Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q2 June 2020

I read the update and there are a lot of things I liked and a few things that concerned me. I am worried quite a bit about Crit Chance and damage. These two stats are extremely powerful and can really trivialize other stats. If these stats are to be included in the game, I think they should be extremely rare, but I would consider dropping them entirely. Second, the current art style for looking at items is…not ideal. These are items that we grind for and work for! while I appreciate the fact that we want to avoid inventory tetris, we need to be rewarded visually for getting items. I would make the item pictures bigger and more detailed. This helps build the feeling that you are building your character from the ground up. When you hover over an item, you should see a larger and far more detailed image than the one visible in the stash. Additionally, the items you wear should look bigger and more detailed than the ones in the stash as well. Maybe being able to swap from a gear screen to a close up of your character screen? I am not criticizing the art, I know it is in pre-alpha. I am saying the layout, size and overall visual appeal needs to be improved. Furthermore, I worry the damage numbers are too big. When you have numbers for damage in the thousands, it feels almost trivial. When numbers are lower, every point matters, and the damage stat is examined heavily. I am not saying your character can’t do thousands of damage in a hit, just that the weapon shouldn’t have thousands of damage on it. Stats matter more when numbers strike the balance of being big enough to matter, but small enough to make you question and evaluate when another item comes along. Lastly, some of the legendary powers felt too strong. I could be wrong but just be careful that you are not making legendaries mandatory. Everyone wants a rewarding legendary, but we don’t want to be forced to have a specific one. Also, legendaries felt legendary only because of their powers. I think the other stats for legendaries should also be tailored or unique in some way. Make every stat matter, even or especially the wasted stats.

I’ll share more feedback in future updates, but right now, I think items have the biggest need for a rework.

Keep up the good work.


Some Riddles are missing…

And a bit more work on Geometry ect plz…

My buddy and I were playing Diablo 1 (a long time ago) and we were on Floor 12. We were surprised by how few mobs there were on this floor but knew they had to be somewhere. The entire floor was clear except for a small square with a door.
We looked at each other and did a half grin, half grimace. Then we opened the door. A swarm came pouring out. I yelled ‘RUN!’ at my buddy as I went sailing past his toon in retreat. He wasn’t quite so fortunate and we spent the next 30 minutes trying to recoup his gear.

If you can ever create that feeling of impending disaster, the trepidation when opening a door, then you will have done a great job. Looking forward with optimism to a game worthy of the franchise.


Few ideas:

  • Numbers are to big, Hearthstone success is based on easy to learn hard to master and those small numbers helped allot for new players, without new blood game will die in few years.

  • There is no attack speed on weapons.

  • Damage variation on weapon, Diablo 2 did a good job on that matter, lighting damage was always high risk high reward 1-100 damage while fire damage was more stable 30-60.

This can also go to weapon type, a spear could have high risk high reward while a sword a more stable damage while a knife small damage with a bigger critical chance.

  • Ancestral, Demonic power should be left for endgame, i think the game is already very complicated there is no need to add even more at first, maybe keep it for after you finish the main story and add a little tutorial at the end explaining what every new stats do.

  • Where are resistance to fire cold etc? I know some of you disagree with how Diablo 2 dealt with that but i think it did a good job to punish cookie cutter builds.

Those immune to fire pack monsters put a stop on your fire Sorcerer and made you figure out another way to deal with them, i felt like the game reacted to my exploit putting all my points into fire spells.

  • Less is more, loot sorting is a nightmare, feels like a second job, i already have a job, give me something fun to do, sorting garbage loot every 5 minutes is not what i call fun.

There are allot of new mechanics that you are adding to the game if not done correctly you will overwhelm the player, not to mention hidden mechanics that you have to search online to figure out how that works.

I don’t want Diablo 4 to turn into that, all should be explained with a tooltip and a more elaborated one with a push of a button like in Diablo 3.

I hope next update we have more details on the game direction.


Ironically although HS hit the jackpot with the easy to learn mechanics, the game was always missing on a lot of fresh blood due to its expensive nature (cards acquired through buying decks with in-game gold or real money). That said I’d love to see the marketing topic (how are they going to monetize D4) touched in either the virtual Blizzcon or some of the D4 updates.

We need a Diablo 4 forums. Many people have good ideas for Diablo 4, and it had been easier to read good ideas if they had a section for it. Things are easy to dissapear because we post Diablo 4 ideas on Diablo 3 forum.

COME ON BLIZZARD! Time to prioritize what is important :warning: :warning: :warning:


I think the ADA needs to bee post levelling progression. I know I’ve said it often but this would be perfect for a BL3 style system. DRs so power doesn’t get too large like in D3, milestone rewards like cosmetics passives, and etc. can be added.

Right now the only good thing is that you are not locked out of equipping an item if you don’t have enough.

BL3s system is quite bad imo. You can get all of the bonuses. So there is no choice, and the whole system is a meaningless grind.

They do need to revamp the ADA powers though, because the current implementation (based on a relatively old blog post of course) is really really bad. Please dont make a system that forces builds into 3 narrow “sets” of affixes. That is D3 set items all over again.
Even small adjustments to the system could save it, some of which has already been mentioned in this thread.

A cosmetics post-lvling system in D4 would be perfectly fine though. Heck, you could also give stuff like “bounty chests” from it too. As long as it is not permanent power.

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Hi, I’m really hoping for some sort of rationale for removing the option of playing a private game. For a lot of reasons, I am not a fan of MMOs that populate my gaming experience with strangers. I play games to escape having to deal with strangers, and I am currently not inclined to buy, play, or even check out Diablo IV if it will force me into a shared world whether I want it or not.

Please reconsider. I was fine with the move for D3 to shared servers, 100% online play, as I understood the reasons for it (piracy, for starters), but there is no benefit or value so far as I can tell for D4 to necessarily be a shared world. I recognize that you will be limited in the forced sharing of the world so as to not ruin the idea that the “heroes” of that realm are rare. But I absolutely have NO interest in playing with strangers, being forced to see them run around even a little bit, and other mechanics of playing in a shared world. If you would just allow for private games like you did for D3, I would so gladly continue to play the franchise that captivated me for the first time in 1997.

I am really sad to think that I won’t get to enjoy D4 because you won’t allow people like me to continue to enjoy the Diablo worlds. So, yeah, please consider making space for me and other fellow anti-MMO gamers.

(Yes, I’m that old and that cranky. I take it out on demons. I will never play an MMORPG like WoW or Diablo Immortal because of the force-shared world mechanic. There is no way to convince me to give up my hard-earned money to see if I can stand D4’s shared world “experience.” That would just most likely be a waste of my time, money, and patience.)


I just hope that the items that drop are placed in the same categories again as in Diablo 2, so you have Unique, Exceptional Unique and Elite Unique. The Elites if they drop you jumped in the air and it felt as a real achievement. Nowadays in Diablo 3 when I finish a rift at Torment 14 I see everywhere legendary beams… I’m dissing all the items it’s not feeling rewarded. This is in my opinion really ruining the game that the items are not feeling special anymore.

I want to stand in town and show of my friends that I found a GrandFather, or I spend so much time to craft that weapon and the stats are not RNG but if you can craft it finally it will be a big difference then… That was with the runes in D2 if you crafted the item you get what you want and became much stronger.

This is my biggest concern, itemization… Diablo 2 did not had that many uniques especially not in the category Elite. But if you found one, it really meant something and it felt so rewarded.

Make set items great again… for lower, mid and end game.

My 2 cents… keep up the good work and bring back Diablo as how it was meant to be.


Hey Developers!
Ever think about reinventing the resources used by the various classes?
How about splitting all the resource globes (like the Demon Hunter) and on the left side use mana again like previous games for all classes. On the right use the old resource for a damage multiplier (Hatred or Discipline for DH, your choice)

So my Barb uses mana to power his skills and a topped off fury ball gives me a significant damage boost, slowly being reduced as I use it up.
Same with the rest of the classes.

Generators might require a bit of a redesign too.

This blends D2 nicely with D3 to give a unique effect unlike either game.

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It would also be nice to reinvent cooldowns.
Make them dynamic instead of static.

This one is a little harder to work out!

More or less that cooldowns are tied to actions or a variable game/class mechanic where they are not tied into a specific period of time.

An example might be the Zodiac ring mechanic…Or the Stagger bar style of cooldown reset. Even a full resource ball resets certain cooldowns.

I dunno just another goofy suggestion, I guess.

I’ve been thinking about the items more and I think you should also have more/different affixes. The items are too similar to D3 when they should be between D2 and D3. Also, please bring back Magic Find and make it a stat that people actually think about and want. A good item system is one where you have to weigh and balance all the items stats, not just looking at which stat is better.


Go into details if you want more than a cursory glance at the green and red. It has tons of info there and has been ignored by many of the same people you would think would be looking at it. But like I said it’s ignored and chants of red and green arrows are bad we need more infoz are used.

I’m a bit late to the thread, but I hope there are still some eyes on it. Truth be told, I haven’t been engaged with the discussion for months, only looked through announcements and videos over the last two weeks, so I apologize if I miss certain things that are obvious to others.

Despite not talking much about it, one feature of Diablo IV has been on my mind since the end of last year, and I really hope to see a bit of a highlight on it in a future update, preferably one where potential in depth information already exists but is still in flux. The topic is angelic/demonic/ancestral power (I’ll just refer to them as powers) and the stats that require powers to take effect (locked stats.)

This system has a lot of potential to add something great to itemization, but also to feel terrible. It all really depends on different variables of the implementation. I understand it’s a bit early to ask about something like that, but I’ve come up with a bunch of questions in hope of seeing them answered in a future update. Again, I’m sorry if there are definitive answers to some of these already. A few screenshots I’ve seen potentially answer some of these, but I don’t want to jump to conclusions because of early item card examples.

  1. What makes locked stats on items desirable?
    a) Will those stats have better/worse/wider/narrower ranges?
    b) Will locked stats be the only way to get certain stats in general/on that specific slot?
    c) Will this allow us to roll the same stat on a single item twice, once locked and once as a regular stat?
  2. How are locked stats determined?
    a) Would it be rare to see an item with a locked stat, or should we expect most items to have at least one?
    b) Do certain locked stats correspond to specific powers?
  3. Will we have ways to finely adjust how much of a certain power we have? If all powers only come from random rolls on gear, the impact of switching out one item could be too drastic.
  4. Are powers or locked stats treated differently than regular stats when it comes to mechanics like enchanting? If such a mechanic even exists in Diablo IV, of course.
    a) Is there maybe a separate mechanic that lets you, for example, change the power that is required to unlock a stat?

About the third point, I worry we might end up with a situation where we play a character that doesn’t benefit greatly from any of the three powers (it’s all hypothetical, but if we talk about build diversity, we also have to talk about cases where this happens.)
Should we aim to get the minimal amount of whichever power works best for us, so we can unlock an impactful amount of locked stats (tying in with question 2 because it might not be feasible to get items without them) or should we aim to get maybe two items worth of extra power for safety, purely to avoid the annoyance of making a potential replacement item unusable until we can fix the power situation? I find both options undesirable.
One way to avoid this would be if we could socket a reasonable amount of power via gems. That way we could factor in losing a gem slot when deciding to replace an item that has a power. We can also use gem slots as potential safety but with the advantage that gems can be adjusted on the fly, without needing to wait for another item drop, or having to store replacement armor pieces to make sure we can still hit power requirements.

hello in diablo 4 it would be nice to have 10 acts and each act to be as it was once, that is: …
Act 1 => Andariel (D2)
Act 2 => Duriel (D2)
Act 3 => Mephistopheles (D2)
Act 4 => Lillith (D4)
Act 5 => Baal (D2)
Act 6 => A new boss (D4)
Act 7 => Belial (D3) or A New Boss (D4)
Act 8 => Azmodan (D3)
Act 9 => A new boss (D4)
Act 10 => Diablo (D4) I put it last always was the main boss …
I specified this because they kept saying that they bring back all the bosses from diablo 2, they should bring them back to life and those from diablo 3 that everyone had a connection with the stone of souls and at the world event so that everyone has a chance to appear in various larger events obviously modified from those in the campaign and their attacks and skills …
I said this because if you leave them only in story mode, we will only find them when we finish the game in the campaign, after which we will no longer play there because it is normal to start events and etc …
I would like someone to give me an answer to what I said above I am curious about the idea I had if it is good thank you

baal literally was the endboss after diablo in D2 XDDD

I don’t mind %CD (to a point) rolling… its %CC that kills it and ridiculous scaling %dam on Leg/Sets. I’d prefer legendaries to be truly rare also. Attainable… Interesting… But something that a well rolled rare could compete with. I don’t want huge differences in damage output between similar characters simply because one’s got a single item that buffs a skill 5000%. Someone’s comments here said too much power comes from your items… like 99.99% comes from your items and not your hero’s own skills and abilities. A hero’s skills should be where the power is. not that they have a cool weapon. Then any old pleb could pick it up and kick a**. The items should augment and enhance/optimize the hero’s abilities - not overwrite them.

The difference in raw numbers between a person who has put in 250hrs game time and someone who has put in 500 or 1000hr doesn’t need to be huge

I also would prefer to do away with transmog and re-rolling affixes on items. I just feel any ‘need’ to re-roll affixes covers up problems in how to item rolls. I’m not against finding runes or crafting mats to add certain additional affixes.

Re: transmog - If legendaries are hard to get - then when you see someone running around in the rarest gear its kind of exciting to ‘finally’ see it. also for PVP it might be useful if you can identify people’s gear to give you a hint on their strength’s / vulnerabilities. changing colours is ok - but transmog a helmet to look like a crown is just weird. or a two-handed sword into a dagger? its impossible…

Speaking about items affixes, I’m not entierly sure I like what I see in the screenshots…Are these suposed to be rare items? Two, three affixes per item is boring. Diablo 2 rarest items had a dozen of affixes (key affixes, secondary ones and bunch of non-essential ones). In my view, this adds quite a lot of complexity for pro players while still allowing more casual gamers to identify good items (sort of like “-This item gives a bunch of things, so it must be a good one.”). Please make items great again. A player should spent more than 3 seconds to carefuly read all affixes and bonuses that a particular items provies in order to decide whether it is a good update or not. Currently, in Diablo 3, you can see whether an item provides an improvement just by seeing the 2-3 key affixes and if the numbers are higher and there is nothing special about of the rest of secondary affixes, if any. Gems, jewels, rune words, enchancments, etc are nice additions to furthe customize an item, but there should be thousand of roll combination for a particular set of affixes which provides for another layer of complexity and gives a player many hours of playtime until he find the perfect roll of a particular item.