Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q2 June 2020

world boss areas will be fully option-able also. I’m guessing PVP areas will be too.

Doesnt really matter if they are optional imo. If they cant be soloed then by definition the game is not fully soloable tbh.

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you could always invite your friends to join you or clan members? xD.

Most people who solo don’t have friends or clans that’s the point
And when were clans ever in the diablo world ???

People had groups they farmed with in D2 and D3 had clans.

Like I said in my posts I have always soloed D1 D2 and D3
Never played D2 online and always play d3 solo game

2 and 3. And you are correct most people play solo, and offline until D3 with it’s always online format. Even console saw more couch co-op than online play.

As someone who prefers solo play, grouping with the wife from time to time, and would prefer offline as well, this notion of a shared world does not bother me in the slightest. OK, D1 it makes sense, a lonely traveler stumbling upon Tristrsm. D2, still makes some sense for the world to be devoid of others, but not as much as D1, D3, with the breaking of the world stone.

Also as stated before, and is in this very update, we will barely see anyone unless in town, which makes sense, and world events. Even then they are tinkering with how many. My guess is not too much for all scenarios. 5 on the world may e up to 20 on world bosses and towns. Doesn’t seem like an issue to me. Again, I prefer solo and offline play.


Not an issue for me as long as the town is not clustered
But the point I think they were making was the Devs said the whole game was solo able how does the world boss work if the whole game is solo able if you are with others ?
Never had console so not sure on couch coop thingy

It’s become a semantics argument along with a bit of we don’t have all the information yet. I define solo as not joining a group/being in a party with others. So from that perspective if you go to a world boss and others happen to be there you are still playing solo.

For others there mere fact others are around means you are now in a group. Blizzard has stated you can play the game solo and get all the best gear without ever having to group up with others. So I take it from that.

Can a single player kill a world boss? We do not know. We do not have enough information to say yes or no at this point.

My whole feeling as someone who prefers to play alone and offline if given the chance, I have more hours and paragon on my Switch account than my day one PC account, I have no issues with seeing a few people out and about. Even if towns are crowded like in PoR and similarly at world bosses, it won’t bother me. I look at it as a total package and others being around will such a minor thing overall.

I’m just hoping for a good story good gameplay leveling up to actually mean something and a good loot hunt and a complex game ( not legenderys raining from the sky and lots of skill choices multiple replayabity like we had similar to D2 )
And no I don’t want a reskinned D2 or d3take the best from all 3 and improve on them all


I played Diablo 2 Median XL last year, after so many years, playing Diablo 2 again felt so good.

There is no comparison, Diablo 3 feels like is on autopilot most of the time while Diablo 2 is the kind of game you play in your head even after you stoped playing it.

I don’t know if this this team can pull it off with Diablo 4, no one did it in 20 years and i played all of the clones to date from Sacred to PoE you name it i played it.

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The forced multiplayer is going to make me not buy this. So annoying.


Not a feature just super fu*&*^ annoying

And where is the forced MP? Or are you implying seeing a handful of players after you complete the campaign as forced MP?

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I like the look and believe this game is heading in a good direction. However, I personally prefer to play with a select number of friends or solo and do not like sharing a world with others. Would it be possible to preserve a “single-player” or “select multiplayer” please (no world that is alive with other unknown players)?


Hit recovery
I understand why this is completely removed, especially with massive mob density, Although I feel like removing this helped make monsters in diablo 3 not important.(more on this below)
Maybe this can return but monsters have a % chance to stagger? even if its super low!!
Perhaps make it its own affix,
Attacks have a 30% chance to deal more damage and a 20% chance to stagger the enemy?
Penetration can come from items skills and talents, Perhaps give it a cap, maybe 30%?
Every now and then being staggered and NOTICING and FEELING your HP drop is extremely important to any game and especially Diablo.

Monsters are not important in Diablo 3
I never worry if im running into ranged or melee or what type of monster im approaching…
Never thinking how to fight around this monsters type or abilities, No scarabs with deadly staggering charged bolts coming at me from all directions,
No infernal Lords charging at me blasting devastating cones of fire.
Monsters are extremely important and from what we have seen from monster families in d4 its looking awesome an a lot of time has been spend on design
but all this work will be wasted if difficulty is too easy, we barely ever notice whats hitting us.
P.S Please remove the white effect when monsters are hit in Diablo 4 :smiley:


Hit recovery adds realism and makes the game more strategic, you could not rush into mobs and hope to live, while in Diablo 3 there is no penalty.

I remember the council fight in act 3 of Diablo 2 u had to lure them 1 by 1 to have o change or else…

The Devil is in the details


“Our goal has always been to incorporate elements from shared world games without the game ever feeling like it’s veering into massively multiplayer territory.”

I love this! As long as it doesn’t get out of hand like being in a zone on WOW or FFXIV and trying to complete objectives and quests with 15 other players doing the same thing. That really takes away from the “Diablo-esque” feel of the game.
Looking forward to topics in the next blog around talent trees. :sparkling_heart:

items need dimension and size differences. they don’t look like actual items i would wear, they looking like cards with stats. the game’s artstyle and direction seem great but man item art, font and itemization in general need serious work. they look like powerpoint tool tips on cards. armor should be one size, gloves another so the fantasy is consistent


Campaign wise, you won’t see anyone. Post campaign, I’m willing to bet most of the content will be in dungeons and other non zone related areas. With the open areas for mat farming and bounties.

But even then, they seem like they want player sightings to be at a minimum so competing for stuff probably wont happen. If they take from WoW, most things are shared so there isn’t any competition.

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