Casual player like me won’t have enough time to collect all those 21 Etherals unless, unless the season24 lasts for 6 months or even longer, like until D2R release!?
Wow. This patch . . . Lol
Reading the range of responses is interesting. I’m glad some people will find enjoyment from the proposed patch, but I’m definitely in the camp that finds it flat and uninspired.
As a player who has never cared one whit for seasons, the lack of substantive buffs for under-performing builds is, well, it’s been disappointing, but now it’s simply laughable. There are so many builds that can be made fresh and exciting with a few minor buffs to items and skills, so many ways to make the game more exciting and enjoyable for Season and non-Season players alike. Instead, the patch wants you to play every class in a Season and find incredibly rare items just for some (potentially boring) transmogs.
Talk about tone deaf. Talk about not reading the room.
I can’t remember who said it, but I agree with the person who had said that if lack of new seasonal themes were the cost for substantial balancing patches (for more than 3 classes at a time), then it’d be a price worth paying.
That would be me.
And many other posters. It’s not an uncommon sentiment. After all, substantive changes to items and skills would invigorate all modes of play and encourage item hunts for all players.
Really, I was trying to emphasize that lasting and profound improvements to the game come from changes that impact all modes of play. Instead, the devs seem obsessed with quirky, flash in the pan Season Themes that come, go, and maybe leave a lasting taste in your mouth, but mostly fail to impact the game beyond their three month window.
You’re talking about season 23 or the upcoming season 24? Because season 23 has 4 solo friendly conquests where you only need to level up one class.
Technically, they pretty much destroyed all current Inna builds (except zDPS I suppose) because the damage bonus of the set was shifted to the Mystic Ally.
I6/Uli4 - Gone
I6/R2 - Gone
I6 WoL - Gone
I6 TR - Changed to deal no dmg, but to “cast” your Allys
Maybe the Dev thought we would do more or less the ooooold Pet-Build from 5-6 Years ago … But why should i do this nonsense, when i now have TR and enough Spirit + Dmg reduce to run it.
Devs, what about postponing this " patch" for like 4 weeks and revise all sets and items…
Speed Demon and Boss Mode are most assuredly not solo friendly, especially with regard to potential time wasted if RNG doesn’t go your way. Masters of the Universe/Masters of Sets requires multiple classes. Divinity and Avarice are the solo friendly ones, but since you can only do them once, at least one (I usually choose Avarice) is needed for the mode you don’t typically play. For me that’s HC.
I haven’t completed boss mode with all classes yet, but I’ve done it with Monk, DH, Wizard, WD and Necromancer.
Speed Demon is also easy. Keep making new T10 games until you get the big version of the act V cemetery rift (among others that work).
Beating story mode in 1 hour or Curses (if you play on console), are the ones that are unfriendly to solo players.
So, I dont get it. Why they think old is good? I dont wanna stick with D2 “powerfull” items in D3. They dont belongs into game, they increase RNG lvl into oblivion… It started with remasterd Crash Bandicoot, which was fine game. Now every old game gets remaster. It makes money, bcs people like to jump back into their childhood, but it doesnt mean it should be good. D2 was fine game, but we cant just bring name of legendary items and make from it season theme. OMG, where is your creativity? If you dont have ideas, just ask community, we are able to do math and balance for you.
AoV crus and MoBC BS necro is another tk nerf. We are running of tk.
Here f.e. is LoD BS tk to show how build can drop:
LoD gem is on lvl 61 which is 6045% dmg increase to simulate 6k set dmg, 3k para, GG gear with 130 augs. With this change live on s24 with full lvl99 LoD gem is no reason to play MoBC anymore. It gives only Simulacrons refresh on death. With set you can play cc or aughilds but with stone of jordan and more poison dmg increase from items you can compensate these sets. It s here an option to play with unity for more toughness, Briggs wrath for pixels, squirt with molten wb gizzard in groups.
What if Ethereals are what Primals 1.0 would be if Primals didn’t change at all. Or they could even have other damage affixes that are in D2 like Deadly Strike or Crushing Blow. Remember seasons can be about having things that would give you a crazy amount of power just for that season only though.
Curses is exceptionally easy for some classes, more difficult for others, primarily due to resource management and/or limited AoE. Curses is actually the easiest of them all for a DH as we’ve got multiple locations we can choose from to do it.
Speed Demon requires some serious fishing (or seriously good luck, sometimes both for certain classes). I’ve done it solo, but it was anything but easy to do. Of course, this would all be moot if we could choose which conquests we’d like to do each season. Lots of people like mixing it up, but would rather do so at their own leisure instead of being force fed conquests they might not really want to do.
Don’t expect anything from this dev team. I guess they fired all the people who played D2 LoD and had good ideas that would encourage more people, to either play D3 RoS more or even get actually interested in buying D2R, even those who never played D2 LoD before, but for “some” reason love D3 more…
Recently they do everything they can, to make more people stop playing D3 RoS. Even if they come up with good ideas like the recent followers revamp, they don’t even continue to increase the emanate list or like now ruin ethereals making them only a season thing and probably as worthless as most primals are…
Intead of making Ethereals “stupid” strong (OP) and give them a drop rate between ramaladnis gift and ancients or same as ancients or rama gifts (cause of the ridiculous RNG on Ethereals), they not only want to make them insanely hard to get and not even transfer to non-season which of course caters to Bots the mostly…
If they really wanted to honor D2 LoD players they would make ethereals either same as they were in D2 LoD or at least just like uniques in D2 LoD with special NEW affixes from D2 LoD available only on those items (like random attack on Hit, when hit, crushing blow, deadly strike, chance to open wounds, auras etc.)
Not to mention all the pointless nerfs, to all classes and constantly listening to streamers or group players who only play this game in META groups 6-10 hours a day (or more) or any other botters…
I already find it hard to play even with just ONE class for more than 2-3h a day and all they do is making more people feel the same as I do, cause in their opinion it will result in more players buying D2R, D:I or D4 if they ruin D3 RoS even more with their insanely out of touch decissions and ignorring good ideas from forum posters, who actually played this game for 1000s of hours, not just in META groups or any other, but also SOLO players…
Personally, I am taking a wait and see approach. Seasonal themes in the past do not transfer to non-season and often are power buffs that obviously expire at seasons end. We do not know yet how strong in terms of power will ethereal items be. This power will be transitory as other seasonal themes since these will not roll over into non-season.
I favor making it so if you find all 3 for a specific class that the transmog does transfer to non-season for those. It seems steep to play 7 classes to get the transmogs to carryover.
The irony is this season/patch introduced the follower emanate feature that benefited both seasons and non-seasons. From the forum, there was incredible blowback as not having a “season-specific theme.” My conclusion is someimes it is a lose-lose situation for Blizzard.
I agree. Hopefully, now that they have GR clears stratified by 6 piece class set/no set, this will make it easier to make number changes to class set bonuses to narrow the intraclass gap between strongest and weakest builds for each class. I think one problem they have had in the past is the whole “only buff, never nerf” which if followed leads to powercreep and a never ending cycle of buffs.
The devs never fail to disappoint. That’s the only constant in this game.
So… no updated emanate items list?
Really? You could be more and really useful to this game, but “hey, better adding useless seasonal bonus!”
Ok things are bad guys.
First of all while i do agree Inna was playing pretty much the same, it wasn’t even close to how unplayable Raiment is. Should have started with that one, everybody is avoiding it like the plague for about 4 years now.
The whole patch notes feel extremly underwhelming . I for one would rather have more existing item changes than new ones.
More item reworks/changes , more emanates , not just one change and two nerfs, its way too little
The season theme itself roughly translates to just an extra passive but i’ll reserve more judgement on that till I try it on the PTR.
D3=free… give it a rest already. You are lucky to get anything these days considering how busy this franchise is at the moment. Jeeez so ungrateful honestly.
“season of Sisyphean labor”