Diablo Immortal - Forums?

Where are we supposed to discuss Diablo Immortal?


We will see if we get a forum next week, but don’t count on it. :point_down:


Community Manager

We don’t have Diablo IV forums yet because we typically don’t stand forums up until closer to launch. For example D2R didn’t get their forums until right at launch and even for beta we had subsections for D2R in D3.

Immortal and D4 currently don’t have forums and one thing we have been looking at is whether we move community conversations off forums for those titles and more onto other platforms such as Reddit or Discord (an example).

People still discuss D4 on our D2/D3 forums. We look at feedback there. We look for feedback here. We check social media and we even look at various gaming forums like ResetEra and the such.


I don’t think they are going to have a forum. Harder to hide the narrative control in their own forum. Easier for them to control the narrative behind the scene on the woke social media sites, and then claim that it is not them. Have already seen posts hidden, and videos critical of the outragious amounts of pay to win and the push of pay to progress, along with the outright pay to play of Dawning Echo, shadow banned.


I wanted to mention a few things about legendary items / effects.

With Diablo 3’s / Diablo Immortals “legendary effect” system, you must be careful when adding items to the game. If a skill has 4 legendary items slots (Helm/Chest/Weapon/Boots) for example, that skill will probably be better than a skill that has zero legendary items. I know “it depends” on the skill. But in general, this type of system you must be careful to not create a clear cut “meta” where the choice is about how many legendary effects a skill can get. We should have more freedom with choice with as many metas as possible.

All speculation. I just hope they learned from Diablo III! Can’t wait to try the game out June 2nd!

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See Diablo® Immortal™—Your Roadmap to Hell — Diablo Immortal — Blizzard News

Someone’s obviously thinking about supporting users, but “Blizzard Forums” is vague… Perhaps a new category will appear after the launch ???


For the love of god don’t put discussion forums on Discord. It’s a terrible idea. Can you google a discord discussion when trying to troubleshoot a problem? Reddit isn’t quite as bad, but then you (Blizzard) lose ownership of the content. By that I mean you’re subject to the whims of Reddit moderators not Blizzard ones. Better to host forums at Blizzard.


I asked about this and it is relevant to you because you are awseomse and help.

The CS/TS forums for D:I will be on the generic Blizz forum set. I am sure you and I will be helping folks. Feel free to message me on Bnet if you have questions you want me to relay to the Diablo team.

There is no information on an actual game discussion page so I think Avalon is right that might be reddit or something.

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Thank you for your kind words… and the info you provided.

As for “helping folks”, I’m afraid that will be limited since I will not be playing Diablo Immortal. My “help” will likely be limited to sending players to the « right place », or repeating/translating information that has already been provided elsewhere.



You may want to loosen the tin foil.

It’s starting to restrict blood flow to your brain.

they could atleast give us a D:I subforum here, not all of us are reddit warriors :slight_smile:


Exactly they could just remove some of the ones that are hardly ever used, and create one for Immortal and one for D4, that would also free up the D3 forum. I am not sure if that will happen because we seem to get most of our news from other platforms now. They do not appear to care about the official forums anymore.

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There is already a DI reddit.

Many of us do not use reddit :point_down:


No tinfoil here :slight_smile: that would imply I believe someone or something could control me with some external mind control device… and they can’t :sunglasses:

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What I was getting at is that if Blizzard wanted to setup a DI reddit, it would be competing with the one that already exists.

Yep. For starters it saves them from the job of moderating because reddit already has all those 40yo virgins moderating it. It’s a complete sewer. They fit right in, that’s why they love it so much.


One thing I am finding interesting. Only 2 of the most recent threads are even about D3 at all. Everything else is about Immortal.

On what basis has the Russian language been removed from the Diablo immotral game lately? Based on what? The fact that he is Russian or do you just hate everything connected with Russia?.

You need to get a grip and stop worrying about online gaming restrictions. In case you haven’t noticed yet, a lot of people including entire nations are hating everything connected with Russia. Maybe go cry to McDonalds for a change.

No, we have already renamed your McDonald’s, and your chain of stores will soon open under other names. The fact that many people hate Russia and everything connected with it is deeply to me: Violetovo … You can even pee from a tree)).

No, we have already renamed your McDonald’s, and your chain of stores will soon open under other names. Remember Bismarck’s words about Russians: Don’t expect that once you take advantage of Russia’s weakness, you will receive dividends forever. Russians always come for their money. And when they come - do not rely on the Jesuit agreements you signed, supposedly justifying you. They are not worth the paper they are written on. Therefore, it is worth either playing honestly with Russians, or not playing at all