Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q2 June 2020

Nothing changes to the way you find/equip gear. Gear is gear no matter if you have 1 stat on it or 100. What makes gear special is how the player “values” it in his mind. If a dedicated player grinds weeks to find that +5 to Strength buff he would value that item as important as the alternative from the other itemization since both would open him the new gameplay option he is after.

Numbers are just numbers. Gear has to be based on simple numbers to attract more new players to the genre.

Yes, after you found/stacked the respective super stat. It’s like a D3 grinder with all primals in stock - he can choose from all possible options.

He will. That’s the problem. He will try out many and not get the idea behind what’s happening from the change since as I said the itemization is NOT newcomers friendly presented in that way. 99% of the players would use external resources with such itemization. 1% of players would do this with the super stats and AI scenario.

Strongly disagreed.

No, numbers are not just numbers. How you get there matters. Different affixes can lead to different gameplay.

Now you are just imagining numbers.

It’s the same. Valuing items is not based on the absolute numbers at the items (if that was the case the aRPG player base would consist only of D3 players enjoying absurd numbers). It’s based on the relative value aka how good is A compared to B (be it 10000% vs 9900% or 10 vs 9).

Why we go circles here? Nothing changes with super stats besides the game becoming more newcomer friendlier. The dedicated players would still be after the GG items, the grind hasn’t changed because we simplified the stats appearing on the items. The “WOW” effect would still be there when a GG item drops. Nothing is wasted.

It is based on how interesting items are.
All items being +4 str, or +14 str, or maybe the crazy +15 str (wauw!) is bad itemization, and uninteresting for players.

We’ll have a lot of super stats, not just Strength, but I’ll push forward my vision when the next itemization update drops to clarify which stat goes under which super stat. The philosophy behind the idea however is clear. And as much as you don’t believe it, yes the “WOW” effect would be present - that’s how the brain works even with our sensations which are not absolute (a comparison is made at all times).

We don’t need to scare the noobs with complicated numbers. D4 needs noobs to survive and top the online games market. Otherwise everyone here knows the other path - ghost towns and pick-a-number error codes.

Probably already has been mentioned, but won’t go back through each reply to check. I think Diablo 1 was the best of the series to date as old as it is. Games can be great without the polish and breadth thats been tried in the sequels since.

What made the first Diablo great was the feeling of isolation and claustrophobia from the perspective of the character. The OST was great and enhanced that experience. It would be great to see a Diablo game returning to those roots with an overall darker tone. Toe the line with horror/reality a bit more.

I like that there’s cooldown on abilities now. I think it slows down the pace of the game, which is a good thing personally since I hate chaotic and spammy gameplay. Slower gameplay forces me to think about how I would approach an enemy or a pack of them in order to clear them the most efficiently. Slower gameplay also makes me appreciate the animations and graphics of the game.


How many fires have to be lit about forced online only MMO game aspects before we finally say “no, I won’t give you my money.”? Forcing social centers does not “enhance” gameplay, it’s a way to sell microtransactions to look cooler under peer pressure.

World boss encounters - Ok, lets talk seriously about this for a second about what this actually means for play value beyond the first shock and awe experience. We can take a LOT of lessons here from Guild Wars 2.

  • It means waiting on spawns on some global timer, and farming these global timers rather than the game
  • It means world hopping breaking any sort of fun gameplay flow
  • It necessitates damage scaling (both incoming and outgoing) so high level/geared players don’t oneshot the world boss, and lower level players can feel like they contribute - destroying any sort of feeling of personal progression of your character
  • World events are “PuG” based, which means they basically have to be IMPOSSIBLE to lose or fail if you have two brain cells rubbing together, meaning there’s no challenge or excitement to them past the first encounter of visuals

World events / bosses are not fun for me. I have never played a game with world events/bosses and enjoyed it. It always creates a massive grindy feel to the game without any sort of feeling of accomplishment or progression because of these above factors.

I do not want to play with other people. I do not want to see other players in my towns, I do not want to encounter other players on the map, I do not want world bosses or raid bosses I have to group with other players to compete with. How many times do players have to cry for solo experiences from a solo leaderboard, to Solo self found leagues, to offline only modes before we finally say “no. forced online multiplayer is not OK for a game that would work just as well, if not better solo.”

I do not want a Guild Wars 2 / Fallout 76 / Diablo hybrid. I want to see a Diablo ARPG. Let us turn off MMO aspects at launch.


Dear developers of Diablo IV,

I’m very much looking forward to the next instalment of Diablo. I started playing Diablo 2 when I was in high school. A friend of mine introduced me to it. To this day, I love Diablo 2 and still sometimes play it. Recently, I played Diablo 1 for the first time and even though it’s more than 20 years ago that it came out, it’s still an amazing game.

There are two points I’d like to talk about when it comes to the development of Diablo IV – the first because it’s what Diablo is all about and the second because I just liked the idea very much.

I don’t want to repeat what others wrote elsewhere, but this is really something I want to stress: I, too, hope that affixes on legendary items are static – as they were in Diablo 2. Items in Diablo 2 had a name that you recognized because you knew what to expect from that item. Obviously, the actual values of the affixes were different from one to the other – and it could be super annoying to get a (near) perfect one – but you knew what you were looking for and it was quite rewarding to finally find it. (The fact that it was almost impossible to get a Griffon’s Eye is something else… I think it should be manageable for all players – casual or not – to find all legendaries and not have to wait years for one to drop with bad values.) What I didn’t and still don’t like about Diablo III is that basically every affix can be found on every item – apart from legendary and a handful of other affixes. This makes items in Diablo III far less interesting in my point of view. They all feel similar to one another. I really hope that items in Diablo IV will be as unique as they were in Diablo 1 und 2.

At some point during the ongoing development of Diablo III there was the idea of a talisman. It was never implemented because it was sort of replaced by the paragon system as far as I can remember. I had a love-hate-relationship to charms in Diablo 2: On the one hand, I liked the idea of getting a bit stronger or tougher by carrying around little charms. On the other hand, I didn’t like that they clumped up all your inventory space in the endgame. So I hoped that they would find their way back to Diablo III through the talisman. I loved the idea of having some sort of amulet where you could unlock spots as you level up (or maybe even fulfil certain quests or kill certain monsters) and then fill these spots with charms that have certain affixes. I think the idea was to have 12 spots which would limit the power you could get from these things. I still think it could be a great way for players to gather their favorite charms to match and further personalize their builds. Maybe you’ll give it a second chance someday.

Please make Diablo great again!

  1. MUSIC:
    For the background music, the team should try listening to the soundtrack (especially the ones when the main character is being chased) from the game Outlast 2. Their soundtrack took me back to D1 days. Imagine listening to those OSTs with a scary demon coming out of nowhere from the dark. This will take us right back to the original terrifying atmosphere and experiences. Capturing that atmosphere and experience is crucial for players to immerse themselves in the gameplay. Otherwise, the return of Mr. Matt Uelmen would do for me personally.

  2. The Aspect of Unknown and Constant Stimulation
    D4 should feel like a ‘horror game’ and by that, players should be frightened by encountering unique enemies and feel satisfied by defeating them. One of the most satisfying aspects of ARPG, for me at least, is when I encounter the ‘unknown’ out of nowhere that have some backstories tied to them. Do you remember the day when the player opened ‘a door’ to encounter ‘the Butcher’ for the first time? You knew there was such a monster because you just spoke to a dying townfolk asking you to avenge him. Despite knowing what is about to come, encountering this Butcher, in reality, was a frightening experience. Capturing this horrifying feeling that something crazy is about to attack you without all the fancy flamboyant introduction and a talkative demon appearing on the screen to explain to you what’s going on and what he’ll do to you is an important aspect of the game ‘Diablo’. When you watch a horror film, the devil does not tell you that he’s a devil and he’s about to destroy you and he plans to destory the entire town (maybe they do in cartoons or animes). D4 should constantly try to capture that horror aspect and atmosphere from films. On the contrary, when I play D3 Rifts or Greater Rifts, I simply cannot pay any attention to the random enemies generated without any stories associated with them. It’s just another random unique enemy that I need to hit. There’s no depth or meaning to any of the enemies whatsoever.
    I wish the end game could include bounty demons or enemies that the development crew could constantly design and update so that when players destroy them, they’ll have a chance to obtain random items as well as specific items associated with that particular demon/enemy including trophies. Encountering a previously unknown enemy with particular background stories and defeating them would make the game feel more memorable and the time spent more fulfilling. e.g. You decide to log in to the game one day and speak to a townfolk in a certain region of the D4 world. He/She tells you about a story heard over the past few days or of an ancient/mythical creature. Perhaps on your way to facing this foe, there’s a tome (remember D1 and the awesome immersive reading?) that informs you of this unknown terrifying entity or you could ask for more info from other townfolks including your Horadrim companions. This way, the developers will have some fun creating new enemies and stories to surprise us all, perhaps even forcing us to switch out an item to maximize resistance to a certain element.
    Please make it a horror game with lots of unknowns and mysteries.

  3. Seasons
    To maximize the gaming experience, I believe each season should run for a longer period of time. Playing D3, I realized while it is fun re-playing the game from the scratch each season, it’s just way too short. I want to build a character and be attached to that character for a while. A longer season (a year maybe) gives us more chances to enjoy and immerse into the stories and game content without being forced to rush through to ‘End Game’ and grind like a machine and then at the end of it all you don’t remember any of the monsters or stories because your goal is to just get the pre-determined meta items and get it over with to get to paragon level 9999. It starts to feel like repeated labor as opposed to playing an RPG game filled with terrifying stories and legends. This is one of the reasons why players quit early in the season. The short seasons give players no choice but to rush through everything as quickly as possible and be that grinding machine. Contents and experiences should outweigh the results for players to continue playing.

  4. items
    Could you please make the item art more realistic and less cartoony perhaps with a transparent background? A simple fact is that a lot of players love collecting super weird and cool items simply to collect as well as to see if they can come up with a new build. It’s highly satisfactory for me at least to pick up an item just dropped and see how cool-looking it is! People might want to build a character based on that particular item or a weapon because it looks cool and reasonably useful/strong whether that’s ‘meta’ or not.

Also, the magnitude/numbers associated with affixes should be lower just like D2. Could you please add resistances and more elements? The numbers for resistance should not be infinitely scaling.

Is there something similar to Ethereal items in D4? Such concept adds variety to items.

  1. Unusual builds add variety and replayability
    I hope there will be possibilities for unusual builds; for example, turning my barbarian into a giant demon or a cool looking angel by equipping a certain runeword or an item.
    When I used to play D2, I built a throw barb with ethereal Lacerators. When other players looked at my character, they were either laughing at him or mesmerized. However, that barbarian did pack a lot of punch and made my PVP experience very funny and fun at the same time. I was able to defeat a lot of enemies in Hell difficulty without many issues at all. This build was ‘meta’ for me at least. Simply put, give other peripheral builds some chance to become elite. Yes, you might see 60 out of 100 characters with so-called “meta” builds, but it is fun to encounter unusual heroes. Players would be very much satisfied if this “weird” barbarian can deal with most of the end game contents.

RE: Angelic, Demonic, Ancestral: do the character looks/cosmetics change when stats are fulfilled?

  1. Could you please consider bringing back hit recovery and have status recovery to various effects in the game? Quality of recovery rates makes our characters feel vulnerable and the game more challenging. D3 heroes are Arnolds to begin with and end up being Thanoses.

  2. RE: Levels
    As others have mentioned, I’d prefer a max level of 100 (or even higher which may be extremely difficult to achieve). Could you make level matter please? If you see that majority of players are reaching level 99, you could increase the cap to 105 in a new patch and make it even more difficult to achieve (instead of having infinite paragon levels). By doing this you might create new items with higher level requirements.
    Putting level restrictions to items would be one way to make levels matter and give motivation for grinding. Say you find an incredibly powerful item and its level requirement is 97. This gives us motivation to level our butt off to get to that level to experience that power boost. I would be motivated to level up and get that weapon with the level restriction of 97 equipped, and be able to wield that in PVPs as well as versus elite enemies at the highest difficulties.

  3. Charms or something similar to it:
    A separate inventory for cool looking charms would add even more depth and variety to builds. Two heroes might have the exact same build, but imagine because of the differences in charms, they could be different characters. I don’t know what others feel about the Hell Torches from the Ubers but I’d stay away from meta-mandatory powerful charms. You could play with this concept of charms as developers, restrict the number of unique, mythical charms equipped, etc.

  4. Item Identification
    Identifying rare, magic, and unique items is a part of the mystery in the game ‘Diablo’. For example, a Unique-colored (copper/brown/orange color) “Berserker Axe” drops. Say, there are 4 different unique items that could be identified for this particular type of Axe. When you identify it, the item art and name change into one of those unique axes. This is not a waste of time and is a fun part of the game Diablo. “Already named” items dropping is less exciting. I tend to look at it this way: How can a barbarian who never read any books regarding unique artifacts that exist in that Diablo world immediately know what that unique item’s name is in the first place? I’d rather find an ordinary-looking Champion Sword and take it to an expert or a library (or have a summarized scroll) to get it dusted off, cleaned up, and identified. It turns out the item is The Doombringer or another type of unique item (+ affixes numbers vary of course). Sometimes, simplifying or getting rid of a fun process does not make the gaming experience ‘more fun and smooth’ for players. Finding an ordinary-looking item with the unique color and then identifying for multiple possible types doubles the fun of item farming in my humble opinion.

Thanks very much for your consideration,


About the items,

I really would like to have a more woooow feeling when I’m picking up an item.

What I mean is, when Im picking up the item and Open up my stash I would like to be blown away just by looking at the stash and see awesome and cool looking items, big and small and really get the feeling I’ve picked up something I would like to wear just because it looks freaking awesome.

I’m worried that it will feel like when opening up my stash there’s a bunch of items I really not caring about, just some numbers that is better or worse than my current item.

I essentially doesn’t care for the artwork, it’s just numbers and some text.

I hope we get the wooow feeling from the items just by looking at them


Healing / support class?
As this is what keep me playing video games I would like to ear about it :stethoscope: :adhesive_bandage:

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This is a list of a few things I would personally like to see added to Diablo 4. I hope the devs have a chance to see this and actually consider some of the things I am saying at the very least and truly ask themselves and break some of the points down on why it is or isn’t good for Diablo 4. I really hope the devs actually listen and make Diablo 4 the true sequel to Diablo 2. Thank you for taking the time to read it and if you guys don’t like something let me know but don’t just say it’s bad. Explain why.

More Gem types - Why did Diablo 3 get rid of the skull and sapphire?

  • Sapphire (Blue)
  • Topaz (Yellow)
  • Ruby (Red)
  • Emerald (Green)
  • Garnet (Orange)
  • Amethyst (Purple)
  • Diamond (White)
  • Onyx (Black)
  • Skull (Grey)

Rare Cosmetics/Dyes

  • Dyes - I want dyes to be rare tradeable consumable items found in the world that can be used infinitely. I don’t like that in Diablo 3 every dye is given to you already. I want to find them in the world and hunt for that rare dye that you really want to make your character look awesome. It feels more rewarding to find items that make you look cool rather than already looking cool from the start.
  • Cosmetics - I want cosmetics to be rare tradeable items that can be found in the world as well. (It was fun farming for cosmic wings in Diablo 3. It would be nice to trade them though.)

Socketable Town Portal to customize the color.

  • Blue - Socketing a sapphire into your town portal will make it dark blue
  • Red - Socketing a ruby into your town portal will make it dark red
  • Green - Socketing an emerald into your town portal will make it dark green
  • Purple - Socketing an amethyst into your town portal will make it dark purple
  • Yellow - Socketing a topaz into your town portal will make it dark yellow
  • Orange - Socketing a garnet into your town portal will make it dark orange
  • White - Socketing a diamond into your town portal will make it angelic white
  • Black - Socketing an onyx into your town portal will make it demonic black
  • Grey - Socketing a skull into your town portal will make it grey


I want the max level to be 100 where each level scales starting from 1. Diablo 2’s leveling system was perfect. I don’t think that an infinite leveling system is a good design. Hear me out please. Having a max level that takes a really long time to get to but a short amount of time to look like you are 90% to the max level when in reality the time it would take to get to max is only 10% complete. When you have an infinite leveling system then what is the point of leveling anymore? There is no end goal to strive for and that does not feel rewarding at all. It’s a treadmill. I hate running on treadmills. In Diablo 3 when I get to the soft max level of 70 I only feel satisfied because I actually get to play the game at that point. Only to start running on the infinite treadmill. In Diablo 2 I feel like I am playing the game the whole time. There is no I can’t wait to get to 70 so I can actually start playing the game(though another part of this is that the items in Diablo 3 drop based on your character level and the damage scales with each level as well which is also a bad design, but lets get back to talking about levels). With a max level that scales similar to Diablo 2 there is an end goal in mind and when someone finally completes it. The satisfaction is huge compared to a soft level cap followed by the infinite level. They get the real feeling of complete. At that point they can find more awesome gear or level up their next character to max if they choose. The thought of maybe getting to max level one day is enough reward in itself. I already do not like the way levels are looking in Diablo 4. They say the max level is 40 as of right now. That sounds like a soft cap where if there is an expansion and they decide to increase the max level to 50. This would be very unfortunate if items scale based on your character’s level. Every item you found prior to the expansion would become obsolete. I absolutely hate this design and think Diablo needs to have its old leveling system back similar to Diablo 2

Item Tiers

I don’t like that Diablo 3’s items dropped scale based on your character’s current level. It makes every item prior to level 70 useless only to be used for crafting materials. I’ve said this before but if there is a soft max level of 40 when every item scales based on your character’s level and they decide to increase the level cap with the expansion. Every item will become obsolete prior to the release. So what was the point of playing the game before the expansion released? It’s cool to to know that a gg item has a possibility to drop throughout my entire time playing the game(Hotspurs). Also let’s say at launch the max level is 40 and the affixes on items scaled based on your character level. The expansion increases the level cap to 50 making all of your time spent before the release of the expansion obsolete. I hope the Diablo 4 devs do not take this route. A better system would be item tiers that unlock based on your character’s level, area, story progression. Probably 3 tiers or so where each tier higher would have increased damage, defense or affix roles. If you find a rare or magic low tier item and it has nice affix roles, you could upgrade it to the next tier with a crafting system. Increasing the defense, damage, or affix rolls depending on what type of item it is. Legendary item affixes would not increase as they are unique to that specific legendary, however the damage, attack speed, defense, etc would change depending on what the legendary’s base item is. Diablo 2 has a nice item system, but it could be expanded upon.

Rare items

There needs to be items that don’t drop as often and some that are just extremely rare.


I want to be able to trade everything I find. It gives value to items. Being able to trade items gets me excited for items I may have never been excited for because other players want the items I don’t. Free trade is a cornerstone of successful arpgs. I don’t like the idea of everything bind on pickup, people should be able to play the way they want to play. People will bot and sell items/account services for real money with or without open trade. Binding items on pickup really only hurts the legit players that want to have a fun trading community. I think the pros outweigh the cons of open trade.


Skills primary source of damage and resource cost should be leveling up the skill not based on weapon damage. Weapon damage should only be a secondary source of damage and should be balanced for each class. A physical attack character might use more weapon attack for their source of damage.
I think that skills should have a maximum cooldown of 5 seconds if any cooldown at all. I’d rather have a resource system with potions, resource per hit, resource regeneration, etc. The cooldowns and resource system doesn’t matter to me too much. Just as long as it is fun to use. The only thing I really don’t like are ultimate abilities that turn you into a super saiyan to deal a massive amount of damage for x seconds. If there is a skill that lets you deal a lot of damage for your other skills, it feels required rather than a cool side option. If I want to deal more damage with whirlwind. I should increase the skill level of whirlwind not turn into a super saiyan and then use whirlwind.


All items have an innate affix unique to that type of item as well as possible affixes depending on rarity.

  • Normal - 1 innate affix varies from item to item - I think normal items should be used to have the base item you want to craft. Runewords too if they are implemented the same as Diablo 2 runewords but probably not.
  • Magic - 1-3 possible affixes - Magic items have the highest affix rolls but only 3 total affixes - a consumable can be used on magic items to add a legendary power.
  • Rare - 4-6 possible affixes - Rare items have the most affixes but lower affix rolls than magic items - a consumable can be used on rare items to add a legendary power.
  • Set - 5 static affixes with set bonuses
  • Legendary - 6 static unique affixes with a legendary power. Make legendary’s legendary. Why should someone use a legendary over a rare with a legendary power? Legendary powers should not be the only difference between legendarys and rares.


Make items have Identity. Why should I use a dagger over a sword? Does the dagger have more attack speed? Is the swords innate affix x% chance to bleed and would be perfect for my build? Should I use a dusk shroud over an ornate plate? The dusk shroud has and innate affix of x% to resistances but the ornate plate has the highest amount of defense any armor can have.


  • Helmet - 3 possible sockets
  • Body Armor - 6 possible sockets
  • Gloves - 2 possible sockets
  • Bracers - no sockets
  • Pants - 4 possible sockets
  • Boots - 2 possible sockets
  • Belt - 1 possible socket
  • Ring - 1 possible socket
  • Amulet - 1 possible socket
  • Weapon - 3-6 possible sockets depending on the weapon 3 for one handers/ 6 for two handers.
  • Off-Hand - 3 possible sockets


  • A consumable that puts a legendary power onto a Rare or Magic item.
  • A consumable that creates a copy of a Rare or Magic item
  • A consumable that adds 1 socket to an item - can be used more than once to keep adding sockets to an item. If you have more of them of course.


I would love to see charms come back to Diablo 4 with a special inventory for them.

Cube and crafting

I would love to have the cube come back in some way. Probably involved with crafting somehow.


  • PvP zones in the open world
  • PvP game modes moba style

Goblins, Secret/Rare levels


Sets should not tie into skills specifically but generally to one class or all for more build diversity. Skills could have tags like projectile or fire damage. This lets any item that increases skills under projectile or fire damage be used by multiple classes instead of just one class and skill. NO crazy damage percentage like in D3 and smaller numbers. My characters maximum damage should be 1,000 not 1,000,000 with crazy crits
Whirlwind gains the effect of the Dust Devils rune and all Whirlwind and Rend damage is increased by 10000% (6 pieces)
Instead of +3 to Meteor (Sorceress Only), it should have +3 to Mastery Skills (Sorceress Only). This way you can use other skills like Nova in the Mastery section creating more build diversity. Another example would be +3 to projectile skills, or +3 to fire skills, etc.
Items can tie into skills specifically but should have several for every skill in the game and be mixed with items that are tied into skills generally.


The expansion should never increase the level cap. Instead it should add new items, areas, bosses, classes, etc.


I have not seen any types of resistances yet on any of the Diablo 4 items. There needs to be resistances in Diablo 4 similar to the way Diablo 2 does it. I’m not sure about monster immunities but it still makes the game interesting and hard when you come across something that is cold immune. You need a different element to be able to kill it. It makes you think at the very least.

World Immersion

I don’t want to feel like I am just playing a game. I want to believe I am in the Diablo world. The game needs to feel real. Small details like item art, the way gems sound when they are dropped or placed into your inventory, the noise a chest makes when you open it, the spaces that items take up, a dagger should not be the same size as a two handed maul. I want to believe I am in the Diablo world and not just playing a game. This matters a lot in the long run.


They won’t be having Season will they? Due to those are the most boring thing in the game!

Sadly, they have confirmed seasons quite strongly.
I just wish they would make each season last much longer, like 6+ months. Give the game time to breath, let people make many different characters, farm gear etc. Not this speed run thing that both D3 and PoE has become.
And of course, keep patching the game throughout the seasons.

More like a tombstone of A-RPGs.
Keep trading out of D4 please.

Yeah. Monster resistances is a requirement tbh. So far zero indication that D4 will have those. I dont think immuneties should ever exist though.
Player resistances has been confirmed previously. We havent seen them on more recent items however.

Making some classes more weapon dependent than other classes was a big mistake in D2 tbh. All your dmg should not be weapon-based, but it should matter equally for all classes and builds.

Imo, a good way could be to give all weapons two dmg stats; a “physical”/kinetic dmg stat, and a magic dmg stat. A wand might be mostly magical dmg, and a axe might be mostly physical. Different skills (in all classes) would scale with either kinetic or magic dmg. So a Shout barb might end up prefering a wand over an axe etc.

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Yes there’s going to have Season, at least this is what I’m aware of.
Season have to be taken for what it is, is a casual community event which allow new players to don’t be putted aside, to help and to be helped, learn a new class, and on and on, …
For some it’s an opportunity to take it easy, for other it’s a call for race & competition, for me it’s the right time to meet new friends and to get on a road with old friends.
This is a bridge between D3 servers and players to improve the community, most of the player base enjoy it most of the time, there’s nothing wrong to play non-season, I did it for years and it was fine.

I hope that the D4 Season won’t make us start from scratch, I would prefer gain achievement points rather than see my character being torn apart :shushing_face:

this my only problem with seasons
i only play my OCs
and if i am supposed to create a new character for new content, i will not get that new content
easy as that

  1. Graphics and atmosphere look great. Way better than the more cartoonish D3 graphics.

  2. I’m not jumping up and down about the gear shown though.

  3. Talent trees originally shown need to be expanded too imho.

  4. I like that you are bringing back some form of game finder. Public games in D3 are difficult to find people for what I want to do. For instance, every public game I join for GRs, everyone wants to do speeds. It would be cool to post GR push parties level 120 plus etc.

Keep up the good work.


I hope Diablo 4 wont make the same mistakes Diablo 3 did, we don’t want another Diablo 3 with darker graphics.