Diablo Immortal PC UI

Is it possible to get this UI re-designed? no option to scale the UI game looks incredibly zoomed in, having the player frame at the top left is terrible, unlock the element and allow it to be freely moved.


Agreed, the UI needs A LOT of work. We’re playing on PC because we don’t WANT the mobile experience.


Most definitely, considering this is an open beta for the PC version. Things like the UI are absolutely subject to change. Although the zoom in is unlikely to change for balance reasons (pc players would have a field of view advantage over mobile ones on PvP, and the only type of unfair advantage this game is interested in offering is the one you can get with your credit card)

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the zoom I’m referring too is probably just a resolution fix that needs to happen, otherwise I imagine with a few QoL changes it would be good.

Lord, PC version is nearly unplayable with how zoomed in the game is; on phone it’s acceptable, and quite fun. Minute I switched to PC, I really wanted to cry, but then remembered it was never intended for PC Audience initially…

I will say this was step in the right direction going back to it’s roots looking more dark, still can’t wait for D4 for the original Diablo world before WoW cartoons took over.


I think these things are a subject to change. It is a beta test after all for PC.

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the lack of actual graphics options is terrible in this game, no choice of fullscreen as opposed to borderless windowed. i run multi monitor and can’t count how many times i came close to death, because my mouse went outside the border. this is what happens when you design a game around mobile, then push out a pc port because of the backlash.

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Well, I’m sure they will be doing tweaks to it yet. After all, we are in beta for the moment.

oh i agree but open beta is like the last step, and they have absolutely nothing for graphics options.

Too bad. It’s a mobile game, with a mobile experience. Inly reason it’s on PC is because people talked of emulation. It will still be a full on mobile experience ecen if they cha ge the UI.

See above. It’s a mobile game.

Wasn’t “pushed” to mobile due to “backlash”. If that were the case a PC client would have been announced years ago.

You’re trying way too hard to convince everyone of your extremely mistaken viewpoint. Might wanna try a different hobby next.


Release is clearly rushed, but surely the UI will change. Of everything D:I can be criticized for, I dont think the bad UI is one of them, it is screaming Placeholder. Bad yes, but also something you can expect to get fixed.
More importantly it seems like PC controls are in desperate need of a few patches.

No mouseover text, doesn’t start up in proper fullscreen mode, second login to the game after clicking one of the side buttons (the one that looks like a chat bubble) booted me out of the game resulted in me seeing a :arrow_down: “download” button at 0.0% which upon clicking brought up a “downloads” screen with a “rewards” for downloading…something, only I couldn’t figure out what because again no mouseover text and can’t scroll through the screen’s imagery because no touchscreen on PC.

The UI isn’t just bad, it’s beyond laughably bad on the PC side. Bad enough that I just lost any desire to bother with the game at all until they release a serviceable UI. I’m not going to sit through hours of trial and error with this game just to finally “get it right”.

It was definitely rushed. Blizzard seriously underestimated how many players wanted this on PC and didn’t start making the client until damn near the golden master point.

Guess I’m just using my D:I snacks on a Battlestar Galactica binge instead.

Click on the icon to see the description. You gotta click on everything to see.

I hope they make significant chages to the pc port, its just not great, feels like im playing an emulated phone game. Super buggy and clunky to play on pc.

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No descriptions pop up on the icons when I click them. They just immediately do whatever they’re designed to do.

that doesn’t mean anything, i mean blizzard didn’t even develop the game. i am betting any money activision just wanted another cash cow.

not to mention it wouldn’t be the first company that waited till the last minute. look at bethesda with fallout 4, they literally said nothing about it until like 4 months before launch.

also they had no plans to put it on pc, they even stated that back in 2018, it was being pushed as mobile the whole time, i mean look at the reaction the team got announcing it, stating what do you not have phones. exactly what market do you think blizzard was aiming for, because it certainly wasn’t the crowd they wanted. it will do good for a little while and then have a massive die off. it’s the same with a new expansion for wow, it starts out good then dies.

as soon i seen UI i unistaled this trash