As I said, don’t expect items raining from the sky like D3. You can take weeks just to complete one build, while other builds with half or 1/3 gears available only.
Sure dude, because no one knows who the top players in D3 are.
This also depends on how important very specific gear is to a build, which we know Blizzard has said they want to not make the same mistake as D3 where you NEED a set because it inflates a build’s damage by insane percentages.
On top of the fact that unless the player really messes up their build(which there should be ways to fix this), then decent builds should still be capable of clearing any content in the game they have the gear level for.
It might be a few minutes slower or be a little harder but like you said: If you want to gripe about that, you have problems beyond the mere notion of a respec.
Ive gone on a complete tangent and lost the plot. IMO games should be more challenging and punishing because this improves the reward of doing things right.
I don’t mind rerolling another character every season if I want to play another build and I think it adds to the experience. My opinion.
Personally Id like more of Diablo II’s role playing elements included in D4 and the lack of significant choice, depth, and role playing in D3 is why I didn’t play.
It eventually leads to the same outcome
Everyone gonna have an “all character”
Theres no fire sorc, no ice sorc, just generic sorcs
It doesn’t matter at all, how long it takes. The idea is wrong
Ur not starting a character with the plan “I’m gonna make a fire sorc” u gonna be like “uuhm I’m gonna make an everything sorc, just like everyone else…very creative”
I’m just going to say respec for the win. If you don’t wanna respec, then don’t use it and make a new character. Think of it as an option if you don’t want to respec.
Im just going to say give every human being a million dollars. If you want to work and contribute to society, go ahead. But you don’t have to. Think of it as an option. We can all just sit here bang our heads against a wall and collect the ultimate reward for figuring out how to click a mouse button. We’ll all be the same and life will be meaningful, interesting, diverse and great.
Maybe I’m just a psychopath, but when I’m forced to waste my time doing something tedious a second or third time due to a clerical error, while off the clock I might add, I don’t feel as though I accomplished something by doing it. I feel as though I sat at my computer terminal, wasting my time doing something tedious more times than were necessary without pay. It’s this same rhetoric that people used with classic wow that I never understood, that “Oh, you had to hoof it from A to B,” “Oh, you had to go to the class trainer,” and importantly “AND SO YOU FELT ACCOMPLISHED,” my internal response was more like “Really? I felt like I misused the limited time I have in this life to do something inefficient and inessential to the core gameplay loop - in a fictional universe.” It’s just an additional layer of guilt.
It’s almost like people equivocate the grind of practicing violin to the grind of leveling in Diablo. At the end of grinding the violin, I have a skill. At the end of the level grind for Diablo I have… what? A symbol of the fact that I chose to spend my time on personal vices? Permission from the devs to take part in the main course?
No problems with methods to correct minor clerical errors. Just give me meaningful choice please. As stupid as it sounds, let me be different, give me the freedom to create my character in interesting and unique ways. Through itemization, skills and talents. Thank you
In fact I wouldn’t mind hard respec, but can we have a system or resistance penetration/reduction to compensate for that?
You don’t have to make blind guesses. Any human being paying a slight amount of attention can deduce the optimal choice for their build in 90% of situations.
What you do by allowing unlimited respeccing is destroy the uniqueness of your character. You’re like everyone else. You’re not one of only a few axe wielding, leap specialised barbarians, you are the same barbarian as everyone else. And can do anything the others can do.
You eliminate strategy because you’re a jack of all trades and can ACE any encounter, your character no longer has strengths and weaknesses which you need to figure out, you’re no longer trying to figure out what kind of party you fit into best, you can smash any encounter because you have unlimited respec and choice.
This effects the story of your character, hey, my amazon, maria, loves to use poison arrows and excels at killing biological creatures because of it, but she gets smashed in certain zones and has to work extra hard to kill poison immunes.
It adds inconsistency to the game, it adds a challenge in some areas that takes a lot to overcome, and it breaks the monotony of simply being able to smash through everything because youre NEVER weak to anything and you’re NEVER at a disadvantage.
I get bored of a game where I never screw up, theres nothing to learn, theres no nuance to it. You can argue that D3 has things to learn and nuance but I would counter argue these systems are so easy to learn and impossible to get wrong a baby could do it.
When I used to be 12/13 and get stuck in a game, I’d go find a higher level to help me. They’d tell me something I didn’t know, I’d go back, and I’d be better. This gave me a sense of progress, it built the community in the game, and created a sense of depth and mystery.
Personally Im the type who likes reading about a game, and systems which require work to fully grasp. I like secrets, I like not having everything available, I like being 2 years into a game and learning something new that makes a difference to how I play.
If I wanted to mindlessly kill zombies Id go play L4D2 which by the way we needs a L4D3.
I really don’t see the point of remaking a character just to get the optimal build on it.
The game is ever changing, while D2 was fixed after a certain point, D3 has constantly had sunk cost removed from players, made builds completely useless or meta, with one fell swoop.
If d4 is going to have active development and changes, the ability to respec is key to it’s success. Having to remake another character for the sake of remaking it, is pretty stupid imho.
If you’re focus is the gradual slow build and development of a character, go play everquest 1 or wow vanilla…or better yet D2?
Hence, have the ability to respec at a cost, like every 1-4 week.
Mate what gradual slow build are u talking about? It tooks 1-2 weeks to get a character to act 5 of hell and kitted out in any spec you wanted in diablo II. There were 100s of specialisation and class combinations to choose from.
You could make a cold orb sorc one week and a hammerdin the next and theyd both be doing hell runs by the end of a week. Thats hardly a slow build and development and hardly a soul crushing thing to go through if you get something wrong.
Yeah you might screw up once or twice and it will cost you a few days but you’ll still have the loot, you’ll still have the gold, runes, gems and lesson learned. You’ll go through again and have a different experience and it will be just as fun.
Why not give everyone everything right of the bat and never have any differentiation? Why play a game at all mate? Just stare at pain drying at a wall it sounds like thats your type of jam.
This argument is stupid when you have the ability to respec at a cost. But it also shows this kind of players today. You don’t want to make a character that you like or have fun with. You want the strongest possible character. RPG is the wrong genre, sry.
I wouldn’t have a problem if the game was fixed and not with massive mechanic changes, equipment reworks, and set reworks that we have been accustomed to with D3.
The game is going to be dynamic. Games have changed from yesteryear when they were finished works - now they are “finished” 1-2 years after their release to the public.
Expecting the players to “role play” their characters only to have to restart them to make them pertinent is very 15-20 years ago.
The role play argument is pretty much inane when you have the characters development changing midway or completely changing when you are done making it.
Imagine making a bow and arrow character with great range based on an “accuracy” stat, which then turns into “accuracy AND preceision” but you specced everything in accuracy, so you need to remake a character to get the precision part as well…
These type of mechanic changes and reworks are happening with every season / patch right now.
Respecs at a cost
Also: poe always gave free respecs when they made major skill updates
As said earlier make it so when huge changes come in, you get a free respec, or make respecs extremely rare to the tune of 1 a month per account so that its not just a free morphine button that everyone can abuse.
Theres a middle ground here that provides a solution to both arguments
I don’t have a problem with that. Even as it stands for me in D3, I prefer having more character slots and not having to respec my standing builds.
I understand the sentiment. After all, a sorc name Lux shouldn’t be exactly the same as a sorc name Lina. They should be somewhat different. It’s true not all people want to go to South Korea doing plastic surgery to look exactly like one another.