Diablo II Resurrected is a ___ REMASTER ___

When D2 Resurrected got announced, I was thinking the forums would be filled with joy, enthusiasm, memories, and theory crafting.

I thought people would discuss their favourite items, classes, moments, strategies, ladder reset tactics and GG Item find memories from the past 20 years.

I thought the forums will be overrun with Euphoria and Hype.

Instead, the forums are overrun with the following kind of people:

  • People that leeched in D2 multiplayer parties for 20 years straight it seems, and are angry that they didn’t get to keep the GG loot that was dropping in those games over the past 20 years all to themselves.

  • People that never made it far enough to find the runes, and/or trade for the runes, needed for GG runewords. They are now demanding for those runewords to be removed or nerfed, so the players that earned them also dont get to have them.

  • People that also haven’t played enough over the past 20 years to trade or find HRs needed for the best Runewords, instead of demanding nerfs and/or removal, they demand higher drop rates at all costs, so all get to have these Runewords without any effort.

  • People that seem to hate so many aspects of D2, where it begs the question, why did they pre-purchase a remaster of a game that they hate?

  • D3 Fanboys that were screaming at the top of their lungs about how D3 is by far superior to D2 for the past decade. Bored out of their skull with D3 and “Double Goblins”, but hard-line never going to admit that, and instead purchase D2R, and instantly demand for D3 features to be forced upon the D2 Remaster.

  • Non-ARPG Players buying any Blizzard game that gets released, and just band-wagon riding and liking the posts that appear like they make D2 as casual-friendly as possible.

  • A handful of highly vocal trolls spamming the forums with demands for changes, without the slightest idea about the implications and repercussions on replayability and longevity of the Remaster.

Everything that is being demanded is 1:1 already in D3, but these folks are horny for new stuff to play, they will demand the destruction of D2, and then move on to play Diablo Immortal, and soon after go to D4.

Meanwhile, should the devs be naive enough to make those changes, all D2 fans will be disenfranchised from getting their promised Remaster of their beloved ARPG that defines the genre to this day.


Yeah, but then this is to be expected. I been around long enough to know.
The reasons are multiple, some valid, some not. On the valid note, remember, Warcraft III Reforged has been a less than stellar remaster. Many people are worried… even though Vicarious Visions is doing this remaster and they have far better track records and credentials (I loved all their Skylanders game, and they did a great job on remastering Crash Bandicoot).
Many others are simply just resistant to change, even if it is for the better. These are the people who cling to even long outdated ARPG functions that other games fixed because it’s what they “grew up with” - like shared stash, auto-gold-pickup, potion stacking, etc. We always had such people. I recall when it was considered heresy in RPGs that we had inventory and moved items with a mouse instead of scrolling through a list of item names and clicking them, LOL! :smiley: I mean, remember Loki?)
Your best bet is to ignore the unreasonable complaints and just focus on discussing the reasonable ones. Trust me they are easy to tell apart often by post title alone. :smiley:


Hallelujah. Same disbelief when I checked these forums : an army of beggars mostly coming from Diablo 3, instead of having people actually discussing Diablo 2 itself and its content with joy.


The D2 fanbase has ALWAYS been like this. Remember the “player’s choice patch” that removed Iron Maiden from Oblivion Knights (I think 1.11, since I came back for that patch after leaving 1.10 a few months after release since it was not my favorite patch)? Remember how big of a fit people threw then on the forums? Game still survived I’d say. Players have exploded into the forums again, reviving conversation about Diablo 2; some of the fans that loved 1.10+ and don’t want it to change, and some of the older fans that want to see a successful modernization of the classic that keeps most of it’s best aspects (the items, skill tree, stats, atmosphere, etc) but will actually be supported with regular patches and not slowed down to a crawl and dropped to having 4 patches in 17 years.

People ARE excited, but also are passionate about hoping the devs make more than just a cosmetic change. And besides, without much else information yet, people are going to speculate.


I just want Diablo 2 LoD in all it’s original glory with minor QoL Fixes. I don’t understand why people want to make changes to a game that is basically a masterpiece.

IF and I strongly emphasize “”"“IF”""" The original development team was here and they wanted to make changes then I would be Ok with that.

But the fact of the matter is that Development team has flown to the four winds of time and doesn’t exist anymore.

As such I don’t want changes I just want Diablo II LoD in all it’s original Glory with better graphics, and minor QoL fixes.

Anyone asking for anything else can go suck a lemon lol.


Same here and to me its in the name Remastered not reimagined , i dont think i’m/were alone in just wanting a graphical upgrade and thats all .


I think people are also completely forgetting the fact that d2r will have mod support. Want a loot filter? Use a mod. Want increased drops? Use a mod. I get that a lot of the fanbase is going to play ladder where mods won’t work, but single player exists too. Not sure if a remaster has ever had a bunch of people making a storm about wanting so many drastic changes so badly.


yuck, mods are literally unfair advantages I went through this whole thing with World of Tanks. People started making so many different mods the devs had to start classifying and restricting certain mods. Eventually they ruled that certain mods were in fact cheats or unfair advantages over the rest of the player base. and things just got worse from there.

Did you not read the part where I said mods are for single player only?


Mods in WOT are mods that work online on official servers, and yes they were and still are used to create cheats and unfair advantages, other than legit and very good mods.

Mods in Diablo II Resurrected will never be usable online on official servers.

They will however be usable in singleplayer offline (locally), and with some luck on private servers like todays D2 mods. Assuming the devs keep the planned mod support.


I am definitely thrilled that D2 gets a remaster! So far I love all of the QoL changes that the devs have announced so far. I have been playing D2 since 2001/2002, and have played all of the Diablo games, except Diablo: Hellfire. I love each Diablo game in its own way, but D2 is what it is because it is the definition of arpg, and the reason it is still played today after almost 21 years since release. They need to keep D2: R a remaster, and not a total remake. Better graphics, a couple of minor QoL, updated UI, and enhanced Battle.net 2.0 security against botters/hackers/dupers/spammers is all that is needed! :slight_smile:


Most of the HR requests I have seen are tied directly to the fact that the ladder will be shorter. I’d personally be more in favor of not altering the ladder length than anything else.

I’ll use my main example of what I’ve been asking for and then ask… where is the harm?

We know through all the D2 time spent since 1.14 that certain skills that should be central to a build are just trash and worthless. Why not buff these skills a bit to give the players more ways to interact with the game?

I am fine with the idea though that the first ladder or two be true to the current state of D2 but I would certainly like to see certain aspects buffed (nothing nerfed preferably) so we can just get more ways to interact.


Well luckily for us, the people who are doing the remastering are not making fundamental changes at this time.

This will be released as D2 1.14 with better graphics and some QoL improvements. Any changes beyond what they’ve already discussed would go against what D2 is.

Save the crazy ideas for a later and optional expansion…


Thumb up ! :love_letter:

Well said, but people who write here have already preordered the game and they are showing lots of emotion here. It’s a different way of saying “I’m excited yay”. Still I’d like to see more happy posts also, the game looks fantastic and I can’t wait to play it.

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Another great post from TOPCommander. Agreed 100%.

What really annoys me too is that these D3 fans tell me to go back to D2 if I hate D3 so much, but if I tell them to go back to D3 if they hate D2 so much, they get offended and accuse me of elitism and toxicity.


I wish we could all just get along! We’re all Diablo fans here. Some like one Diablo game only. Others like a couple. Me, I like all of them in their own way. They each offer a different style play, but D2 will always be my favorite. We need to just respect each other, and listen to each other. In the wise words of Deckard Cain, “Stay awhile, and listen!”


To say any changes after release will go against what Diablo 2 is, is a pretty odd statement. You do realize that games like these receive patches during their primary support cycle? Online multiplayer games usualy update balancing. Launch LoD is a much different game than current. Launch D2 is no less D2 than what current is. Start off on 1.14 and let’s go from there.


If everyone here is a true Diablo fan, they need to accept the fact that D2 and D3 are two entirely different games for different audiences. D3 fans are oil and D2 fans are water. They do not go well together, and that is what it will always be.

The only time where both D3 and D2 fans were together was when Blizzard announced Diablo Immortal in 2018 and said “Do you guys not have phones?”. They actually screwed up so bad that they managed to unite the community as a whole again for a short amount of time.


To say any changes after release will go against what Diablo 2 is, is a pretty odd statement.

No. Not when the game was made 20 years ago and the last update was over 4 years ago.

You do realize that games like these receive patches during their primary support cycle?

This isn’t a new game. This is a remastered version of an existing game that has been played for 20 years.

Online multiplayer games usualy update balancing.

Blizzard had 20 years to balance this game. If it isn’t there yet, it will never be. Why start changing things now? 20 years later.

Launch LoD is a much different game than current. Launch D2 is no less D2 than what current is. Start off on 1.14 and let’s go from there.

It is not fundamentally different.