Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q2 June 2020

Not in alpha yet, things can easy change. I did ot look to see if those items had levels attached but they could be lower level items and we get more affixes as your level increases. Maybe 2-3 is 1-20 and its 4-6 or more at 40 or whatever the cap is.

It’s such a weird and not inspiring fight though… Sometimes the dude doesn’t do anything, sometimes raises like 1000 appendages around and pushes you back like 20 times in a row

Diablo’s (on paper at least) seems much more live and authentic (well, that would’ve been the case if his charge/run wasn’t such a weird looking one when slowed that is :P)

I’d actually advise the D2 project remaster guys to fix Diablo’s run animation to be more authentic and hit always at the end (similar to D3), increase the damage of his fire spells, and reduce the damage of the Lightning-breath a bit

And don’t get me wrong, LoD was AWESOME as expansion character upgrade BUT extremely bad at content/act tbh

Act 5 was extremely stupid/weird, and even at times too slow/boring. Ironically enough the most annoying parts where the fight is against the teleporting imps is probably the most interesting. Those guys with the spikes that come out of ground and stun and Nihlathak’s temple makes my life stop quite literally

It’s like I have to swallow a whole pack of vitamins before even playing through it. Especially the clusterfudge that is going on there on the higher diffs :stuck_out_tongue:

baal isnt that straight forward like diablo
he’s a ruler, a tactician
however, i cant wait to see all of them in D4

so far it looks good. please lets get some super rare items that wont loose value like exstreme rare(yellow items) in d2/lod something thats worth keeping and make trading a part of the game like d2

Diablo 4 Blockout “Grayboxing” level:

As a reward for completing the secret Blockout “Grayboxing” level, we could get an item (with low or no stats on it) that when equipped turns your character into a Blockout model and other players would be able to see your Blockout character in town.

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Would love a secret map or even a dungeon to be themed like that.

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I was talking with some friends, We find that most ARPG’s are really hard to play with Groups. Usually 1 guy will kill everything while everyone else loots. I suggest that there be talents or focus on skills that could be utilized in Group play, Or have a multiple talent system like Wow has where you could swap skills to your group skills and armor and back again. This would include something similar to the Paladin in D2. Buffing Allies and Debuffing Monsters, So no matter what gear you have you are still contributing to the fight. Or having content locked unless you are in a group, In that way the devs can make something tailored more towards a group experience that would allow everyone to participate.

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Diablo 4 Secret Levels ideas:

With Multiple Secret Levels, could have each secret level contain an item or a piece of a bigger item that, when combined using the Cube, gives an item for a super hard secret level, or something.

my secret level ideas so far:

  1. ‘Secret Cow Level’ of course
  2. ‘Secret Moo Level’ secondary smaller (easter egg to D1)
  3. ‘Undeadshire’ (entirety of Whimsyshire gone into chaos)
  4. ‘Blockout Secret Level’
  5. ‘Tokusatsu demon Easter Egg Boss’

Add in a secret gambling/greed council fight with Wirt, Gheed, and Khadala.


Finally joined these forums. Pretty excited about D4. I played D1, D2, and D3. I always play a barbarian. My only disappointment w/D3 was that the Barbarian was not the same character as the one in D2. That would have been awesome. My favorite thing about D2 and D3 Barbarian is the availability of the Immortal King set. I had part in D2 and completed it in D3. Please keep that set in D4. May he grunt and leap. Ice Avalance power in D4 is awesome, same with the any of the spinning whirlwind attacks are awesome. So far, what I have seen looks aawesome! Best wishes for a worthy successor game in the franchise!

looks awesome! I’ve played all of the Diablos so far (still playing 3)…looking forward to this one! Would love to Alpha/Beta test it when you’re there :slight_smile:

I have a thought about your filosofy, "easy to learn, hard to master "

If you make a game as dark and gritty as your intent with diablo 4 are, which I love, I really hope that with you’re itemization dont make a mistake by making it to simple, so simple that a child by the age of 5 will understand.

You’re making a dark and gritty game for people over age 15-18 please dont make it to simple so it feels like you have no brain playing it.

We want to sit down and get more deep in our thoughts on what item could be better for one Target or mabye it is better for aoe damage.

We dont want it to be, look at the item, is it green or red, nope it is red, scrap it and dont ever care to look at the rest of the item, just for the little arrow up or down


diablo has always been a solo and party based game were you benefit from having a party but you never need one to enjoy the game i love playing d3 with my friends but i have just as much fun playing solo the mmo part of d4 is interesting and could be great if done right
if the items are made simple and the game play is made to easy or they turn around and do the zone crap like the current WOW game play then ppl will not be able to play with there friends cause thy will either get to far ahead or too far behind the way d4 is looking it is losing its cumminity and friend playing style and going here is ur random pug group now shut up and accept that the player base is not a concern it is how to make more money or so it appears witch hurts cause i love the diablo franchise

This update is very promising however,
A very important feature which was ruined in diablo 3 was usefulness of gear. I cannot stress how important this is to the game.

In diablo 2 there was a very slim chance you could find a magic item that your character would use. There were also chances you’d find rare boots or a godly circlet that a pvper would even use.

One of the best features of diablo 2 was that every tier had its own unique properties.

You could never find a rare item with more than 1-2 sockets. But you could find a Magic shield with 100 life and 4 sockets. Nearly impossible to get but if you kept picking up thousands of these shields and it did eventually roll like this? It paid off and big time.
Do not limit item usefulness to just legendaries and sets. It got so boring in diablo 3 when every other color of item was useless. Socketed items had no purpose, Magic items had no purpose nor did rare items. You just mindlessly collected shiny item on the ground. and that was one of the main reasons I hated diablo 3.

Give your gamers much more credit. We want to think and plan, theres a trend since 2005 where games continued to spoon feed you everything so that you could just click mindlessly. Let it be dynamic and let people be punished for their decisions with itemization. Make looting and identifying items the fun treasure hunt it used to be.

Reducing the content to just pick up glowy set or legendary. OO THIS ITEM HAVE 2 MORE STRENGTH. I REPLACE.

Didnt mean to come across as rude but I think this is a necessity in diablo 4

  1. do not make item tiers obsolete

  2. allow every item tier (common, Magic, Rare, Legendary, Set, Mythic) to have unique affixes and suffixes to give them all the potential to be useful. The keyword is potential I’m not saying every magic or rare has to have a purpose but give it the chance. Whether chance is 1/1000 or 1/1,000,000

  3. From the new item updates the dynamic stats look super promising. I’m glad you incorporated cool suffixes like gem strength, crushing blow and chance to heal.
    4)I hope that legendary items that have unique stats tailored to one class does not kill variation in itemization. It would be good to have some all class usable legendaries and like I said earlier lower rarity tiers having the potential to out class certain legendaries.

  4. like the above posters have said, this is a game for adults put harsher punishments. Like killed your cow king? You cannot make a cow portal with that character anymore.

Cool things like that which punish you for human vices like greed. Or carelessness with items, not repairing them regularly and letting them break should damage the item forever or cost an arm and a leg to repair. More harsh penalties when playing and learning the game for sure. “Path of Exile’s corrupting an item is a great example, you could make it better or ruin that item permanently.”


I’m not mad at all that blues are “bad”, don’t even use them in D2 tbh, and frankly think 99% of people don’t use them anyway (except maybe if Magic Find percentage :P)

Thing about D2 that many don’t get but rather emphasize is the very core different approach in itemization as a mechanic

In D2 itemization was about GIVING OPPORTUNITY for build
In D3 it’s about FINALIZING a build

That’s a very “subtle” on paper difference, but HUGE difference in implementation phylosophy… Personally also think people tend to “overbrag” the D2 itemization cause not being able to understand this core difference and say it in 1 or 2 sentences… People often go the distances up to 2 hour vids :stuck_out_tongue: with “specifics” and STILL lacking conclusion/s tbh

The problem is hard to perceive, I admit it, but once the CORE difference of the itemisation phylosophy is understood, you can also understand that there are many other ways to make things work (at least somewhat other than how D2 did) :slight_smile:

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It’s not subtle at all. It was part of the core philosophy. They wanted players to use the skill system to build your character and gear to tweak or finalize as you put it.

The bigger problem is D3 is viewed through a D2 lens, as if it tries to be D2 with QoL improvements and obviously fails in that regard. But if you look at D3 for what it was designed to be, it was a huge success. RoS, in some regards, ruined that with a greater emphasis on sets.

They why were stat points removed Jay Wilson video is pretty good insight as to how D3 evolved.

I’m worried about the mmo/open world aspect as well, or at least the impression I’m getting from reading these developer notes. Something I have always enjoyed about Diablo is that it was a game I could play fully solo if I wanted to, or if I wanted to play with friends I could. This was an option. I want it to still be an option. The moment it isn’t an option, like having areas of the world at different points in the story open to multiple players (and there is no way to opt out of this beyond not playing the game), and I am forced to be around other players at some point even if I don’t want to be, or there is content I can’t complete solo (like regular world events/bosses open to all and not possible–even through extensive and tedious work–to complete by one individual when the content is current), then it will not feel like Diablo to me anymore. It will become more like WoW.
WoW is the game I go to for a mix of playing with others or keeping it kind of solo. I don’t need or want another game like that. I want the Diablo that has 100% solo options for all content, while also keeping multiplayer options (co-op) available for if I want to play with friends and for those who like a more social Diablo.
Maybe, Blizzard/developers/or those who have the final say, do what you want with the multiplayer world, make it part mmo/open world or whatever if a large part of the Diablo community wants that (it could be fun when I’m in a mood for playing with others), but then still allow a single-player (solo) mode that has nothing to do with that and is the Diablo world/game only open to the one player, like in the older games where when you log in, and you picked single player or multiplayer, and/or even in D3 where you get to pick the option of having a private (meaning no one else who isn’t invited and possible for 100% solo play) or public game. I just want the option still there.
On a different note, I do love that Diablo 4 appears to be staying dark-themed, so far.

D4 will be fully solo-able they said. You will only see players in certain areas of the game after completing that area first solo. You won’t see many people in the open world itself unless it’s a world boss area or im guessing pvp area. You will also see people in towns/camps or just certain towns/camps as well. (TRADE).

Hopefully it will be. But it is not what they said. They claimed world bosses would require groups.

I think the point tabatr0n was making is that if they want to play a solo game they don’t want to see anyone period
And from what I read they have said you may see occasional other hero’s in the game
My personal preference would be to see no-one in my games I don’t group and I don’t like mmo games
And what I read in the discussion on the forum a few people feel the same
If my memory serves you was always a lone warrior
I know arpg games have changed over the years from D2 always on line ect but the option would be nice

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