Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q2 June 2020

Hit recovery
I understand why this is completely removed, especially with massive mob density, Although I feel like removing this helped make monsters in diablo 3 not important.(more on this below)
Maybe this can return but monsters have a % chance to stagger? even if its super low!!
Perhaps make it its own affix,
Attacks have a 30% chance to deal more damage and a 20% chance to stagger the enemy?
Penetration can come from items skills and talents, Perhaps give it a cap, maybe 30%?
Every now and then being staggered and NOTICING and FEELING your HP drop is extremely important to any game and especially Diablo.

Monsters are not important in Diablo 3
I never worry if im running into ranged or melee or what type of monster im approaching…
Never thinking how to fight around this monsters type or abilities, No scarabs with deadly staggering charged bolts coming at me from all directions,
No infernal Lords charging at me blasting devastating cones of fire.
Monsters are extremely important and from what we have seen from monster families in d4 its looking awesome an a lot of time has been spend on design
but all this work will be wasted if difficulty is too easy, we barely ever notice whats hitting us.
P.S Please remove the white effect when monsters are hit in Diablo 4 :smiley:


Hit recovery adds realism and makes the game more strategic, you could not rush into mobs and hope to live, while in Diablo 3 there is no penalty.

I remember the council fight in act 3 of Diablo 2 u had to lure them 1 by 1 to have o change or else…

The Devil is in the details


“Our goal has always been to incorporate elements from shared world games without the game ever feeling like it’s veering into massively multiplayer territory.”

I love this! As long as it doesn’t get out of hand like being in a zone on WOW or FFXIV and trying to complete objectives and quests with 15 other players doing the same thing. That really takes away from the “Diablo-esque” feel of the game.
Looking forward to topics in the next blog around talent trees. :sparkling_heart:

items need dimension and size differences. they don’t look like actual items i would wear, they looking like cards with stats. the game’s artstyle and direction seem great but man item art, font and itemization in general need serious work. they look like powerpoint tool tips on cards. armor should be one size, gloves another so the fantasy is consistent


Campaign wise, you won’t see anyone. Post campaign, I’m willing to bet most of the content will be in dungeons and other non zone related areas. With the open areas for mat farming and bounties.

But even then, they seem like they want player sightings to be at a minimum so competing for stuff probably wont happen. If they take from WoW, most things are shared so there isn’t any competition.

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This is a comment by CLUESO in my thread about Hit recovery Which is continuing some good discussion points. Hit recovery Diablo 4
This is one of many great ideas

I think they should have replaced Hit Recovery with a Stagger Mechanic on your character.

Imagine that the XP Bar on your character now moves down to the bottom of the UI and on top of your Skill Bar there now is the Stagger Bar for your character.

  • Every hit you take from enemies adds a certain amount of Stagger, depending on the attack. Some attacks can add less Stagger to your char, others more.
  • Once the Stagger Bar is full, you get microstunned for x seconds and the Stagger Bar depletes.
  • While microstunned, you can not accumulate additional Stagger.
  • While microstunned, you eventually can take xx% more damage.
  • Stagger also decays on its own over time.
  • The ‘Faster Hit Recovery’ Affix would get replaced with “+x maximum Stagger” or “x% increased maximum Stagger”, which would make it so that your Stagger Bar increases and you can take more hits before staggered.

That is basically like Hit Recovery, but you can manage it better and you do not get stun-locked like in D2.

Maybe there can even be skills that remove a certain amount of Stagger, temporarily prevent Stagger from accumulating, etc.
P.S Please remove the white effect when monsters are hit in Diablo 4 :smiley:


When do you expect New Players, Good Players and Veteran Players to have their first death in game?
level 10? 20? 30?
Please let monsters kill me often :slight_smile:

I expect to die early and often but that’s because I always try to take on more than I can handle. Big reason I don’t do hardcore. In D3 I usually start off on torment, unless I have a gem of ease, then it’s T6 until 70.

But I’d say mid game would be the average for good players, 40 for veterans, and around 10 for new players.


hahaa my man, I feel the same as im mostly a melee guy trying to test my limits and items etc just love charging in there!

Id love some surprise new mechanics that may even catch veterans off guard and get them killed 10-15 (if 40 is the cap) Whether a boss fight or a deadly mob with the right or wrong (however you look at it) Elite affixes!

How will group finder and party play work with a locked open world.
Limiting X amount of players on that phasing at once. Will our group phase into the least populated phase?

Will i need more power to do higher Dungeon keys or will 1 skill modifying legendary be enough to push many Dungeon key levels.

That’s why my wife doesn’t play with me regularly. Shes cautious and takes her time. I play as if death is expected. I am trying a HC character this season. On my third or fourth already.

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Yeah that is what I expect too.
Which would be an incredible waste of the overworld. D3 all over again.

Imo, add two overworld focused end-game modes (alongside the other end-game activities, such as Key dungeons):

  1. Campaign Reset. Let us replay the campaign again and again, at max difficulty (so same difficulty as key dungeons), with appropriate rewards. Like, make bosses have a guaranteed legendary. Final boss got a guaranteed Mythic or whatever. You can only reset after finishing the whole campaign (so no farming the first act over and over)

  2. Overworld end-game. Stuff like Camps sounds interesting. But way more of if. Have random portals spawn around the world, going into boss rooms (like a room with a GRift Guardian or two), Greeds realms and what not. Have D3 style cursed chests and similar events, but again make it all similar difficulty to the other end-game (Key dungeons etc.) And similar rewards of course (well, somewhat lower, since key dungeons will likely be more random , and random challenges needs to be rewarded more, since you cant specialize as easily).
    Make it fun and rewarding to explore the overworld, even when deep into end-game.

We know there will be camps, there will be resource/mat gatherings, public events, bounties of some sort. I’m sure there will be exploration to find dungeons, skill tomes, and other stuffs. It seems like the overworld will be used plenty and more so than the previous 3 games. We all know the majority of us will be running keyed dungeons, boss runs, any rift like activity they may have as opposed to running around the open world killing openworld mobs unless there is a quest for it

But even then, it would be simple enough to make it so you don’t run across a recently cleared camp or farming spot.

Rhykker and MrLlamaSC talk Diablo 4

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that thumbnail tho <3

was thinking Diablo 4 could also have some type of unique one-time-use consumable items like the Potion of Life that permanently increases your health by 20.

Has it been confirmed when is the next quaterly update?
If not, what do you think when? November?

  1. Q1 - 1st January to 31st March
  2. Q2 - 1st April to 30th June
  3. Q3 - 1st July to 30th September
  4. Q4 - 1st October to 31st December
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There will be 2 updates - this and/or next month. One will be for skills and talents, the other for itemization.