Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q2 June 2020

How can you say you want the ending to be similar to d1 and d2? I want to explore my character as deeply as I can. I want all sorts of end game systems that need time and investment to get to. I dont want to be halfway to level cap and the game just be over

I agree that it makes itemization more difficult. But I think it is worth it for the class flavor different resources adds.
Maybe the answer is to have resource adjusting affixes that works across all classes, but work differently.
Like “+10 base resource gained on crit” might give 10 fury, 30 mana, 10/1 hatred/discipline and so on. The affix could dynamically show the correct value for the class looking at the item. But the affix would work for all classes.

Disagreed. Forcing decisions in combat is good. Resource cost can do that, but so can cooldowns. Imo, the more different sysystems in play with the skills/itemization etc., the better.
There is no need to choose between resource based skills or cooldown based skills when we can have both. And it should of course be viable to focus on only one of these for your build.

Sure. Even D3 (and D4) will have skills that doesn’t cost cost any resources though. What ruined such builds in D3 was the terrible itemization more than the skill design imo.

This I strongly agree with though.

Blizzard should focus less on creating builds, and more about throwing the tools out there through a wide variety of items/skills. Then they can always buff/nerf stuff if people figure out combinations that are too strong.


It’s still just damage and defensive stats. Basically no utility stats at all.
The only way to upgrade your items is by finding another amulet with 15% crit instead of 12%.

There is still no though needed when choosing what items to equip.
“Just equip items with green arrows duh”


Definitely interesting, rewards actually playing the game and killing monsters too.

Love most of what I have read
Slightly concerned on the weapons though 2000 damage I feel is a bit to high may be something like 20% damage as your damage should be dependant on your strength or magic stats hopefully we will be able to add stats per level and not be hand held like diablo 3
Also what about magic damage fire damage poison damage lighting damage
Damage numbers should be in 100"s not 1000"s from what I have read in the forum’s most players don’t want to be doing a million damage
They want something more realistic we are supposed to be human hero’s not god’s right ??
Just my opinion old school diablo player diablo 1 had good bits and bad same with D2 and D3 hopefully D4 takes the good from all 3 and leaves out the bad stuff
Forgot to put what about attack speeds crit chances ect


My 5 cents.

First of all, thx for the update, nice to know what is going on and how. I like this Update more than the previous one. More topics covered, not too many spoilers, I think such format is nice.

The most exciting thing for me in this Update is “CAMPS”! First of all, this is something new to Diablo franchise which is very good. Then, this is a great step to the interactivity of the Open World. I do hope this and similar activities will make it directly into the Endgame, as something, which we can aim for in the endgame, something very different from a hackneyed BIS-gear hunt or reaching 100500 level - in paragon, char level, ladder, or GRift. Conquering all towns/camps in the game? Making one faction dominate upon others (with your personal help)? All that sounds super interesting for me. Let us use some strategic thinking while deciding where we go and what we do instead of just mindless random grind everywhere. Let our fights, clearings, interventions have long term consequences, maybe even random or unpredictable. Let the endgame surprise us every time we play it making unique Open World situations. This will make us play D4 again and again - not only for loot and levels, but for something entirely new in ARPG genre.

Here’s problems with Diablo 3 I would love to see fixed

Items rarity:
common, magical, rare, legendary items are not even hard to come by. And all are pretty useless except endgame legendary items. Rares, magical, and common are all scrapped.

Item names:
I keep finding items with the dumbest names that seem to show how lazy the development got in the Reaper of Souls DLC. I found armor called “the armor” or repeated names like “wander shard” and “force shard” and stupid names like “sky nexus” or “conquest task”… why not just call it rare armor or rare helm because these names are just stupid and its sad to even have to complain about this.

The whole story is so easy my nephews and nieces can play on the hardest difficulty and never die. Diablo 2 was hard my first time through and it was hard to kill specials and bosses. Which brings me to my next complaint.

The bosses are stupid, always having a cutscene at half or low health to mock the hero as if they didn’t just get their @$$ handed to them. And the main bosses of the game are not a threat at all. Again diablo 2 was better in this aspect because diablo and mephisto and baal were not to be trifled with. They didn’t constantly mock the hero with a floating head outside of a door and say stuff like “you cannot stop me”. Like, come on. This game’s supposed to be dark and cool

Rift layout/map layout
I automatically know where to go every time in a rift because the pattern never changes, the sewers are a good example of this. Each level is copied and pasted.

Gold and Gems:
I couldn’t spend all my gold even if I tried and repairing your armor is a drop in the bucket unlike diablo 2. In diablo 2 you could run out of money.

huge multipliers and numbers:
Why have 1,000,000,000 gold or have moves like whirlwind that does 10,000% more damage? This ruined the game because all you needed was some items and then you only had to do that one move. And I for one don’t see any point to seeing hits of damage like 31B or 571M.


I’m loving the updates! The game sounds more interesting with each one.

I would like to know: Are there any plans on Cross Play and Cross Save?

I’m not the PC enthusiant I was in highschool. I’m a console guy, with friends in all realms. It would be great if I could play Diablo IV on any available device I own and still be able to share the experience with all my friends.



Let me reiterate my point; in D2 my “endgame” was PvP. To do this effectively I didn’t need to be level 99. I’d say to compete with some high levels I had to be around 60-80 with some good items or even level 40 with really really good items. It’s nearly impossible to compare to D3 because it’s so vastly different.

So this is more what I mean about the endgame. All the levels in D1/D2 are meaningful in this way that the items worked. That is not to say that past level 40, 60, 70 up to the later levels it didn’t make your character much more powerful or able to find much powerful rare/legendary/unique items - but to be able to start participating in these activities at a midpoint throughout the game is beneficial to the game, and is part of what made the game unique and great.

So yes I’d rather have a return to this kind of ARPG design instead of what D3 has. I’m all for having more end game systems… but to save them all for level capped players only makes the game less interesting in my opinion - and makes the game feel more like a pseudo-MMO than an ARPG.


I hope that i can play every part of the game in single player mode. Like in D3 or D2 or Sacred. Makes an option where you can choose between single and multiplayer game.

It would be nice if there was more option to hide your profile.

Great Update


Totally agree about damage numbers as I put in my post as my main concern about the items shown

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You can. The only thing is world bosses. You don’t have to be grouped but others will be there.

To be honest, the legendary power shown in D4 was so bland compare to D3 legendary power.

A simple legendary power such as Nemesis Bracer from D3 feels more “legendary” than what we have seen in D4 so far.

Also, we literally learn nothing from the multiplayer section here except that we now can meet another players at hub. What is the benefit of partying in D4? What is the party bonus? How many %EXP? How many %Drop rate and etc?

And until now, I still can’t figure whether the weapon damage increase your skill damage like D3 or caster needs to rely on item affix instead of weapon damage to deal more damage like D2? If anyone know this, please tell me.

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Why do you want to force people into groups with EXP benefits and drop rates. By giving groups more exp and loot, incentivise people not to play solo. that is just bad.


The only advantage of having a party should be killing the monsters quicker than if you solo no extra xp or drop rates as that makes the game unfair for those that want to go it alone no force party in d4 please devs


Also monsters should grow stronger when you party up


And weapons should never increase your skills upgrading skills should increase skill damage
No more wizzards with 2 handed swords
Barbarians should be strong and dumb hit hard not cleaver enough for magic
Wizards cleaver and weak strong magic attack but not be able to Cary heavy weapons

You guys need to really focus on itemization. Until you get that right nothing else matters. FYI it’s not even close yet. The Angelic/Demonic idea is pretty trash. It feels like a mini set/forced choice and that feels bad. I think that it’s real easy to overthink things and maybe that’s what you guys have been doing here.

One of the best experiences in my 20+ years of Diablo games was in D2 at some point shortly after Lord of Destruction released, for a brief time, rare items were some of the best items in the game. Uniques, what we call legendaries in D3, had their place too because they provided special modifiers not found on any other gear. But it was a brief time were a nice balance between Rares being OP enough that you wouldn’t dare run all Uniques, but Uniques were special enough that you wouldn’t run all rares or you’d gimp yourself. The real special items were rares because they had the potential to be the best items in the game, and almost actually feel like one of a kind items, because they were randomly generated. They even had that quest where you could name your own items, because at the time a well dropped rare was super special.

That’s how a good itemization is done. That makes the loot hunt fun. Just hunting for an item that everyone else can also find, that’s so standard it becomes part of a cookie cutter build looked up on the internet, (how it is now) isn’t exciting at all. I don’t play d3 for the Item hunt because it doesn’t exist. I play to tweak builds and see how far I can get but at the end of the day everyone is basically the same, because of the way Itemization works.

Sets or set like items are a trap. Things that need to be combined to create a special combination for more power is part of that trap. It standardizes the game for everyone and takes away what’s special about it.

I just urge you to refocus on itemization and ignore everything else till you get that right first. It’s the difference between a mediocre experience and an epic one. The thrill of the hunt needs to come back to Diablo.


I am worried a little about cinematics. At the end of every region there is an in-game cinematic only? Even Diablo 2 (20 years ago) had fully rendered cinematics after each act. So did D3. Don’t get me wrong ingame cinematics won’t be bad but nothing beats a Blizzard full-CGI cinematic. It kindof feels like cheapening out a little to me, sorry


I agree :100: get the basics right
First and foremost diablo should be about the story and you hero and equipment
For example skill tree’s stats weapons armour
If the Devs hit that out the park if graphics a bit crapy or the lack of cinematic cut scenes the players probably won’t care if it’s a good story good character progression and good loot hunt
To the d4 Devs please take your time we all excited for a good arpg game with replayabity d1 and D2 set the standard I’m hoping d4 smashes it out the park and sets new ones