and have a chance for more gear, you have a higher chance of another drop as your find item lvl increases. It basically gives you a second chance at an item drop, very useful against monsters like Pindle and it helps balance a barbarian when compared to other heros.


I like the dark and gloomy atmosphere. But I hope it will add open trading, more people will want it. It makes the game more interesting to play, because then you have a good reason to look for good gear that you can trade away. Forget D2JSP, although some people will use it so let it go. Not everyone does! Let them use it if they want to use it. Let’s all having a good time, no restricted game! That made D2 very good, and remember the game is 20 years old and still popular today.

But another thing is that I hope it gets harder to get good gear, then you also have a good reason to play it. I played Diablo 2 for many, many years and thought it was fun to play. We need challenges, and it makes it more fun to play. Too easy are boring, I hope Blizzard are reading this.

I’m very glad they included Runewords back!! Thank you.

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Items and endgame gear

I haven’t been able to look into all of the examples given and demos and stuff so hopefully this isn’t a waste of time for anybody

For Diablo IV we need the freedom to be able to use the synergistic skills we want with our build. Like if I want to use corpse explosion instead of corpse lance I shouldn’t be at a huge disadvantage. Diablo 3 was ruined by its huge damage multipliers like hammer of the ancients does 800% increased damage or whirlwind does 10,000% more damage. Why would anyone have to use any other skill unless you are one of the players that play until they get to GR100.

I would hate to see Diablo IV have the same system where certain skills are useless and others are completely overpowered. Or a whole set will make you powerful but you have to get rid of all the skills you liked just to make the set work.


This quarterly date seemed like a whole lot of nothing. Last quarter was much better.


First off I liked to just say thank you for sharing with the community. I liked most of what I read. Only thing I would say is the item blocks looked to squared. I like a black background on items myself. I did not see any requirements besides the powers to equip? Also hopefully there will be not region scaling. I prefer zone for levels. It looks like you guys are dead set on attack and defense (not a fan of) but ok. The legendary items too seem a lot like D3. This is not what the first two games had. The uniques (legendary) just had a lot larger stats and usually you could tell right away what that item would do extremely well. But we have not seen a lot. Please keep the main and mini boss fights a surprise and put some in close quarter combat. Bring the oh s#$T feel back LUL. Thank you guys again looking good keep grinding. Happy Birthday Diablo2 !!!

Greetings, this is all great news. I am glad things are in motion despite all the limitations due to the pandemic situation. I just have one request; plz, make the soundtrack as good as the one in Diablo II was. I know it’s not possible to bring Matt Uelman again, that genius composer, but at least try to bring someone from the same league. Hey, Diablo III also had a good soundtrack, don’t get me wrong, but the soundtrack in Diablo II was just perfect…

Old school Diablo player development feedback:

I Just want to say I appreciate the update and want to see this trend continue. I do like what I see for the most part - and am offering feedback on how to make DIV a phenomenal game instead of a great game.

From what is shown in the update regarding itemization; it would seem that although the game is still in pre-alpha - one of the core components of Diablo III is remaining in the game: class resource separation. Meaning that classes are still going to be utilizing a differing form of resources for their spells and abilities (fury, mana, spirit, etc.).

While this may appear as a progressive or good change for the franchise I would argue it has diminishing returns for what made D2/D1 so great: itemization. With the advent of unique class resources in the Diablo franchise it also created a greater separation of items in the Diablo universe. For example in D2 every class could use, equip, and benefit from an item like harlequin shako, string of ears, etc. as the stats would be useful.

With systems like fury in place it takes away a lot of the customization options that were available to players in older titles when in comparison to the newer ones. I know I am not alone in this sentiment from reading opinion pieces online from many players. When class resources were streamlined (mana) it made for a much wider selection of gear to be available for use throughout the game in PvM, and PvP.

Along with itemization I think that the direction of having cooldowns on skills takes away from traditional Diablo gameplay. This is something that was introduced in DIII and while at first glimpse seems innovating and modern - feels restricting and cumbersome in gameplay. With further development introducing gear sets that eliminated cooldowns all together… which is how the first two titles were designed in the first place.

People want to be able to spam their abilities while managing their resources… this is what Diablo is all about. Loot should : compliment new styles of gameplay, give new abilities, and so forth because it makes the game more fun which in turn makes it addicting and good.

One of my favorite characters I had was a throw barbarian. As a throw barbarian I should not have to rely on my class resource to constantly throw a weapon. It should be an inherent ability for a barbarian to throw a tomahawk without it costing rage. This class was non existent in DIII because of the design choices made. These changes essentially force a player to play a certain way instead of allowing the player freedom in their choices of gameplay style - which is something players desire in an ARPG.

Another feature I feel should be addressed or if it has been I am more excited for the game: the end-game MMO structure of DIII. In D1/D2 the end-game structure could be accomplished at about halfway through the span of reaching the level cap (generally) if desired. Players did not have to reach the end level and then farm sets as you would in WoW per say. As the update states that the game won’t be an MMO then I am hoping it is not designed as one for the “endgame” either (just saying!).

I hope anyone reading has found this feedback to be constructive. Either way I hope this game comes out sooner rather than later as I feel the Diablo series has deserved a successor to DIII for some time. Cheers.


I just want the item pictures to have more flavor. The visual icons of the items are so tiny I have no attachment or “awe-factor” when I see the item.

This was an issue in D3, where I feel D2 did much better here. Having large item icons in the inventory and being able to simply look at an item and be like “oh sweet, I found a Tyrael’s Might” and seeing all the colors and details of the item adds so much value to the item and puts you more in the world of the game.

Of course you need to balance size with the UI and inventory space, but perhaps a toggleable feature where if u hover over the item in the inventory, it gives you a zoomed-in view of the item so you can appreciate it’s character

Overall, just would love to see more attention to the item looks, make them look unique, detailed, add character!


Just thought of something that might work with the item icon display. How about put them onto like a torn sheet out of a journal. Make the edges a little ragged like they where torn. Also don’t make all items same size. When a two handed weapon should popped out at you and a ammy not so much. When they are all the same size it comes across like excel spread or a power point. Just a idea but thought it would look cool for when we look at a item to show it different. A torn journal sheet seems fitting with Diablo.

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