Diablo III PTR 2.7.5 - Has Concluded

With regards to Raxx’s document, I dont think it is fair to say it was ignored. Several of the seasonal theme nodes are ideas from the document. They’re mostly minor QOL things, but I don’t think it is fair to say it was entirely ignored.

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They went ballistic with that, liking the Season theme so far… Let’s see if I feel the same after reading class changes.

edit: Okay I love it. Combination Strike changes are a straight buff to Raiment and Deadly Reach tweak is just awesome. Thank you Diablo 3 developers.

edit 2: Natalya’s DH Trapper! Buff to Raiment! Love it!


Nailed it. Absolutely 0 changes for witch doctor.

However, this " * Bone Spear deals 9,000% increased damage. Simulacrums gain triple this bonus." is awesome.

I don’t think I care so much for the theme, overall, though as its just a giant fetch quest.


I’m impressed. That’s a really cool mechanic. Can’t wait to boot D3 up again :relieved:

I bet they’re taking notes but it’s hard to get rid of damage over time effects of Witch Doctor to make it viable or group friendly.

Wasn’t it already 10,000% at one point?

I’m happy they made Raiment a little more manageable but the buff needs extended from 6 to 10 seconds.

Also, hats off to the buff to Typhon. Fun build but paled compared to meteor.

So were you but you’re still loved

It is not the damage modifier but the return of the simulacrum effect that matters, here, since they get triple and you have two of them, so that’s triple doubled, plus your own…

I was going by this:

h ttps://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Luxurious_Bauta

It had that “simulacrums deal triple” too.

It was that way and then it was removed, nerfing the set to the depths of useless. Adding it back restores viability of that playstyle.


I was only asking because I didn’t know. I’ve never used that set before.

They start dropping at 19 (though 20 is close enough). But run a couple quick boss bounties, and you’ll get enough to craft enough for your free 2 upgrades.

So, how I’d probably approach this:

Start as a Necromancer. You can easily get a Necromancer to 20 in roughly 10-12 minutes, even in Hardcore. Then switch over to your real class, and craft a set of 70 gear.

The other approach is Halls of Agony 1 Blades, but that’s softcore only, and it’s easy to get into a situation where you die enough that you will have to restart to reset the instance.

TIL: Necromancer isn’t a real class


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The point is that all equipment level requirements are removed when you sacrifice a flawless diamond, which will immediately allow you to wear all level 70 crafted gear when you reach level 20, and drastically shorten the 1-70 grind.

They need to change the requirement to be a flawless royal gem so it can’t be used until you are level 60+ or kill several gem goblins.

Unless this was actually their intent, in which case they should just start everyone at level 70, and be done with it.

So, one major issue with this patch is the very first power:

Your Kill Streak timer duration and reward bonus are doubled.

This is actually a detriment on the console. Because you start off at half power as compared to the PC, and the NG globes double your power, and they’ll only drop on reaching kill streaks, you’re required to dump kill streaks at the higher GR levels. Doubling the kill streak timer will only make this much harder.

Also, some of the rewards are kind of pointless:

  • O) Double the amount of bounty caches that drop from completing bounties.
  • U) Pets pick up Death Breath
  • Z) Double the chance to find a legendary item purchased from Kadala

They come down too far in the chain to the point they’re worthless by the time you can get to them. But I guess if you don’t want to worry about acquiring a Staff of Herding, these can probably be skipped over.

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The funny thing about UE6 is that it’s going to be stronger for Hungering Arrow than GoD6. Go figure.

Let’s say I do GR130 with UE6 Multishot… I’m now at GR140. It’s still on the weak side.

Two things should happen here:

  1. Deadman’s Legacy should grant double discipline.
  2. Hellcat Waistguard increases by 150% per bounce 1600% max. (250%, 400%, 550%, 700%, 1600%).

UE6 Multishot and UE6 Grenade will both achieve GR145. And it gives much needed help to LoN Rapid Fire being how N6 Rapid Fire just got erased.

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Yeah, didn’t think of Marauder Multi-shot. Thanks for reminding me. Well since that’s out, I’m thinking the UE buff should be somewhere between 2400 and 3000% to put it in the same company with Marauder, but I’m no math wiz.

Nats Spike Trap is actually going to be Nats + Shadow, right? Because you don’t need a bow to deploy Spike Traps, so why not take advantage of another 61x multiplier?


One big thing about the seasonal theme specific for Console versions: Because of how Nephalem Valor works on console (doubles damage), and how the Nephalem Globes drop (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300 kills I think), we can be forced to stop killing in order to lose our Kill Streak in order to get Nephalem Globes to drop again. The power from Seal A: “Your Kill Streak timer duration and reward bonus are doubled.” can really screw console players. An “easy” fix would be for Seal A to also grant permanent Nephalem Glory until the end of the season.

Asides from that, the new seasonal theme looks great, but just like with the demon gems before, it sucks that the angelic powers will be gone. Loved the Hammer of the Ancients angelic power.

Not a great fan of having to drink potions to activate the legendary powers either.

But it looks like the next season will be great fun too.

I was very excited to read this, i just wish we could have it with this season’s tempest rhythm power.