As a player of d2 for 12+ years (mostly a pvp player), and as someone who thoroughly hated d3, here’s some changes/suggestions I’d like to see for d4:
If you’re gonna reintroduce runewords, actually reintroduce runewords. When i played d2 back when i was 8 or 9 years old, one of the thing that stuck with me through years of not playing actively was things such as: TalThulOrtAmn the recipe for spirit. It was a recipe that as it turns out I have never forgotten and probably never will forget and it was extremly memorable and a good system.
If you wanna introduce a new rune system (which… I obviously don’t like), then atleast not call it runewords, its disingenious and just trying to get a reaction from the diablo 2 crowd.
As it seems from the beta i’ve watched, u can use the runes in magic/rare/Unique gear, which takes away from some of the complexity of finding the perfect grey 3sox archon plate with 15ed to store your valuable jah ber runes.
It just seems like this system dumbs down runewords tbh.
It hasn’t been confirmed wether this will be relevant or not, since they only mentioned legendaries being more useful in d4, but rare items and specific magic items NEED to be relevant. In diablo 2 the community has dubbed some items as trophy items. These are specific rare (or crafted) items, that has the best possible rolls on a rare item, making them insanely strong even compared to legendary coutnerparts of the same type. And even if the rare items doesn’t have the perfect rolls on the items, there’s plenty of slots that are almost exclusively taken by simply good rare/crafted items, such as the amulet slot. The best legendary choice will generally be a maras in d2. Maras is a strong amulet indeed, but whilst strong, it’s also pretty common (1/15 unique amulets that are identified), while on the other hand you have to go through a heap of trash rare amulets to find something really good (talking many hundreds or thousand), this system is extremely good at keeping an economy going, because of just how rare these good rares can be. A few magic items are also remarkably good, relevant and rare, such as Jmod or “armor” of the whale.
With rares having randomly rolled affixes and stats it has the fortunate upside that every character feels more unique (compare it to d3 where every single class figures out which set is the best, and then every single person has the same set, with the same stats, and the same legendaries with the same stats).
Rerolling should never make it into the game. Please don’t put it into the game.
Smart loot should never make it into the game. Yes sometimes a sorcerer is gonna find loot that’s not suited for them, boohoo, go sell it if it’s good.
One of the things i really hated from diablo 3, was that the number you could reach would litterally just be displayed as 2000 billion dmg. ??? what’s the point, just have us do 2000 dmg, it’s so silly.
Screen crowding. go look at some1 playing d3 and then look at some1 playing d2. You really can’t tell wtf is going on in d3 at times, because there’s litterally sooo many trash mobs and particles filling up the screen. It’s terrible from a gameplay perspective.
Resistance mobs. Having monsters be 100% resistant to a specific element (as in d2) makes the game feel a lot harder and more complex, as there’s some monster you litterally have to flee from, because that fire sorc can’t deal with the fire resistant mob. This would also encourage players to group up with different players.
As you probably know, most of the diablo 2 community are pvp’ers nowadays, and a lot of us are extremely competitive. So if you’re gonna introduce pvp to the game please do be accomidating to it. Make it skill expressive (also again u can look at some d2 pvp videos, and realize just how skill expressive this old game was, if it isn’t reaching similar lvls of skill expression, i seriously would doubt that any d2 players are gonna be sticking around). Give us an actual competitive mode, with an mmr system, so we can grind and reach the top.
Questions for the actual team:
Are mercs gonna be available? Are they gonna be relevant Like in d2 or doodoo like in d3?
Are there gonna be any acts at all or just 1 big world?
Are we gonna have attributes back and str/dex requirement on items or a similar system?