Diablo IV - Bring back the Tetris Inventory

I would love to see the Tetris inventory again in D4, the reason why I think the Tetris inventory is necessary, it brings immersion to the game. I think it is absurd that a Dagger is as big as a Schyte. It also makes the game more realistic and alive. It is also a part of Diablo’s Legacy, so it fits the spectrum of the game.


Sure just take up more inventory space. Blizzard please do not listen to some of the people. :ok_hand:


God no. D2 was great, but it did have issues and storage space was a major one. Let’s never go back to that crap. In fact they should make everything take up one slot regardless of the size not 1 or 2 as D3 currently does.


tetris for laaaiiiiiifffff <3


Add an auto-arrange button for those who don’t want to play tetris. The point is to have weapons and armors in different sizes.


I don’t mind the tetris inventory but I’d like to see a bit better balance in the cost-to-size ratio of items. Wands, Staves, and Scepters with +X to a skill were so highly valued that anything else almost wasn’t worth picking up unless it was a very specific item that could be traded.

Also, let me rotate items so I can put them on their side.

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Of all things requested you want less inventory space. God no. I would rather a 2h scythe not take up 6 blocks of space compared to the 2 it does now. Idk how the hell that makes the game feel alive but alright. The game doesn’t have to be exactly d2 features. Storage space was a issue then and it’s a dated feature to go back to.


There’s a thing called…inventory size…

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Nah, I’m good. I love how you guys want some sort of reality with inventory, but completely ignore the reality of the setting of the game. You ignore that it would be impossible for our characters to carry around the items in our inventories, with large and small space items or not. Ignore that the characters can non stop fights with out exhaustion or fatigue whil carrying an impossible load on their backs.

If you can ignore reality for all of those things then, all items being the same size shouldn’t bother you.


It creates immersion when you get the size of things displayed in the inventory as well.
Its not about realism. Its about making the game alive. It gives the inventory itself atmosphere.
But I guess that’s hard to explain to a person who’s only interested in “gameplay”
So, different people, different tastes


You’re trying too hard, and you talk too much.

Go out and get some fresh air.

nah im fine, ty
im just trying to explain some others aspects of good games to you
“hitting monsters epicly feels epic” - guys


Inventory tetris is fun in some games, like Resident Evil 4, but in Diablo where you pick up stuff every 10 seconds it can become too dominant and takes too much time.

Maybe in a lesser form it could work, but not as in D2.

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Realistic things increase the immersion. So if the unrealistic things I mentioned doesn’t break or distract from your immersion then non tetris inventory wouldn’t either.

Again, it’s totally fine to like it but don’t bring a garbage excuse like immersion into inventory when the game is full of immersion breaking events.


D3 is fine with 2 slots for big items and 1 for small. I’m fine with one slot for all but D3 was fine, D1/2 inventories are relics that should stay in the past.


you cannot state, what works and what doesnt
it obviously worked because a lot of people felt super bored and unimpressed by D3s inventory and how uninspired it was designed
for you, i will leave the word “immersion” and continue with “character”
D2 had a character and a lot of players want a game to have character


This is exactly why “But muh realism!” arguments are complete bull****. They only appeal to realism for what they want, and conveniently forget about it for everything else.

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because its not even about realism


Yeah, I read your other post.

You just use vague and undefined terms like “character” because you don’t have any factual points to make. It’s just BS after BS.


and thats the problem and the reason why this whole game bashing appears
people like you seem to be uncapable of understanding explanations like this so people resort to the most simple statement that is possible: D2 (and its inventory) was good, D3 (and its inventory) is bad
its not that people want to bash D3 in its entirety, its just that you are not able to understand the points, made earlier