Diablo IV Quarterly Update - Q1 February 2020

To be honest, it always kinda bothered me that bracers and belt didn’t change appearance in D3. Seemed like something that should have been obvious.

Trivial, I know, but so many RPGs make them change appearance it just seemed so weird to not have that done.

First of all - THX for the Update

UI and Inventory

I like the Idea of differant Bags, wich helps to organise your Inv.

Like many others have already stated, pls let und customise our UI
Shouldnt be to much of work, to have a Checkbox in the Option to ancor/free it, so we can adjust it to our own prefferance :sunflower:

I dont mind, that the Inv. isnt as big as it could be …
But i def. and really hope frome the bottom of my Hearth, that you have take at least this one Lesson frome the last 20+ Years.

Make the Stash or where ever we will put our found Treasurs in, nearly invinit !
Or give us at least an Option, so we can Upgrade the Space.

To rebind the Left Mouse, is just … :heart:
I really hope we can get it for D3 also, while waiting for D4
Or at least cancel the restriction of Skills, wich cant be put on it -.-

I always :nauseated_face: about it. esp if i wanne put “unused” Skills like Sweeping Wind or the Mantra on it.

Desaturated Skill-Effekts

Im well aware of it, that it plays a huge Role for the Powerfantasy of each Class and the Game itself.
But pls make sure, it isnt just a huge Lightshow, where you cant read whats going on in the Game itself anymore.


Just a few Words about this Topic :slight_smile: :sunflower:

Make sure, that we have a giant Possibility on Passives and Effekts.

Just a little “boring” Talenttree with only a few Option … Wont statisfy anyone :frowning:

For the Affixes.
Will there be some Consumables, to change the Affix of a Skill itself ?
Its just … frustrating, if you cant use the perfekt Skill for the Build you wanne play, only because its “Element” has the wrong Base. -.-

So to have some ultra rare Drops, wich allows you to Change your Skill, would be pretty neet :slight_smile:

About the next Blogpost

Though, that everything is still in a super early state and can chage drasticly.
I would still love to see some Insights about how you going to implement the Crafting and Trading.

Are there special Skills/Talents/Passives, wich increases the Chances of a Crafter, while reducing his Combat ability ?

Is there an open Market ?
Like you can Build up your own Stall in Town to sell your Items.
Or can we even get an extra Page on the Forum, where we can enlist our Items frome Ingame and interested Buyer just send a whisper?

How good will crafted Items be ?
Can they compete with the highest Legendarys ?

Pls make sure, even “Base”-Items are meaningfull
I mean. That you can look for a good Base and then, wich Upgrading/rerolling the Stats on it, that it can become quite a nice Pice or Gear.

Thx for reading
MfG Balbero

Good Loot ; Have Fun

I dont think it would be such a big suprise.
After all, the Butcher himself is not a “Uniq”-Boss on his own, but more of a Monstertype in Hell
Though, he is kinda like a high Elite

Isnt a Charge based CD also a CD :thinking:

But the Idea itself is ok :slight_smile:

Maybe we can even get different types of Potions, but could max use 2 of them, within the Cooldown/Charges

You just have to wait for the next 5-6 Addons

Pretty much , THIS !
Keep in Mind its also for Console … so there is no Chance, that they could use 50-70 Shortcuts, like you had in WoW


I think we arn’t there yet.

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I can’t post links, not even from blizzard itself…
In the update there is jpg showing a Barb fighting some cannibals. Is this an actuall screenshot?

If so, bravo.



We saw a lot of feedback around the inventory, either regarding its coloring, the style/size of the item icons, or overall aesthetic.

With item icons, we’d initially pursued a painterly style to stay in line with the overall art direction of the game, and we’re finding that it doesn’t come across as well when we’re talking about small elements in the UI. We’re now exploring another approach more directly based off the 3D models to give them natural texture and realism.

I really like the new direction you guys took with the items visually speaking. Nice job there… Having said that i feel that the differences in the border behind the items needs more contrast towards the rest of the frame. If you look real close right now you can see that the grey has no real border and the more rare the item becomes the more extensive the border becomes. (This will be really hard to see at the size your icons are now.) Perhaps a sharp 1px border with a small opacity on it can make it easier to recognize what item is what.)

(Don’t know why i cant post images… but hey…)

Will add more stuff later… :slight_smile:

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I’m kind of disappointed we didn’t get any info on a new class. None of the current ones appeal to me

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Gamescom 2020 at earliest.

I want a necromancer (preferably closer to d3 than d2) or a thief/rogue type (shadow themed, daggers, knives, assassination)

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lightweight halberd which allows them to leap at players from a great distance and crash down with a devastating attack. Like this means range will matter .

Alot of the changes I really dont see meaning alot. The monster types will be almost completely ignored and wont mean anything as one just blows through them. Nor will it inspire different attack patterns depending on the monsters. Most will fight them all the same way.

As for the icons. Well the color change will make it almost impossible for the majority to tell them apart at a fast look. Not to mention those that are color blind as mentioned. Or you could make the drops have differnt icons to show different rarity like you did in d3 for primals.

I will be honest that after reading the whole thing. That was alot of words that said basically nothing that couldn’t be said in less then a paragraph.


Paladin and amazon have been put forward by an unofficial leak.

Co-op questions


  • I have a license
  • I improve my character at home
  • I visit a friend who wants to play couch co-op.


  1. Can i use the character i created at my home?
  2. Will the char have to be from the same platform?
    • cross platform play?
  3. MTX for cross Platform char slots?
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Aand as usual I tend to reply to the wrong topics first… Well, I’m a bit of a lazy person so will just “reroute” the comment from the other topic which would be my feedback for the update

Won’t say “keep it up”, don’t necessarily think the development/features is in a bad direction (at least surely hope that to be the case), but the way updates are written/done feels like they’re intended for the wrong type of crowd tbh

As far as color blindness, I feel that not only should the color of an items background be different based on quality, but that the devs should also make the border around the icon different too. Grey/white items have basic border, while Legendary has a scroll work border with perhaps skulls in the corners, set items have scroll work with stars in the corners…etc etc.


You are forgetting this is not D2.
There is only “Attack” and “Defense” so we really don’t need that many items.

Seeing character screen i am already worried about d4 :cry:


Why? Whats wrong with that for you?

So you made us ui and few monsters for hack n slash? And this is your quarterly update? Really?


There better be a Paladin otherwise ↠ BUST :skull_and_crossbones: