Diablo II Resurrected is a ___ REMASTER ___

1.10 was very fundamentally different from prior patches. I would say primary support ended for the game too after the 1.10 when og dev team left, and the team left in charge had issues with the game code. If the og dev team never left, the game could have been in a different place than now, but still would have been Diablo 2.

Now we have a new dev team, that seems to be doing great things with the code and eyes of D2 fans are gleaming again. With D4 probably being a couple of years away still, Blizzard is probably going to want to keep an eye on this community to keep non mobile gamers still interested in Diablo.


Yes, that’s why I support current minor QoL, and graphics on the game. Keep everything else the same including shared loot, etc. D2: R should be same as original D2 with a few minor upgrades, and we’re good to go! :smiley:


Overall I think we are too much afraid of change, I did not like 1.1 when it came.
It destroyed my beloved cow runs in which I made friends for life. It added synergies and runewords, completely changing diablo 2 at that time.

Before 1.1, I had some friends who had on battle net manipulated items. They had Ith Swords (which kind of resembled BOTD, but then with 6 free slots) Occu rings (stats of occulus but on a ring). Before 1.1 I also got TPPK quite often. HC public games were dead because of TPPK.

1.1 stopped most forms of TPPK, it killed cow runs and bloody foothill runs. But it also removed the bug from Lightning Echanted Multi Shot monsters. In my opinion, the game I played before 1.1 and after are very different games. People now say that they don’t want changes. At 1.09 I did not want any changes, still they came and I see people defending it like it is the original Diablo 2. We should all calm down, the devs already stated that overall it will be 1.14d with some Qol/ bug updates. I am happy to play finally on a higher resolution


Yea, I’m pumped. Can’t wait for launch! Honestly, I don’t care as much what they change, and keep the same! I’m gonna play D2: R either way! I loved playing 1.09 because there was no Enigma for every character to Teleport, and cows was the way to 99! But, I also loved 1.10 because of the new runewords, and Enigma gave a way for all characters to Teleport. So, in both of these patches I loved not having Enigma, but also loved having it when it came out. So, with that said with this remaster I’m going to play no matter what because it is a Diablo game. Diablo 4 life(no pun intended, lol)! :smiley:

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Yeah, once I had seen the “ith sword” and occu ring, these hacked items ruined the game in my opinion, then 1.1 came and on the list of runewords came out, I was like, they don’t beat the hackers, they just join them by adding these overpowered items. Overall I enjoy patch 1.14d, even with the OP items, they are rare and hard to make, but I miss some of the nostalgia (1.09 nova soc for cowing anyone?)

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Yea, I remember 1.09 very well. Could get to level 99 in less than a week doing cow runs! And, like I said no Enigma until the next patch after! Sorc was the go 2 for it’s teleporting to certain areas.

Blizz is a listed company and needs to generate returns for its shareholders. D2R has a potential to become a cash cow for the corporation. To get this they face a challenging community with a large share requesting a pure experience of D2. But given the simple fact that the game industry and game designs in general has changed in the last 20 years, it is naive to assume this remaster won’t be changed. And it already did. And further changes are to expected, otherwise there will be never a solution to block exploiters.

Nevertheless, if someone requests the same qol’s of mods, d3 and other rpgs, then they should continue to support those and should not request those changes for d2r from the early start on. However, they should be allowed to express those ideas with a general openness.

Because changes will come. Changes are not bad but offer opportunities for new experiences.

After being a fan of d2 from its very start, I caan rememenber my excitment when LOD was released. This change was fantastic.

And there are mods out there which are changing from season to season and have a driving community. This also shows that changes are not bad after all.

I really hope Blizz find a smooth way to introducing changing without turning this game upside down. For me mod support is great, but Blizz should allow community support for those mods as well. This game is a masterpiece from the fact that is encouraging interactions with others. If d2r should remain as little changed as possible, fans enjoying the change can always fall back on a community based mod. Offline mods in single players are not the same.


This is where SO many people are wrong, yes D2 was a great game FOR IT’S TIME…but the improvements to ARPG UI’s through the years woulda made it to D2 if Blizzard North wasn’t forced to close up shop soon after LoD released.

Even the original Dev’s have stated there were things with the game they were not happy with and wished they coulda changed it through the years with updates, but it couldn’t happen when the team was broken up. Brevik stated the Stamina Bar was the worst game design decision they made on the game and wished it never made it through to release, yet it did.

You can’t call a game a Masterpiece when even the original Devs are not 100% completely happy with the way the game turned out after LoD and wanted to make quality changes to it. You can definitely say for the year it was released the game was amazing, but like people aging and becoming a better or worse human being, so too do games. So through the ages the game started to show very obvious game design flaws that if given time woulda been fixed or improved upon by the Dev’s. The game did receive some patches up to a certain point, but NOT from the original Dev’s.

Aside from what I just posted, I am EXTREMELY excited to play this game in it’s entirety again even if they don’t make QoL changes that I would want, due to increased framerate and graphics and auto gold pickup alone, made me instantly reserve this game on day 1 of Blizzconline AND sign up for the Tech Alpha, hoping I can get in and make some suggestions and find bugs and help get this game into everyone’s hands as fast as possible.


Yes you can actually, artists tend to be overly critical and often ruin their own work in an effort to make it perfect. Perfection is an illusion that is not possible. Diablo 2 is a masterpiece and it was created by an entire team not a single individual

Again that is one person on a team of people who developed the game.

One person isn’t even the “Big Four”. No single person made diablo II it was a combined effort of the entire blizzard north team.

Also the stamina bar is completely a moot point after about level 20 why does it even matter?

But the question remains are they actually improvements?

Games have been chasing the diablo 2 magic for 20 years and many would say have still to this day failed to capture that magic.

They have made changes yes but I don’t think you can call them improvements if they fail to capture the D2 magic.

And it’s because what a lot of people don’t understand is you need the bad with the good to create that magic.

“Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world where none suffered, where everyone would be happy? It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed that we lacked the programming language to describe your “perfect world”. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through misery and suffering. So the perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from.”


BRO I MENTIONED 1 DEV comment and you run away with it like he was THE ONLY one that said there were things that weren’t liked…learn reading comprehension before you make dumb, stupid comments that didn’t even touch POINT on what I said…I SAID THE ORIGINAL DEVS <----- DEVS MEANS PLURAL <---- PLURAL MEANS MORE THAN ONE!!! Morons like you are the reason this world is a pile of garbage. MASTERPIECE means there’s literally nothing more the “ARTIST” can do to improve upon whatever they are working on…

“A piece of work by a craftsman accepted as qualification for membership of a guild as an acknowledged master.”

If the DEVS didn’t accept their work as a masterpiece then you sure as hell can’t. You are just a spectator and add nothing to their “ART” besides short-sighted criticism which inherently destroys said “ART”

And stop quoting Sci-fi movies as somehow showing evidence of something that even the DIRECTOR’S of that movie have NO clue about, outside their own fictitious little world. They don’t know anything more than we do on how HUMANS would react in a situation that has never been. That is some low IQ quoting there bro.

And NO, people have not CHASED D2’s magic, they sampled it, IMPROVED UPON it and created their own game. EVERY GAME IN EXISTENCE HAS DONE THIS WITH ALL GENRES. But in NO way have they tried to exactly copy what D2 does, D2 was just the baseline of what was to come…and is nowhere near perfect or even godlike status in the ARPG world…ignorant people will forever be Ignorant I suppose. Time to open your eyes bro. Stop praising something that isn’t worthy of praise but IS worthy of it’s own pedestal as the game that launched a genre.

The stamina bar is a minor detail about this game as it becomes irrelevant quickly. D2 has much bigger problems that should be addressed. Most of them will be addressed by porting it to the new BattleNet. But there are other problems.

We’ve seen this with WoW Classic. I’ve been on the #NOCHANGES faction, simply because the original WoW didn’t exist anymore up to that day. What I like about that game has stayed the same: The unique class and way slower gameplay. It doesn’t feel like a stupid rush to the top all the time.

As for D2, I’ve been playing it now and then over the past years, and the reasons why I always came back and the reasons why I always quit are always the same.

The fun thing about D2 is that it is an unpolished game. Same as about WoW Classic. What I’m talking about are builds like the Werebear Sorceres. In a modern, polished, game things like that are not possible 'cause you wouldn’t be able to play a Sorceres out of her intended design boundaries.

Creating a new character, thinking about which build you want to try, and progressing towards that goal is what makes D2 still appealing for me as of today. But sadly this doesnt work. Until Hell difficulty it is possible to play anything you want. But Hell is the point where balance issues really start to kick in. Some builds are facerolling through Hell without any gear at all, and some builds get stuck requiring gear that is unavailable playing untwinked.

I’ve had characters that got through Hell collecting the “garbage” “Pro-Players” didn’t even bother to pick up. Thats simply “getting carried” which isn’t fun at all.

For example my Martial Arts Assasine made it up until Act IV hell, but by that point it was impossible to progress without Bartuks and stuff like that. Finding a “decent” one by myself would had taken a lot of time while I could just ask in chat for someone handing me over their Bartuks which is, viewed from their perspective, just “trash” 'cause it isn’t “perfect”.

Another solution would have been to respec into Traps and basically play a Sorc-Assasine, steamrolling through everything like a real Sorceres does.

Where is the fun in that? Getting funneled into a small amount of Builds which are Hell Baal viable untwinked, doing an endless amount of Baal runs to get the best gear and push the weakest builds up to the point where they are able to get through, but are still a lot weaker then “Meta”-Builds.

Saying this I ended up playing Singleplayer only and creating the required Items for a build that I had in mind from the start, unlocking Hell difficulty right away and see how far “my” builds can make it, saving tons of time dealing with imbalancing issues and ladder resets, character experation, abysmal drop rates and all this trash.

The generic post-ladder-reset approach is like follows:
Pick an OP build which doesn’t need good gear (or any gear at all), stack MF as much as you can, farm high lvl areas as much as you can to get the gear the fun builds you want to play require, and then start to play what you really wanted to play in the first place, “finally” having fun trying out builds and optimizing them.

Espacially with the original staying alive after the remaster release the remaster can make changes. The original is maintained by the community anyway, they could even release a 1.15 patch and the original server source code and completly hand over the original game to the community, allowing them to do whatever they want while truning the D2 remaster into a “modern” classic game.

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They have not made fundamental changes to Diablo 2 since the LOD expansion pack. Also, Blizzard North was working on D3 when Blizzard disbanded them. I highly doubt they had plans for any major D2 patches.

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Maybe you should learn not being triggered THAT easily.

Who said that one thing about the stamina bar doesn’t matter since “the problem” solves itself after a few hours of playing. and therefor isn’t a problem at all, not even requiring ANY mention in these discussions. No matter WHO mentioned it first.

Yes, a gameplay element which becomes irrelevant shouldn’t be in the game in the first place. BUT IT DOESN’T MATTER!!! for this discussion.

I would call synergies, runewords that promoted cross class skills, a complete balancing change, etc a pretty fundamental change to how the game was played. It was still core Diablo 2, no less than it’s prior patches, but was a different experience than it’s prior self.

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Regarding OP runewords in general:

If anything I’d LOWER the droprates to what they were in 1.09 or whenever they were super low. I have no issues with things like Enigma etc staying as long as Bots&Dupes are properly dealt with. It’s never been fun to have several Enigmadins in every single game. There’s no prestige and ‘wow’ effect then if they’re all over the place due to bots&dupes.

The best topic to Diablo 2 R.
Thanks for this.
Diablo 2 R for Diablo 2 Player as first.

its a new remaster that will have wery much needed QoL changes, many of them are wery valid. if you want to play exactly the same d2 we do now, that one will still be left.

i want to see a personal loot system, it could be an option when you create a hero or create a game, so everyone will be happy.

the action bar that controll UI will have should be an option for pc and mouse aswell.

Charms should get there own little inventory.

there is loads of more great QoL updates, stamina bar could get a re work aswell, dont want any changes? stick do OG d2.

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even if its a masterpiece, its not perfect and could need alot of balance changes and more QoL.

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QoL are okay but not necessary. Actually, you could take over the game 1 to 1 and it would still be absolutely awesome