Diablo Immortal - Forums?

Simply because i want to be. Stop acting like a pathetic spoilt child!

Remember… Blizzard owes you nothing.

Did i ask for my money back for Star Citizen? No because i actually enjoyed myself.

In this one example, Blizzard does not allow the GMs to give game hints at all. So if someone needs to know how something works they point them to Wowhead.

The CS/GM team is out of the Austin, Texas Blizzard office.

The core language is roughly the same, but there are enough geographical differences to be separate languages, the same as North American (US) Spanish is not the same as Brazilian Spanish. Again, the core is the same/similar, but enough is different that they are considered separate languages. Though to be completely honest, the term dialect better applies here due to the core being similar amongst all of the Spanish offshoots.

MissCheetah’s example was a pretty good one. Simpler examples are things like American English saying “french fries” and British English saying “chips”, or the British word for cigarettes being a three letter perjorative when spoken in the Americas. A good example of the latter would be found in the lyrics to Hot Limit by John Desire (one of the songs in Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix). In fact, those lyrics are pretty good at showing how words have different meaning across the pond vs. here.

I have one, but only for the rare occasion I actually desire/need to post there because of no other real outlet (e.g. anything Diablo related these days, sadly).

Nah, the fact that you (and myself too) prefer old.reddit.com vs. the “modern” format is what makes us dinosaurs. :slight_smile:

Did you try completely exiting your launcher (kill leftover processes if necessary in task manager) and restart it?

While I only played it very briefly on PC yesterday, I had to restart my launcher before it showed as playable.

So where do we post bug reports for Diablo Immortal? It’s open beta so what’s the purpose of if if there isn’t an official forum to post bugs?

How many times does it need to be posted? Did you even bother to look?



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Sorry it didn’t came in safari when I searched from my ipad. Now from my PC and Chrome I found the bug report forums. Thanks and please don’t be annoyed . Things like this happen :wink:
Maybe it will be easier to find if there is a separate Category/Forum for Diablo Immortal to include all subforums. Probably will come in the future

That is doubtful, there are only 2 categories on the main Blizzard site (Bug Report and Tech Support)… and only one (Tech Support) in the English Blizzard Site… That’s it… support is only provided in English so there is no equivalent in French, German, Italian, etc…

Blizzard is already directing feedback to Reddit… here and here, for example. That’s not likely to change.

Just bookmark the DI forums…

Thanks for the extra info

Nothing to discuss. No game called diablo immortal. I played a digital slot machine that makes me work for the money I spend only to be slapped in the face with pay more pay more. I hit paragon 10 and realized if I dint spend 1000s Im stuck here.
This is not a game. Its digital slit machine.
The level of agression in pay to win is simply astounding… supporting this game is supporting predatory gambling for all ages.

Unistall now. Save yiurself the heart break.
Blizzard is truly dead.


Typically cash grabs do not bother with forums.

Dear Blizzard, after watching and researching your game Diablo Immortal, I have come to the conclusion that I will not be playing Diablo Immortal on mobile or PC.

If Diablo Immortal is where your content is headed, while you make DIablo 4, I will not play DIablo 4.

Do not, I repeat, do not, push pay-to-win mechanics in Diablo 4.

If you ignore the gaming public, and make Diablo 4 as financially predatory as you’ve made Diablo Immortal, I will boycott you from this point onward.


Blizzard doesnt want us discussing it were supposed to just smile and enjoy it despite it being an ATM that spits out money taken from the players who they purposely misrepresent the fact it uses a predatory marketing practice and anytime players speak up we get this kind of reaction

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I’m can say: “I did this BIG mistake!” Spend a lot of hours of my days with this P2W garbage and yes, YOU ARE RIGHT!

Now, I’m free again: https: //giphy. com/gifs/8Ky3IuhD33GjQGvOUm

Hope it can help others to do the same! If all F2P leave, gamblers will play only against other gamblers, them the biggest will win and the guy who can’t spend more will leave, like F2P are doing now! Well, this game is ruined and going to be dead with a bad memories in history, sooner or later.

D:($) is more fun than D3.

A LOT more to do, many things to keep players interested.

With the exception of ‘z’ and other phonetics that created the American English.

Empathise vs Empathize
Origanise vs Organize etc etc etc

Also - Zed versus Zee is another for “Z” but in written form that’s not as noticeable.

“…two Countries separated by the same Language.” - G.B. Shaw
I live on the First (Ground) floor with the parking lot (car park) outside my door. :slight_smile:

Nice illustration :slight_smile: