Diablo III | PTR 2.7.0 Has Ended!

What power creep?

This game is not in crisis of power creep at all.

Fishing for greater rifts that are doable takes an enormous amount of time, it takes an enormous burning of keys, takes time to gather the keys, takes a good chunk of time to farm paragons ( and the game is all about paragons more than gear since the more paragons you have , the more you can do with any set or items), the need for teaming to farm paragons at a fast pace…

The work involved to break into the world top 500 is VAST, even to to be at the top 1,000 is no joke at all.

The amount of materials needed to be burned for reforging and so on…

The game is not even close to be in danger of power creep

On another note, making characters more powerful is always fun

THe amount of low satisfaction with having weak character far far far outnumbers the amount of low satisfaction for having strong characters.

The road for balance when characters or sets are not performing well is to improve those things - that is generally better and more fun; not nerfing the others


Now we need a locker for followers and saving their builds


If a build is considered the only viable build it really indicates that it is too strong, and should indeeed be nerfed.
Goes for all classes too of course. Nerf those top builds down to where more other builds are.


No, if that build is the only viable, it means that class needs more love!!!


Group players get the xp buffs, they leach off of each other, they power level each other, they give each other gear, they run split bounties. The solo players do not have this. Next.


Except when the change relates to zDPS I guess. Or season mechanisms that requires multiple people to exploit.


Not really.
You can now revive the archon-Mode, but with Firebird again ^^
Collecting Stacks, than jump into Archon and use him to burn through it.
Back adding stacks up to 50 and start again …

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I’m the only one that thinks followers right now are for mostly pure farming?

Sage & Cain set + RoRG + némesis + Broken crown…

It wouldn’t be easier to just double the drop? XD

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That is a system of the game and not a seasonal bonus. In fact, it’s going straight to off season as well so it’s not even something special for solo players for a season. It is a system change being passed off as a seasonal theme because they don’t have the resources to create a proper seasonal theme and update a system since their development team has been gutted.


Which is not really affected by the power creep, since power creep makes everyone stronger.
Get rid of the power creep and it would still take time to compete at the top, it would still (unfortunately) take time to fish GRifts etc.

Blizzard should just reduce all dmg from sets by 80% or something

I am going to say this again and add a few other small things

I hope that all WD players, or many more, at least, who are able to jump into the Diablo 3 forums, will voice that nerfing the spirit barrage (gemise item) build is NOT the way to go.

If the developers are concerned that the other sets or items for WDs in a specific build is underperforming, they should IMPROVE THAT OTHER SETS or items in those WD builds that are worse, in order to have them perform better.

WD’s are no where near catching up to other classes in GR pushing, not anywhere near in support builds for team GR pushing either. Spirit Barage build was the ONLY build trying to move forward to that end in only one specific area, SOLO GR PUSHING.

This tactic of nerfing gemise is…
To put it bluntly, this is the lazy person’s approach, the limited thinking approach
(limits thinking to prevent a mind sent of working to the ends of improving the things that are underperforming)
nerf something good, to make it more close to the other sets that are not good

Improving the game is about IMPROVING.
Is this redundant? Yes, it is, but it’s to emphasize that the key is to improve the other sets and items.

Diablo 3 is a lot of work, a WHOLE LOT OF WORK, grinding, farming GR keys, BURNING a lot of GR keys, skipping a lot of awful maps which really should have no place in GRs, waiting for the right gear, farming for paragon levels, gear, crafting materials and so on.

Making the hill steeper for the players , passing the load of work to the players, when the workload is already immense in this game, that’s not what is fun for the players.

Make things, items, sets, maps, the whole game… make them better.
Don’t opt for the nerf solution as your go-to approach.

Heading to progress collectively is better than heading to substandard levels collectively

The amount of low satisfaction because of weak builds far far far exceeds the amount of low satisfaction for having strong builds.


In a world of limited resources, laziness is a good trait to have :slight_smile:

Buffing builds, buffing monsters, buffing builds, in an endless power creep circle, is a ton of wasted developer time, as we have seen in Diablo 3.
When better balance could be achieved just by hitting a few builds with the nerf hammer.

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It is ridiculous to campaign now for the eradication or “nerfing” of wanting more power.

The amount of low satisfaction for having weak builds or weak characters or sets far far exceeds the amount of low satisfaction for having strong, WELL performing items or sets, or builds.

It is ridiculously hard to place in the top of the world rankings and it is very tough to place at the top 1,000 by the end of the season.

No matter how powerful any build is RIGHT NOW the difficulty to place high on GRs is insane.

THe work and luck involved to get there shoot down any pretension of power creep being a problem

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The real Problem is, that they can open every GR they want …
Just adjust it, so every GR over 100 has to be done Solo, to be opend.

You cant go higher than T6 if you havent cleard the GR -SOLO
You wont get Primals, if you cant beat GR 70 - SOLO

Let them play as Groud as much as they want.
But if they wanne compete in the Solo-Leaderbords, they shuld also do the climb, frome GR 100, GRift by GRift, like the Rest of us.


Well there goes any buff for group play… Disappointing but is what it is

Before listing the other things, the game is not in any danger of being in problems with the desire for improved sets and items. The amount of work required to get to the top is ridiculously insane and outside of the reach of almost all players who play.
TO be precise only a tiny fraction can reach the top given the amount of work required and life issues get in the way as well.

First of all, it is absolutely false that the resources are scarce.

There is no evidence to prove that resources are not enough

What there is abundant evidence is that restricting or denying access to those resources is what causes inequality and poverty.

Low satisfaction with buffing is far far far outnumbered by satisfaction for the buffing of builds that are NOT performing as well as others.

Those are just facts.

It’s better to buff the builds that are not performing well. There is greater satisfaction.


Thats one of the problems. The leader boards. This season should just be called. Season of the Elite. Because there is no reason to play seasonal unless you are one of those small percentage that are hardcore on pushing leaderboarda.


Has there been clarification on whether the filter will only show clears that register on the overall leaderboard, or if it will actually store our best clears with each set?

As far as i got it, it will only store your highest clear.
Not for every Set
(Just think about SWK Oo … Wich one shall it store ? Bell, Kick or Tempest …? )

So its the highest done

Don’t know if anyone has said this before, but this PTR is probably gonna be trash. Only 2 set reworks, a bunch of nerfs, and the follower rework? That’s all after dragging out S22?